Your Top 5 Annoying Things In TF2

Spambot 3000

New member
Aug 8, 2011
I feel that stuff that isn't weapons or clases can fall under the blanket statement of 'bad/wanker players' so:
(Stuff that kinda irks me but I can deal with)
5. Snipers
4. Soldiers
3. Medics

(Stuff that if you use you can go choke on a dick and die)
2. The Eyelander
1. The Baby Face's Blaster


New member
Jun 2, 2010
1. Mini sentries. As someone who is playing a lot of Scout lately, they annoy me as they require no skill. Normal sentries are fine because they take time and effort to build and set up so they've earned their kills/assists but the Gunslinger requires no skill.

2. People who paint things like beards and hats lime green or pink. As a hat fanatic, I love seeing what people can make their characters look like but seeing a soldier with a neon green Santa beard is just annoying. Get some imagination.

3. People who rage if you're having fun. As someone who likes to play Payload race, the most casual mode there is, I hate seeing people who rage if you dare to have fun or stop pushing the cart for 5 seconds and spam the chat.

4. People who kill you as you're about to taunt kill. Snipers are my favourite thing to kill and if I'm about to get the hadoken kill and another sniper kills me, why? I wouldn't mind if they killed me immediately after but you need a sense of humour. It would have been awesome.

5. Idiot engies who put their sentries on last or near the payload delivery place and sit there. For the whole game, contributing nothing and only setting up teleporters that go from spawn to their sentry nest that's 5 seconds away. Help the team.

Bonus rant: When you join a team that has no spies, for example. You go spy and do relatively well and immediately there are 5 other spies. Why would you do that? Worse if I'm in the mood to spy but my team spirit forces me to go soldier. You are the worst.

Brown Cap

New member
Jan 6, 2009
I have two major beefs.

- AFK players, in general. If I'm playing MVM, it can be bothersome to fail a round because the Heavy was stuck at an upgrade station the whole time. I'd rather you just leave the server and we work with one less person.

- People asking for classes. "We need a medic! We need an Engineer! Where's the Heavy?"
Listen, brainiac. If you want us to have a specific class, you can volunteer yourself.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
5) Spending in inordinate amount of time getting yourself deep within enemy territory as a Spy, only to be killed by enemies spy-checking the obscure corner you're hiding in, completely at random.

4) Being pushed off a ledge by the mini-sentry.

3) Mann Co. Supply Crates, and the sense of disappointment that accompanies receiving one.

2) Scouts.

1) Elitists. It's Team Fortress 2. It's all about fun. I cannot understand an elitist attitude in this, of all games.


Senior Member
Jun 8, 2010
I'm not bothered by anything in TF2 as I uninstalled it not long after Valve introduced trading. No loss, I'd already played it for several years and gotten my full enjoyment out of the balanced team perfection on display in it's initial vanilla state.

Everything since is a bastardization of a brilliant game that I was not going to stick around to witness personally.


New member
Feb 7, 2014
Whatislove said:
I pretty much exclusively play Scout and what's worse is that I also use the shortstop (knowingly gimping myself but 18k kills and 1000 dominations tracked on it) but lately I've been using the baby face blaster, after the buff. I always use the pocket pistol in secondary for the no fall damage and extra health and the atomizer in the melee slot for the third jump.

1. Air blasts from a Pyro - I don't understand why I am completely immobilized, especially since I have triple jump, I can fully understand the airblast taking up 1 jump slot (like it does when you fall off something rather than jump off) but all 3? I get air blasted and I just can't move, doesn't matter if I'm out in the open or up against a wall.

2. Puff and sting Pyros - for the same reason as 1, I'm completely immobilized after a puff, a single reserve shooter hit kills me, even with 140 health.

3. Burn time - A single flare shot has enough burn time to take me from 100 > 0, and a single touch from the backburner or a crit from any other flamethrower has enough burn to do the same.

4. Why won't they buff the shortstop, after the set nerf it is really shitty compared to the stock and baby face (after the buff), I can usually 1v1 scouts using the stock or BFB but that is because I am smart and stay at a distance with my triple jump but a single lucky shot if they get close enough is enough to almost one shot me, meanwhile, I've hit them 10 times at medium range to do the exact same they did to me in a single shot. It's effect is useless because the extra healing doesn't apply to dispensers or medics so it tries to shoe horn you into using the mad milk. It needs a damage buff and the fall off needs to be dropped considerably, or give it back the original reload speed it had before it was nerfed into oblivion when the milkman set gave +15 health.

