Your Parents view on a Game you were Playing


New member
Aug 16, 2008
My parents are really picky, up until recently they wouldn't let me play violent games at all.

They still don't like it, when I'm playing Fallout 3; they always comment on how violent it is... So, not to piss off my mother; I tend to not brutally murder people while she's looking.


New member
Jul 11, 2008
I think we could all have done with educating our parents on save points, the idea that if you can give us five minutes to get to the next save point, we'll be far more accomodating to what you want us to do next, than if you just come in and go 'you - come with me now!'.

Of course there's not always the time, but it'd be nice if games got the same deal as TV, most rational people will let you watch til the end of a show, or at least an ad break, yet expect you just to up n quit.

Yeah, I know there's a pause, but even so...

Eldritch Warlord

New member
Jun 6, 2008
My parents walked in on me and my brother playing the last level of Halo 2. Johnson says: "Hey, bastards, knock knock!"

My mother: "What did he just say?" (rhetorically)

Me: "Of course you walk in to hear the only swear word in the entire game."

And my dad thought it was absolutely hilarious when I pulled out my crowbar in Half-Life 2, had to hit everything in sight.

Dok Zombie

New member
Apr 24, 2008
I bloody hate how parents have that habit of wanting to talk to you just as the final cutscene of a game starts. I've spent weeks completing this thing, kindly shut up so I can see how it ends!

Pausable cutscenes should be a legal requirement.


New member
Nov 11, 2008
danskrobut said:
my parents laughed at me after hearingthe opening song of fallout 3
Opening as in the "War never Changes Speech" or The music that plays when your at the main menu ?

and can you explain why they found that music funny ? (Considering the nature of the game it fits perfectly :) )

Arkfeller said:
"Are you shooting people?"

Mum's view on a shooter that I can't remember the name of.
This reminds me of the time when my dad said to me "Are you Burning People ?"


New member
Nov 11, 2008
Dok Zombie said:
I bloody hate how parents have that habit of wanting to talk to you just as the final cutscene of a game starts. I've spent weeks completing this thing, kindly shut up so I can see how it ends!

Pausable cutscenes should be a legal requirement.
I can sympathise with you

i was so joyed when i found out i could pause the cut scenes in MGS4 since my mum or dad or whoever is bound to start talking to me at the wrong time

(Especially my grandma..... i'm in a Search and Destroy match on COD and i'm the last man standing and i'm trying to get a headshot using a sniper rifle that only has one bullet,, my grandma comes in the way and starts talking on "Should we go to Pizze hut ?"

the other teams sniper sniped me me within the following 4 seconds ! )


New member
Apr 14, 2009
It seems that my dad doesn't really care about video games with a notable exception for games that allow you to choose a "light" or "dark" path. And even then he only doesn't like them when either me or my brother chooses the dark path because he's disappointed in us for not taking the moral high road. He's really good at FPS games in multi player.

My mom on the other hand... she hates video games. She is dead set that they are a waste of time and frequently interrupts my playing. She'll come in and tell me to go do something for her. When she wants something done, she wants it done now. After all, "It's not real. It doesn't matter 'cause it's just a game". When she doesn't have anything for me to do, she tells me to go do something productive. It's funny, she sits and stares at a TV for hours but when I stare at a screen (and am actually useing my brain) for hours she gets in a tiz.


New member
Oct 22, 2008
My mom would never touch them, but my dad loves them. In fact, I got him addicted to Morrowind.


New member
Feb 20, 2009
My dad isn't that interested in video games. He does get a little interested when I'm playing WWII games tho.
And my mom loves games like Tetris, Zoo Keeper and Mario Kart.
Dok Zombie said:
When playing FFX my dad came in at the point where Sin emerges out of the sea and said. "What is this, Moby Dick: The Game?" Then when it destroys that town he said. "You lost, you're shit at this."
Sounds like my cousin/neighbours dad, he's allways there pulling off those kinds of comments when someone is playing a game.

Daniel Cygnus

New member
Jan 19, 2009
My parents don't really care. My mom watched me play Fallout 3 once, and she saw me decapitate a dog. All she said was "Eww, gross." My dad loves FPS's, and he's the one that got me into the genre in the first place with the original Doom. I repaid the favor with HL2 and Bioshock.


New member
Jan 5, 2008
While playing Grand Theft Auto IV, my Dad said, as I was driving through an exploding chain of cars and running over people,

"Drive carefully...oh, and shoot that cop through the windshield!"


New member
Nov 1, 2008
no matter what game I'm playing, my mom goes "all you ever do is run around"..


DM master

New member
Feb 21, 2009
My Mum likes to come and play a few songs of GH drums but thats about it for her. Dad will come and stand and watch for about 5 mins when he walks past if theres something going on and will usually comment something like go outside and play with the dog :p

But otherwise they dont rly bother me.

Inverse Skies

New member
Feb 3, 2009
They never showed any interest in what I was playing when I lived with them and now I live out of home they don't even know what I'm playing. So I guess just a lack of interest all around.


New member
Nov 11, 2008
RoboPenguin said:
It seems that my dad doesn't really care about video games with a notable exception for games that allow you to choose a "light" or "dark" path. And even then he only doesn't like them when either me or my brother chooses the dark path because he's disappointed in us for not taking the moral high road. He's really good at FPS games in multi player.

My mom on the other hand... she hates video games. She is dead set that they are a waste of time and frequently interrupts my playing. She'll come in and tell me to go do something for her. When she wants something done, she wants it done now. After all, "It's not real. It doesn't matter 'cause it's just a game". When she doesn't have anything for me to do, she tells me to go do something productive. It's funny, she sits and stares at a TV for hours but when I stare at a screen (and am actually useing my brain) for hours she gets in a tiz.
I know the best way to cath her out or if you need to prove her wrong
use the "Fact and Opinion" speech where you say how what she is saying is only opinion and can not be used to justify her statement since it is not a fact

other one's are

1. Tell her what would happen if games didn't exist e.g. worse econemy ,lesser idea's, less creativity, another form of art gone and many other things

2. Or you could use the Good old fashion "Atleats i'm not doing Drugs,or out having unprotectedsex" speech

there are so many ways to counter someone like this since it is a offcial fact that now people shouldn't mess with gamers because we will kick those peoples ass.


New member
Jun 29, 2008
I'm playing a violent game, my parents come in the room.
"Edward, what is this? This is treacherous."
Non-violent game.