Your Top 5 Annoying Things In TF2


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Uhura said:
So, I've been playing Team Fortress 2 for a few months now and I've been really enjoying the game. However, there are a few things that come up regularly that kind of annoy me and I need to vent. So here is my top 5 most annoying things in TF2 (in no particular order):

1. When people tell me to switch medi guns.
Now don't get me wrong, I am open to suggestions especially if you have some kind of maniac plan brewing in your head and you need my medical assistance to achieve your goal. I'm cool with that. But I do get kinda annoyed when people seemingly arbitrarily tell (not ask) me to switch medi guns without giving any kind of reason why I should do it (aside from "because I said so!"). I main Medic and the Quick-fix is easily my favorite medi gun. I use it a lot on defense and I regularly do good job with it. I know when it works and when it doesn't work so stop complaining in the chat. (People who do this usually seem a bit clueless)

2. When people don't know how medi guns work.
If you are a Scout and you urgently need healing, don't run in the middle of a group of players and spam the Medic call. My medi gun can't connect to you if there are 3 Soldiers, a Demoman, 2 Snipers and a Pyro between us. Also, if you are a Heavy with sub-20 health points, please wait until I've healed you above 100 before you turn around and run back into fire and sticky bombs. The beam doesn't make you immediately invincible.

3. People who get headshot by snipers inside the spawn right when the round starts.
Most spawns have the main door and usually the opposing team has Snipers who specifically target that door (and already aim at your head during the countdown). Just use one of the other doors. Or stand in cover. That's all I ask. This happens a lot when I'm healing Heavies and it gets a bit tiresome when you have to pop the uber inside the spawn just so the Heavy doesn't die immediately when the round starts.

4. People who try to push the cart when you uber them.
It doesn't work that way.

5. People who don't take care of the Engineer.
Usually, the engie is one of the most important players in your team and you really need those teleports to stay up during the round if you want to win the game. If your engie dies, keep an eye on their stuff and please, don't let the enemy medic syringe gun my teles and dispenser to death when I'm re-spawning.

We really need team service announcements for this stuff.

Best TSA ever

So what's your top 5?

PS: It's ok if you don't want to make a list. Freestyle venting is also appreciated!
I love that fact that all 5 of your complaints could basically be boiled down to:

People. xD


New member
Dec 7, 2012
I haven't played TF2 in around a year so I'm not sure if any new weapons are annoying or if recent patches have negatively impacted the game. I do have one annoyance: whenever a team has 3 snipers and 3 fucking spies, when there's only 10 or so people on each team.


New member
Mar 2, 2009
1- Hats
2- Hats
3- Hats
4- People that act like 2Fort is the only map in the game.
5- People that, seeing they are in 2Fort, change into sniper or soldier and spend the entire map taking pot shots at their opposites.


Your Commander-in-Chief
Jun 15, 2011
Here's some of mine:

1. weapons/items/cosmetics with stupid names: yes, yes freedom of speech and all that but if you feel the need to name your weapons after genetalia or other stupid shite then go french kiss an angle grinder, it's just plain annoying.

2: people who taunt after killing: wastes time and makes you look like a douche, just don't do it.

3. ragers: keep your impotent anger to yourself, we don't want to hear your ehining about who's hacking or who's good or bad. shut it. "BUT LE MUTE BUTTON--" shut up, mouth shut! I don't want to have to waste time trawling through the mute list and otherwise having my patience tested by these cretins. shut it!

4. unreasonable traders: I am selling X item for Y amount of metal, shall we say. trade offer. lowball

offer 2: lowball
offer 3-7: lowball:
offer 7-12: unrelated to what i'm selling
I have clearly stated that the price is non-negotiable, pull this nonsense with me and you get disconnected.

5. Idlers: if you have other things to do then that's fine, but if you're going to be gone a while then disconnect. you're a load on the team and server that could be used by someone actually useful. what's worse is when they join, do nothing, then disconnect X amount of time later, this is a real issue on trade servers. one time a while ago i went on a server with 14 people on it, not one of them was active.