5. Pyros - I just hate them, might as well chuck in the degreaser/powerjack combo... 1 puff and I'm stuck against a wall and with the powerjack they move just as fast as I do (unless I'm fully boosted using the BFB), axetinguisher is equally shit, giving them free one shots.

Don't get me wrong, I don't just fall over and die to pyros, but a good degreaser pyro is absolutely ridiculous, kills in under a second. They need to make the reserve shooter different for pyros and soldiers, exactly like the pistols are different for engys and scouts. Pyros didn't need the latest buff to the reserve shooter.
errrm dude, the shortstop is awesome, unlike the others scout weapons is meant to be used from a medium distance, not up close, this means you can keep your distance between the enemy and you and be a much harder target to hit, dont allow enemy scouts to get close and you can get on top in most engagements


New member
Oct 25, 2012
NuclearKangaroo said:
Whatislove said:
I pretty much exclusively play Scout and what's worse is that I also use the shortstop (knowingly gimping myself but 18k kills and 1000 dominations tracked on it) but lately I've been using the baby face blaster, after the buff. I always use the pocket pistol in secondary for the no fall damage and extra health and the atomizer in the melee slot for the third jump.

1. Air blasts from a Pyro - I don't understand why I am completely immobilized, especially since I have triple jump, I can fully understand the airblast taking up 1 jump slot (like it does when you fall off something rather than jump off) but all 3? I get air blasted and I just can't move, doesn't matter if I'm out in the open or up against a wall.

2. Puff and sting Pyros - for the same reason as 1, I'm completely immobilized after a puff, a single reserve shooter hit kills me, even with 140 health.

3. Burn time - A single flare shot has enough burn time to take me from 100 > 0, and a single touch from the backburner or a crit from any other flamethrower has enough burn to do the same.

4. Why won't they buff the shortstop, after the set nerf it is really shitty compared to the stock and baby face (after the buff), I can usually 1v1 scouts using the stock or BFB but that is because I am smart and stay at a distance with my triple jump but a single lucky shot if they get close enough is enough to almost one shot me, meanwhile, I've hit them 10 times at medium range to do the exact same they did to me in a single shot. It's effect is useless because the extra healing doesn't apply to dispensers or medics so it tries to shoe horn you into using the mad milk. It needs a damage buff and the fall off needs to be dropped considerably, or give it back the original reload speed it had before it was nerfed into oblivion when the milkman set gave +15 health.

5. Pyros - I just hate them, might as well chuck in the degreaser/powerjack combo... 1 puff and I'm stuck against a wall and with the powerjack they move just as fast as I do (unless I'm fully boosted using the BFB), axetinguisher is equally shit, giving them free one shots.

Don't get me wrong, I don't just fall over and die to pyros, but a good degreaser pyro is absolutely ridiculous, kills in under a second. They need to make the reserve shooter different for pyros and soldiers, exactly like the pistols are different for engys and scouts. Pyros didn't need the latest buff to the reserve shooter.
errrm dude, the shortstop is awesome, unlike the others scout weapons is meant to be used from a medium distance, not up close, this means you can keep your distance between the enemy and you and be a much harder target to hit, dont allow enemy scouts to get close and you can get on top in most engagements
Did you even read my whole post? lol...

I said those exact things in it, all of it, I know how to use my shortstop. Like I said, It has 18,000 kills, 1000+ dominations, 1000+ destructions and almost 3000 snipers killed; My highest killstreak with it is 48.

It doesn't take away from the fact that is is hugely underwhelming compared to the stock and the baby face blaster. You need near perfect aim at medium range to do any decent amount of damage, and that damage is still not enough to kill bulkier classes.

It's medium range damage is actually rivaled by a regular shotgun, a secondary for other classes. The shortstop pulls just ahead of the shotgun at medium range but it is eclipsed at close range.

It's a medium range weapon that has a huge damage fall-off and a huge damage range (from 24 to 48 per pellet at medium range).

It doesn't ever make it worth using, it'll take 4-6 perfectly placed shots at medium range to kill a soldier... or 2 shots with a baby face blaster at close range, which is easy because you move ridiculously fast.

The shortstop requires a lot more work for pretty much less than you get from the stock and baby face, which do more damage, have a wider bullet spread making aiming easier and in the case of the BFB offer way better perks.

