Your Parents view on a Game you were Playing


New member
Nov 11, 2008
How do you parents react when they watch the game your playing ?

My parents don't seem to care or notice what happens when they watch me playing a game

When i play MGS4 my dad is only intrested in the cut scenes (I'd say because they tell a great story)

While if i play any FPS my parents see no interest mainly because they probaly don't understand whats going on in game but my Grandma Hates FPS see says it's because they make her dizzy.

But in Games like Burnout Paradise (where it's easy to notice whats going) it bothers me that they never make any commentry none on Graphics or how amazing something looked when i did it.

So My parents Overall view when they see me playing a Game

Is like they don't care at all or have no interest regardless of what happens in a game
but when it's something like a swear word then they end up wanting to know more about the game

Whats your Parents view on a Game they watched you Playing ?


New member
Oct 11, 2008
My dad is actually interested in and somewhat good at video games. I got him into Half Life, and he's been bugging me recently so he could play Half Life 2 :p

My mom only plays Animal Crossing. Everynow and then she sees me playing another game and comments on the graphics or something. She can be kinda dense, though... she has no grasp on the concept of save points, and yesterday I was playing Mirror's Edge and she thought it was just a video.

I've lucked out, though. Both of my parents didn't care much when a game was violent or had harsh language. They realize I wasn't one of those kids that see it in a game and then go and get all "inspired" by the game and become a violent person. Cause that happens all the time! /sarcasm


New member
Nov 11, 2008
ZeroMachine said:
she has no grasp on the concept of save points,

I've lucked out, though. Both of my parents didn't care much when a game was violent or had harsh language. They realize I wasn't one of those kids that see it in a game and then go and get all "inspired" by the game and become a violent person. Cause that happens all the time! /sarcasm
HAHA funny last bit !

But understanding save points is a vital thing to learn even in real life you should make sure she see's why,,, otherwise when she needs one she won't have one.


New member
Dec 16, 2008
My parents have always been immpressed by, but completely uninterested in games, they can appreciate the glory that is Fallout 3, but they'd never want to play it themselves.

Monkfish Acc.

New member
May 7, 2008
My mum is indifferent really. She'll comment on a particularily bad piece of dialogue, but that's about it.
She would not shut up when I played Two Worlds. I'm pretty sure she started looking for things to do in my room just so she could mock the "verily"s and "tis"s.


New member
Nov 11, 2008
Monkfish Acc. said:
My mum is indifferent really. She'll comment on a particularily bad piece of dialogue, but that's about it.
She would not shut up when I played Two Worlds. I'm pretty sure she started looking for things to do in my room just so she could mock the "verily"s and "tis"s.
I haven't played Two worlds so could you enlighten me on "verily"s and "tis"s ?


New member
Apr 9, 2009
Yeah, my parents don't really comment on anything I play. Unless they're a little disgusted by the gore...


New member
Apr 20, 2009
I'm In a house of gamers so there really isn't any comments apart from "Hey is that game good?" or "*insert game name here* is better then that" or " Can I play too??"

Unless it's my mum... Then it's "How did you do that" "What's happening" "Why are you doing that" "Awwwwww that's cute... WHY ARE YOU KILLING IT!!!" (that happend when i killed this bunny thing in Final Fantasy XII... she scared me ;[ )


New member
Sep 14, 2008
My parents bought me the Witcher (18+ in my country), so I guess they are okay with me playing games.

Slash Dementia

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Apr 6, 2009
My dad used to play a lot of video games. I think he bought the NES for himself rather than my brothers and I. He also liked the Sega Genesis. He likes video games, but he doesn't play that many anymore. Assassin's Creed, Prince of Persia, Bomberman: Act Zero, and Mortal Kombat are the only ones he plays now.

My mother on the other hand never cared for them and always saw them as a waste of time (unless she's playing Tetris or Pacman). She watches my brothers and I play games sometimes...she thinks Fallout 3 makes us violent. My mom always listens to the story and instructions that it gives us. The only time I've seen her really into watching a game is when I was playing Left 4 Dead.

Slash Dementia

New member
Apr 6, 2009
LockHeart said:
Yeah, my parents don't really comment on anything I play. Unless they're a little disgusted by the gore...
Don't you feel like amping up the gore when they do that? I got the Bloody Mess perk in Fallout 3 just for that.

Monkfish Acc.

New member
May 7, 2008
Monkfish Acc. said:
My mum is indifferent really. She'll comment on a particularily bad piece of dialogue, but that's about it.
She would not shut up when I played Two Worlds. I'm pretty sure she started looking for things to do in my room just so she could mock the "verily"s and "tis"s.
I haven't played Two worlds so could you enlighten me on "verily"s and "tis"s ?
Two Worlds has some of the most corny dialogue I have ever heard in a game(besides Resident Evil, of course). Every bit of it is in badly overdone "ye olde speake".
I'm telling you, it was so bad it was good. By the halfway point, the sheer narminess of it all was what kept me playing.


New member
Mar 7, 2009
When I was five, I was playing Warcraft III, and my mother walked in the room just as the soldier said "you sick b*stards, you'll never get away with..."
She kinda had a fit.


New member
May 17, 2008
My grandma actually thought Far Cry was pretty funny, well, that was because I spent a lot of time sleeping with the fishes, and also maybe, because I'm originally from a tropical island.

Dok Zombie

New member
Apr 24, 2008
When playing FFX my dad came in at the point where Sin emerges out of the sea and said. "What is this, Moby Dick: The Game?" Then when it destroys that town he said. "You lost, you're shit at this."


New member
Feb 3, 2009
I was playing the PS version of Chrono Trigger, with the added anime cinematics, and my mom kept calling it Dragon Ball Z.

Ben Legend

New member
Apr 16, 2009
Well seeing as my younger brother has walked in on me when the sex scene on farenheit/Indigo Prophecy was playing, and then again, during the mass effect one, he must think I have some serious issues with games/sex.