Your Parents view on a Game you were Playing

Elderly Possum

New member
Mar 2, 2009
My parents are awesome when it comes to games my dad played halo and after some persuasion I got him to play Max payne now he's completely addicted to it. my mum's old skool and totally into nintendo she plays SNES and gamecube and when I asked her if she liked the Wii she told me she'd rather strangle an orphan... the funniest thing I've ever heard


New member
Nov 19, 2008
I was playing Burnout Paradise, a Takedown. My mother comes in and asks "Can't you drive properly, why are you crashing all the time?"
"it's kinda the objective, mom"
My dad, however, thinks that all games are for kids (don't ask me why), yet he sometimes seems pretty interested in them.
Feb 14, 2008
My dad: "What game are you playing?"
Me: "Quake live"
My dad: "It's not one of those violent games, is it?"
Me: "No it's about tricking you opponents to eat cakes with valium."

-A running gag between me and my dad.

My dad's a gamer, He's better at Halo than me.


New member
Nov 29, 2007
My folks never got into video games and really never paid much attention to the ones I was playing. Though I do remember my dad getting a chuckle about some of the lines in Monkey Island 3. But really, you would have to be devoid of any sense of humor in order to NOT find that game funny. Really all it proves is my dad is human. As for my mom, I once had a thirty minute conversation with her trying to explain what WoW was. And even after explaining it all, she was like "I don't understand"


Can you feel around inside?
Dec 22, 2008
My dad used to LOVE playing old platformers, especially Sonic games back in the day (He said the Genesis was for him but it's ALL MINE wah ha ha) but he just does not get Guitar Hero. I explained the game to him but he couldn't get past the fact that the game didn't actually teach you how to play guitar. For some reason this couldn't hold his interest, despite the fact that he used to be a bad guitar player and gave up on it when he was in high school. "It's like playing all the songs you used to want to play, only being able to play them" I said, but he never really liked the idea. I dunno.

Also, my mom likes World of Warcraft.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Mothers do not understand gaming.

She walks in on me playing Killzone2, or CoD, and says (She's said this SO MANY TIMES) "Is this one of those 'shooty-bang-bang' games?" Shooty-bang-bang. It's her favourite phrase. She prefers me going on LBP because its the only game thats nice. She doesnt when i make a nice spring time level then drop bombs on it all.


Escapist Points: 9001
Oct 14, 2007
It depends on the game. They've bought a number for both my brother and I over the years, mostly tame stuff. Violent games they're not so fond of though neither is terribly naive to expect that we don't play them.

There's a general atmosphere of "Meh" surrounding the playing, so long as it's not at 2am after three straight days of play. That's easy enough.


TF2 Group Admin
May 1, 2008
WeevilStew said:
As for my mom, I once had a thirty minute conversation with her trying to explain what WoW was. And even after explaining it all, she was like "I don't understand"
You think that's bad? Up until about a year ago, I wasn't allowed to hook my games machine up to the internet. Someone got me WoW for christmas (Played it for three months, haven't touched it since) so I went out and got myself a WiFi adapter.

I'm playing away during the holidays, and my dad walks in, looks at my screen and says "What you doing?"
I manage to hide the chat bar and turn away from the others so their chat wouldn't appear on screen, then tell him "I'm doing a mission, my job is to get as many of the opposition to attack me at the same time, that way the person who I'm escorting can stay alive".

He watches me playing in Druid-bear form, before saying "you know, this is a bit violent. I'm not sure I like you playing this."

Bloody parents... I steer clear of games like Manhunt, and he reckons WoW is violent? It doesn't even have real-gore injuries...


New member
Nov 1, 2007
My mum plays quite a few games, just not twitchy FPSs and action games. She plays a lot of puzzle games on her DS like Professor Layton, and when I was younger me and her used to stumble our way though the Myst games. Mostly she doesn't see me play video games, I remember watching me play Left 4 Dead the other day and saying "Oh god, it's so violent." I could understand why, I was getting multiple head shots and brains where exploding everywhere.