I love my shortstop more than anything, but it is in desperate need of a buff, it's damage at medium range needs a bump and the damage range needs to be tighter, it needs less fall-off going into long range and/or needs a decent perk.


New member
Feb 7, 2014
Whatislove said:
NuclearKangaroo said:
Whatislove said:
I pretty much exclusively play Scout and what's worse is that I also use the shortstop (knowingly gimping myself but 18k kills and 1000 dominations tracked on it) but lately I've been using the baby face blaster, after the buff. I always use the pocket pistol in secondary for the no fall damage and extra health and the atomizer in the melee slot for the third jump.

1. Air blasts from a Pyro - I don't understand why I am completely immobilized, especially since I have triple jump, I can fully understand the airblast taking up 1 jump slot (like it does when you fall off something rather than jump off) but all 3? I get air blasted and I just can't move, doesn't matter if I'm out in the open or up against a wall.

2. Puff and sting Pyros - for the same reason as 1, I'm completely immobilized after a puff, a single reserve shooter hit kills me, even with 140 health.

3. Burn time - A single flare shot has enough burn time to take me from 100 > 0, and a single touch from the backburner or a crit from any other flamethrower has enough burn to do the same.

4. Why won't they buff the shortstop, after the set nerf it is really shitty compared to the stock and baby face (after the buff), I can usually 1v1 scouts using the stock or BFB but that is because I am smart and stay at a distance with my triple jump but a single lucky shot if they get close enough is enough to almost one shot me, meanwhile, I've hit them 10 times at medium range to do the exact same they did to me in a single shot. It's effect is useless because the extra healing doesn't apply to dispensers or medics so it tries to shoe horn you into using the mad milk. It needs a damage buff and the fall off needs to be dropped considerably, or give it back the original reload speed it had before it was nerfed into oblivion when the milkman set gave +15 health.

5. Pyros - I just hate them, might as well chuck in the degreaser/powerjack combo... 1 puff and I'm stuck against a wall and with the powerjack they move just as fast as I do (unless I'm fully boosted using the BFB), axetinguisher is equally shit, giving them free one shots.

Don't get me wrong, I don't just fall over and die to pyros, but a good degreaser pyro is absolutely ridiculous, kills in under a second. They need to make the reserve shooter different for pyros and soldiers, exactly like the pistols are different for engys and scouts. Pyros didn't need the latest buff to the reserve shooter.
errrm dude, the shortstop is awesome, unlike the others scout weapons is meant to be used from a medium distance, not up close, this means you can keep your distance between the enemy and you and be a much harder target to hit, dont allow enemy scouts to get close and you can get on top in most engagements
Did you even read my whole post? lol...

I said those exact things in it, all of it, I know how to use my shortstop. Like I said, It has 18,000 kills, 1000+ dominations, 1000+ destructions and almost 3000 snipers killed; My highest killstreak with it is 48.

It doesn't take away from the fact that is is hugely underwhelming compared to the stock and the baby face blaster. You need near perfect aim at medium range to do any decent amount of damage, and that damage is still not enough to kill bulkier classes.

It's medium range damage is actually rivaled by a regular shotgun, a secondary for other classes. The shortstop pulls just ahead of the shotgun at medium range but it is eclipsed at close range.

It's a medium range weapon that has a huge damage fall-off and a huge damage range (from 24 to 48 per pellet at medium range).

It doesn't ever make it worth using, it'll take 4-6 perfectly placed shots at medium range to kill a soldier... or 2 shots with a baby face blaster at close range, which is easy because you move ridiculously fast.

The shortstop requires a lot more work for pretty much less than you get from the stock and baby face, which do more damage, have a wider bullet spread making aiming easier and in the case of the BFB offer way better perks.

I love my shortstop more than anything, but it is in desperate need of a buff, it's damage at medium range needs a bump and the damage range needs to be tighter, it needs less fall-off going into long range and/or needs a decent perk.
yes its damage at medium range is comparable to the shotgun... except it fires twice as fast and reloads faster

the wider bullet spread of the other shotugns actually make it harder to use it effectively at long range, like i said, the advantage of the ST is that you can effectively attack the enemy at medium range with it, yes you can do more damage with other shotguns at point blank, you you are also an easier target, a soldier for instance, can instakill you with a direct hit at close range

the shortstop is fine


New member
Feb 7, 2014
3asytarg3t said:
I'm not bothered by anything in TF2 as I uninstalled it not long after Valve introduced trading. No loss, I'd already played it for several years and gotten my full enjoyment out of the balanced team perfection on display in it's initial vanilla state.

Everything since is a bastardization of a brilliant game that I was not going to stick around to witness personally.
man this always pisses me off, the game wouldve probably died years ago if valve didnt keep updating it, is not the bastardization of anything, you might not like the changes but the mayority of the players disagree, given the fact TF2 has more players today than back in the vanilla days

and you can also play in vanilla servers, if you find any
Sep 14, 2009
Elvis Starburst said:
Neverhoodian said:
On a related note, I've had sprays disabled for years now. One can only take so many goatse images before throwing in the towel.
I severely regret looking that up T_T
haha oh god, your avatar picture goes perfect with your post :D (fortunately/unfortunately, I've looked it up before too)


Neverhoodian said:
1. Blatant team stacking. TF2 is at its best when matches are a challenge for both sides, requiring players to utilize good teamwork to prevail. I can't stand it when all the skilled players deliberately join one team and faceroll the competition. It's frustrating if I'm on the losing side and boring if I'm on the winning side. It indicates to me that they're too cowardly and insecure to handle the prospect of losing, so they ruin the experience for everyone else. Go play a match against bots or a single player FPS if you're that desperate for some empowerment. Bonus points if they re-stack after teams have been scrambled and/or respond with "lrn 2 play n00b" when you call them out on it.
This is annoying as hell when it is coupled with pocket medics, dear god before I stopped playing there were a few servers where 2-3 people would always log in at the same times and just pocket medic each other the whole game, and they would leave as soon as any one of them had to leave so none of em would get fucking owned for not having their trifecta of vaccinator medic + kritzkreig medic + beggars bazooka usually. Funny thing was they would occasionally still get owned even with that, but they would talk ridiculous amounts of trash like they were tf2 gods when they would just go hide somewhere no one really runs by, build uber, then rush into a base, get 4-5 kills, then run out and rinse and repeat.

Uhura said:
3. People who get headshot by snipers inside the spawn right when the round starts.
Most spawns have the main door and usually the opposing team has Snipers who specifically target that door (and already aim at your head during the countdown). Just use one of the other doors. Or stand in cover. That's all I ask. This happens a lot when I'm healing Heavies and it gets a bit tiresome when you have to pop the uber inside the spawn just so the Heavy doesn't die immediately when the round starts.
I have to really laugh at this, a few of the times I would play sniper at the beginning of a payload/cp match heavies would do this, when they have such a huge fucking dome you think they would hide it or move around.....but nope, apparently the user matches the class in this case.

Cowabungaa said:
3: Mini-sentries. They make playing Scout preeetty annoying.
I wouldn't be bothered so much by these if they shortened the range a bit on them (seriously, annoying as hell getting hit by one that can see maybe 2 pixels of your skin from its viewpoint) and made them a bit more expensive for engie's to make. it's annoying as hell when the other team has 2-3 engies multiplying them like bunnies for every single one I take down.


New member
Oct 25, 2012
NuclearKangaroo said:
yes its damage at medium range is comparable to the shotgun... except it fires twice as fast and reloads faster

the wider bullet spread of the other shotugns actually make it harder to use it effectively at long range, like i said, the advantage of the ST is that you can effectively attack the enemy at medium range with it, yes you can do more damage with other shotguns at point blank, you you are also an easier target, a soldier for instance, can instakill you with a direct hit at close range

the shortstop is fine
The reload time was nerfed, it's effective DPS, taking into account firing and reload time, is comparable to the regular shotgun at medium range - the regular shotgun is a soldier, pyro and engineer secondary and it has comparable DPS to the shortstop which is a main weapon.

Secondly, Only an idiot would stand right in front of a soldier and take a rocket to the face and a single rocket is not an instakill unless it crits.

You have literally no idea what you are talking about, if anything, medium range makes you more of a target for some classes, snipers can kill you easier at medium range (The stock scattergun and BFB drop snipers in melee range quicker than they can switch to melee from sniper rifle), Pyros who use the reserve shooter can out damage you at medium range if you are jumping, Soldiers would rather you at medium range because unless they are using the gunboats, firing in front of them or at their feet puts themselves at risk, demomen who use stickies pretty much rely on you being at medium range.