My Dad barely ever sees me play games at all, and when he does, he doesn't understand whats going on. I can understand this, as his full gaming experience is flaying around on Wii Sports and one week of his life where he played Civilization. I remember him watching me play Mass Effect and saying "Wow, it looks like a movie"


New member
Apr 15, 2009
I remember playing Shadow of Rome years ago when I was younger. My mum saw me playing and went crazy. "OH MY GOD THAT'S DISGUSTING! We're taking this game back!" I laughed, and continued playing. And now when I play a gory game like Gears or Fallout I get the occasional "Nice...." and once I got "How do you even sleep at night?"

Oh those folks of mine.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
RoboPenguin said:
It seems that my dad doesn't really care about video games with a notable exception for games that allow you to choose a "light" or "dark" path. And even then he only doesn't like them when either me or my brother chooses the dark path because he's disappointed in us for not taking the moral high road. He's really good at FPS games in multi player.

My mom on the other hand... she hates video games. She is dead set that they are a waste of time and frequently interrupts my playing. She'll come in and tell me to go do something for her. When she wants something done, she wants it done now. After all, "It's not real. It doesn't matter 'cause it's just a game". When she doesn't have anything for me to do, she tells me to go do something productive. It's funny, she sits and stares at a TV for hours but when I stare at a screen (and am actually useing my brain) for hours she gets in a tiz.
I know the best way to cath her out or if you need to prove her wrong
use the "Fact and Opinion" speech where you say how what she is saying is only opinion and can not be used to justify her statement since it is not a fact

other one's are

1. Tell her what would happen if games didn't exist e.g. worse econemy ,lesser idea's, less creativity, another form of art gone and many other things

2. Or you could use the Good old fashion "Atleats i'm not doing Drugs,or out having unprotectedsex" speech

there are so many ways to counter someone like this since it is a offcial fact that now people shouldn't mess with gamers because we will kick those peoples ass.
See, I'm old enough were I don't need to argue my opinion. I just live with my parents and for the most part they respect me and I try to do the same. It's not like she's telling me I can't play (not like she could make me anyway) just that she doesn't like me playing and tends to frequently interrupt me. I prefer a peaceful house so I do what she asks me to do when it comes to housework and ignore her when she tells me to do something "productive".


New member
Jan 7, 2009
Dad used to be kinda into games. I'm pretty sure he bought our SNES more for himself than my sister and me, but I don't think he plays at all anymore. Except maybe pinball, but that doesn't count. He doesn't mind us playing, though.

My mom usually sit by the tv doing... I dunno, crossword puzzles or something, while we're playing, and will every now and then look up to ask who's playing as what character - followed by a reply of naming characterstics of the characters she don't know and simply naming the ones she can. For instance, while playing SSBB the reply would be along the lines of;

"Sarah's the gay guy with the sword, Johanna's Luigi, Fredrik's the kid with the striped clothes and Dessan is the one who's constantly DEAD... but when she's not walking off the edge of the stage, she's Link."

She's never showed any direct interest in any of the games, but she certainly doesn't mind us playing. Hell, I even think she might know what I play as in WoW *gasp*

The Great JT

New member
Oct 6, 2008
I was playing Warcraft 3 at my grandparents' house once and my grandma just said that the sound of orc weapons smashing human heads in was uncomforting.

Onyx Oblivion

Borderlands Addict. Again.
Sep 9, 2008
Never let parents see you playing Saint's Row 2. Its hard to explain it to them...

But my Dad really liked the Gex games, thanks to the pop culture references.


New member
Sep 19, 2008
When I was playing the original MGS my mother asked what I'm doing I replied
"I am saving the world from thermonuclear terrorists"
she replied deadpan "I'm proud of you dear." Then told me to do my chores.


New member
Dec 16, 2008
I was playing GTA when I was nine, but my mom was smart enough to realize they wouldn't affect me. I was also still mostly playing Mario at the time. She still doesn't like GTA and always says, "Why don't you play something else?" But now my XBox is in the basement, so nobody is down there to comment on it.

Edit- The most annoying thing, is after playing for only like an hour, my dad says "Get off that thing!!" to which I respond (if I want to get off) "I just have to save it!" he then says "Save it?? There is nothing to save, it is just a game, why do you need to save it!?!?!"

I have heard that one too many times.


New member
Jan 13, 2009
everytime me and my dad sits at dinner talking about WoW, my mom always says "ur talking blank for me" (my dad plays WoW more than me).