The shortstop is not fine, that is why NO tournament scout uses one. It allows you to damage at medium range, not as effectively as you seem to think, but requires you to have almost perfect aim and even with perfect aim the damage range, fall off and randomised pellet spread are a big bag of RNG - even at point blank range the shortstops damage in 4 shots can go: 88 -> 44 -> 7 -> 144 (crit).

It has serious problems and it is far worse than both the stock scattergun and the baby face blaster (after it's buff), some would even argue that the soda popper and force of nature are also better. There is no point using it when you could be far more effective just using a different scattergun, The shortstop is usable but you are severely gimping yourself by using it over one of the other options, it needs a buff... any decent scout will tell you this.

EDIT: I got some of my statistics from one of my most played servers.

Shortstop: My Kill Death Ratio is 3.55, my Assist Death Ratio is 4.12. Highest Killstreak = 48.
Baby Face Blaster: My Kill Death Ratio is 7.49, my Assist Death Ratio is 9.07. Highest Killstreak = 80

I have been using the Shortstop since it was part of the Milkman set, I used it before the reload nerf and after. I got a strange one eventually and added doms, destructions and snipers killed to it, I am up to 18,206 kills, 1006 dominations, 1009 destructions and 2622 snipers killed.

I have been using my Baby Face Blaster for a mere 4 days and it has already recorded 2692 kills, 402 soldiers killed, 203 dominations and Damage dealt: 528212.


New member
Feb 7, 2014
Whatislove said:
NuclearKangaroo said:
yes its damage at medium range is comparable to the shotgun... except it fires twice as fast and reloads faster

the wider bullet spread of the other shotugns actually make it harder to use it effectively at long range, like i said, the advantage of the ST is that you can effectively attack the enemy at medium range with it, yes you can do more damage with other shotguns at point blank, you you are also an easier target, a soldier for instance, can instakill you with a direct hit at close range

the shortstop is fine
The reload time was nerfed, it's effective DPS, taking into account firing and reload time, is comparable to the regular shotgun at medium range - the regular shotgun is a soldier, pyro and engineer secondary and it has comparable DPS to the shortstop which is a main weapon.

Secondly, Only an idiot would stand right in front of a soldier and take a rocket to the face and a single rocket is not an instakill unless it crits.

You have literally no idea what you are talking about, if anything, medium range makes you more of a target for some classes, snipers can kill you easier at medium range (The stock scattergun and BFB drop snipers in melee range quicker than they can switch to melee from sniper rifle), Pyros who use the reserve shooter can out damage you at medium range if you are jumping, Soldiers would rather you at medium range because unless they are using the gunboats, firing in front of them or at their feet puts themselves at risk, demomen who use stickies pretty much rely on you being at medium range.

The shortstop is not fine, that is why NO tournament scout uses one. It allows you to damage at medium range, not as effectively as you seem to think, but requires you to have almost perfect aim and even with perfect aim the damage range, fall off and randomised pellet spread are a big bag of RNG - even at point blank range the shortstops damage in 4 shots can go: 88 -> 44 -> 7 -> 144 (crit).

It has serious problems and it is far worse than both the stock scattergun and the baby face blaster (after it's buff), some would even argue that the soda popper and force of nature are also better. There is no point using it when you could be far more effective just using a different scattergun, The shortstop is usable but you are severely gimping yourself by using it over one of the other options, it needs a buff... any decent scout will tell you this.

EDIT: I got some of my statistics from one of my most played servers.

Shortstop: My Kill Death Ratio is 3.55, my Assist Death Ratio is 4.12. Highest Killstreak = 48.
Baby Face Blaster: My Kill Death Ratio is 7.49, my Assist Death Ratio is 9.07. Highest Killstreak = 80

I have been using the Shortstop since it was part of the Milkman set, I used it before the reload nerf and after. I got a strange one eventually and added doms, destructions and snipers killed to it, I am up to 18,206 kills, 1006 dominations, 1009 destructions and 2622 snipers killed.

I have been using my Baby Face Blaster for a mere 4 days and it has already recorded 2692 kills, 402 soldiers killed, 203 dominations and Damage dealt: 528212.
oh yes i have no idea what im talking about... what was that official TF2 wiki?

the shortstop fires almost twice as fast as the normal shotgun and reloads 4 rounds faster than the shotgun?

no you must be wrong official TF2 wiki, i clearly dont know what im talking about...

you on the other hand

"To assist with rocket jumps, the Soldier has 40% damage resistance against any rocket he fires that does not damage an enemy."

"The Gunboats reduce the amount of self-damage that is received from rocket jumping. The damage reduction does not apply to rockets that injure other enemies."

clearly know what you are talking about, i mean using all that anecdotal evidence and such

now more seriously, the only thing i agree with you is that is not a good idea to attack a demomen at mid range however nothing is stopping you from closing in with the ST, yes it deals less damage than the other shotguns is is still reasonable

besides that being at mid range allows you to more easily evale projectiles, you can avoid Maximum ramp-up from enemy weapons and is much more easy to retreat from medium range than from close range

personally i use the shortstop and im very effective with it, like you said you need good aim, you need to practice with it, i also use it alongside the flying guillotine, so i have 2 damaging weapons that are effective at medium range (since you cant use pistols effectively with the ST)

also the soldier can insta kill you with the direct hit, as in THE WEAPON, called direct hit


New member
Aug 22, 2009
albino boo said:
Flames66 said:
Ze Snipth!!
If you want to do what you want, why play a multiplayer game. You can play against bots and there plenty of single player games where you can do what you want to your hearts content. However from the nature of your post you, I strongly suspect you like the confrontation with you own team and that is why you do it.
I don't play against bots because it's no fun. They don't move or react properly, wear fabulous outfits or even get paranoid when the same spy kills them seven times.

I don't particularly enjoy arguing with my team, although I must admit there is a certain visceral thrill in seeing someone trolling the chat about how they think we need another medic (I hate playing as medic). I don't play TF2 to win, I play TF2 to have fun so if I don't enjoy playing a particular way I won't do it.


New member
Sep 26, 2009
Hoo boy.

1. Darwin's Danger Shield. The weapon is the hugest crutch in the game. If you use that weapon, it's not for surviving against Scouts, it's because you're an inferior sniper and you can't handle that someone else can snap a headshot faster than you, so instead of employing tactics like, say, moving locations or hitting the sniper when they're distracted, you decide to use the loadout slot that lets you tank a headshot when your enemy can't. It's a complete sniperlock, because if one sniper uses it the enemy snipers probably switch to it to counter it, and a Sniper's secondary slot should always be dominated by Jarate.

Of course, 80% of the time I play sniper, so this item gets under my nerves very quickly and very often. Just take your headshots like a man, I know I do.

2. Baby Face's Blaster, AKA Pubstomper's Blaster. No real downsides to using the gun over the Scattergun, at all. It has less shots but you can easily run away to reload them, and it recharges boost so stinking fast that the jumping penalty never matters. A Scout can run in, give any class two fatal meatshots, and run out and easily take no damage, grabbing every medpack on that side of the map, because it's really hard to heavily damage something moving fast as any class beside Heavy or Sniper (if you're really good at sniping). Special mention to this gun on CTF, if a Pubstomper's Blaster Scout gets intel, give up, unless there's a minisentry or revved Heavy in his path that intel is as good as capped.

3. Random crits and damage spread, and weapon spread. There's a reason why all competitive versions of TF2 (and competitive versions of any game) never use random crits and damage spread. Weapon spread is annoying, but it isn't infuriating or game-changing as eating a fade away crocket and dropping Uber and losing because of it.

4. The Beggar's Bazooka. Forget that the weapon is a huge spam gun first. There's no reason at all for Valve to add a weapon that can insta-gib any class in the game without critical hits. When the weapon was initially released and Soldiers could overload jump into mid, fill up his Buff Banner in one barrage, then ride out the mini-crits into a wipe and easily secure mid or the second point, it was freaking awful to go up against and there wasn't any real counter. They still need to fix the Beggar's Bazooka having a similar (if not faster) rate of fire compared to the Rocket Launcher if you load and fire only one rocket at a time, and of course you don't reload the Beggar's Bazooka anyway.

Okay, really had to think for the last one...

5. Heashotting light-medium classes (usually Pyros, Demos, overhealed Scouts, and Snipers) for 150-200 and them not dying. Simply annoying, but that's how the game is meant to function.


New member
Feb 7, 2014
TheYellowCellPhone said:
Hoo boy.

1. Darwin's Danger Shield. The weapon is the hugest crutch in the game. If you use that weapon, it's not for surviving against Scouts, it's because you're an inferior sniper and you can't handle that someone else can snap a headshot faster than you, so instead of employing tactics like, say, moving locations or hitting the sniper when they're distracted, you decide to use the loadout slot that lets you tank a headshot when your enemy can't. It's a complete sniperlock, because if one sniper uses it the enemy snipers probably switch to it to counter it, and a Sniper's secondary slot should always be dominated by Jarate.

Of course, 80% of the time I play sniper, so this item gets under my nerves very quickly and very often. Just take your headshots like a man, I know I do.

2. Baby Face's Blaster, AKA Pubstomper's Blaster. No real downsides to using the gun over the Scattergun, at all. It has less shots but you can easily run away to reload them, and it recharges boost so stinking fast that the jumping penalty never matters. A Scout can run in, give any class two fatal meatshots, and run out and easily take no damage, grabbing every medpack on that side of the map, because it's really hard to heavily damage something moving fast as any class beside Heavy or Sniper (if you're really good at sniping). Special mention to this gun on CTF, if a Pubstomper's Blaster Scout gets intel, give up, unless there's a minisentry or revved Heavy in his path that intel is as good as capped.

3. Random crits and damage spread, and weapon spread. There's a reason why all competitive versions of TF2 (and competitive versions of any game) never use random crits and damage spread. Weapon spread is annoying, but it isn't infuriating or game-changing as eating a fade away crocket and dropping Uber and losing because of it.

4. The Beggar's Bazooka. Forget that the weapon is a huge spam gun first. There's no reason at all for Valve to add a weapon that can insta-gib any class in the game without critical hits. When the weapon was initially released and Soldiers could overload jump into mid, fill up his Buff Banner in one barrage, then ride out the mini-crits into a wipe and easily secure mid or the second point, it was freaking awful to go up against and there wasn't any real counter. They still need to fix the Beggar's Bazooka having a similar (if not faster) rate of fire compared to the Rocket Launcher if you load and fire only one rocket at a time, and of course you don't reload the Beggar's Bazooka anyway.

Okay, really had to think for the last one...

5. Heashotting light-medium classes (usually Pyros, Demos, overhealed Scouts, and Snipers) for 150-200 and them not dying. Simply annoying, but that's how the game is meant to function.
ya dont mess with my beggar!

seirously man, it might have some very nice upsides, but its completely worthless at range, you cant even harass snipers at range or chip away an enemy's life, plsu if the enemy has a full rocket clip, their rocket launcher fires faster than the beggars, of course if that isnt the case, the beggars has the upper had at short range

Shamanic Rhythm

New member
Dec 6, 2009
Only one: voice chat. Because I should not have to bind "mute" to the left mouse button in order to make the game bearable.


Jan 23, 2008
Just generally people being terrible beyond comprehension is what really annoys me.

I know I spend way too much time playing games, so I don't expect people to have the same kind of involvement with games as I do, but I tend to mentally draw a line at the point where it should be plain common sense.

For example, when we have 4 spies/snipers that couldn't hit the side of a fucking barn if they were leaning on it and another blind ferret picks another. If you don't have very good aim and reflexes, don't pick sniper. That's the entire point of that class. Spies in general are just a weak/unreliable class, having a couple is "whatever", having 5 is just weakening the team out of stubbornness. But even if you're awesome at either, no team needs 5 fucking spies and snipers.

Or when another engie decides to throw down their shit right next to yours. Come on man... You don't need to have 7 years of practice to realize grenades, rockets and flamethrowers are AoE... ONE uber there is like Christmas for the enemy team.

Or in one of the rare moments I decide to play Medic, I uber and body block for an heavy, and they spin up at max range trying to snipe people. What part of "minigun" reads like "sniper" again? If you had a fucking sniper I probably wouldn't be ubering you would I?

Or people who just completely ignore objectives to play TDM... "OH MAN LOOK AT MY K/D! THE INTEL WHAT? WHAT'S AN INTEL?".

Or medics who let team mates die burning in front of them to keep overhealing that heavy the one heavy. It's a fucking medigun mate, not a relationship. You can heal other people, he won't serve you papers in court.

Or when I solo half a team and a sentry, only to see my team either running around like headless chicken or utterly fail to kill a single player and take the goddamn objective.

Or when people fight outside the goddamn control point they're contesting. Sure, step off it to avoid dying, but get back on it ASAP.

I don't expect people to be tournament level players, but I do expect them to have a modicum of sense in what they do.

And from the game itself, of course, random crits and random spread. Operative word there is "random". Random has no place in a competitive setting. If I wanted to play random I'd go to a casino.


New member
Dec 19, 2013
1. The game switching focus from a turn-of-the-century, Norman Rockwell inspired, Quake Arena, arcade-y FPS shooter to a hat-trading simulator where the focus is not on simple team play but on trading items that severely clash with the artistic themes in the game because apparently having a light-hearted cartoony art style means anything goes and LOL MEMES!

2. See number 1.

3. See number 1.

4. See number 1.

5. See number 1.


New member
Feb 7, 2014
Whatislove said:
And there you go, proving you are a noob.
did you just use the word "noob" unironically?

Whatislove said:
Using the guillotine... And you don't even know what the scout guns are called... they are Scatterguns, not shotguns.
are you freakin' serious?

"A shotgun (also known as a scattergun and peppergun, or historically as a fowling piece)..."

Whatislove said:
Secondly, You linked the shortstop and shotgun and only mentioned the shortstop has a quicker reload and fires faster, but totally neglect to mention that the shotgun has more than double the pellet amount (10 up from the shortstops 4) and it has 6 shots before it needs to be reloaded. Like I said in the original post that you seemingly don't even read. With all things considered, the shotgun has comparable DPS, damage per second, to the shortstop.
it also deals double the damage per pellet, functionally the pellet count is pretty much inconsequential, you may deal 6 damage or something like that with the shotgun in instances where you might have missed with the shortstop, you may also deal consistently more damage with the shortstop at longer ranger because the bullets spread in a tighter cone

im so fed up with you refusing to listen, here look at the numbers, i tried to make a chart but i couldnt find the right tool

the cumulative damage made by both the shotgun and shortstop at medium range every time they fire

time (seconds) => damage


0=> 36
0.36=> 72
0.72=> 108
1.08=> 144
2.60=> 180 ? 1st reload
2.96=> 216
3.32=> 252
3.68=> 288
5.20=> 324 ? 2nd reload
5.56=> 360
5.92=> 396
6.28=> 432
7.80=> 468 ? 3rd reload
8.16=> 504
8.52=> 540
8.88=> 576


0=> 20
0.625=> 40
1.250=> 60
1.875=> 80
2.500=> 100
3.125=> 120
6.625=> 140 ? 1st reload (all 6 shells, otherwise the overall damage would be lower)
7.250=> 160
7.875=> 180
8.500=> 200
9.125=> 220
9.750=> 240

this is according to the damage values provided by the wiki, im using the intermediate damage value in the range

Whatislove said:
I have no idea why you linked the gunboats and other pages, Soldiers DO think twice about firing at their feet if they aren't using them, if they hit whoever is in melee range then they take damage regardless, but if they miss they take damage as if they were rocket jumping and they've done nothing to the enemy.
oh now we are changing the arguments? fantastic, you said a soldier using the gunboats would make big differentce in a fight at short range, but since rockets that damage your enemy dont count as rocket jump damage, thats not the case

Whatislove said:
You do have literally no idea what you are talking about, using the guillotine as your secondary... and claiming you are quite effective.. on which map? 2fort instantspawn?
is there a fucking problem with the guilltoine mate?

Whatislove said:
My god, I think I have done more to prove my skill with a shortstop than you have. You just happily ignore all the problems it has because you think it's fine, when it isn't. I thought it was fine for a long time, for more than 2 years I thought it was fine... And then I started to use the baby face blaster and regular scattergun more seriously and realised just how bad a position the shortstop is in.

Look at the stats, I'm the same player, I have the same skill level, it was on the same server. I have a KDR of over 3 with the shortstop, I have a KDR of over 7 with the BFB.

Seriously, just think for second before you start blurting out your inane, condescending crap.
you know, this isnt about skill, thats why anecdotal evidence is fucking worthless in this discussion, i can argue i can get a K/D ration of 50 to 1 with the fan-o-war, that doesnt make it a good weapon (outside of MvM of course)

heres why anedotal evidence doest work in pretty much any argument:

- you are trying to prove an argument based on statistical data, this data however comes from a single subject, rather than a sizeable sample

- you are taking into account a numbers of variables the subject was subjected to, what was the skill level of the people you fought agaisnt with the shortstop? was it any different from the people you fought agaisnt with the other shotguns? can you prove it? what maps were you playing on? etc

also who is being condescending? you better talk to the man in the mirror

was it because i suggested you practice more with the ST if you find aiming with it hard?