Your Top 5 Favorite Games of ALL TIME


New member
May 20, 2009
1. Final Fantasy X PS2(although I wont count any other FF's 7 and 9 would also be in my top 5
2. Kingdom Hearts PS2 (both 1 and 2, tho 2 is superior)
3. Tales of Symphonia Game Cube
4. Pokemon Blue Game Boy
5. Gears of War XBOX360(both 1 and 2)


New member
Mar 17, 2009
hailmagus said:
Chaosut said:
Although my views might change in the future, so far my top five are;
1. Dues Ex
2. Killer 7
3. Operation Flashpoint
4. Dreamfall: The Longest Journey
5. Knights of the Old Republic
Holy shit! Somebody actually played Dreamfall besides me.
I thought it looked cool, but haven't played it, what kind of game is it?


New member
Jan 17, 2008
BolognaBaloney said:
hailmagus said:
Chaosut said:
Although my views might change in the future, so far my top five are;
1. Dues Ex
2. Killer 7
3. Operation Flashpoint
4. Dreamfall: The Longest Journey
5. Knights of the Old Republic
Holy shit! Somebody actually played Dreamfall besides me.
I thought it looked cool, but haven't played it, what kind of game is it?
Is bad-assery a genre? Don't play it if you're heavily into action and combat, as it's more story driven than anything else. You'll occasionally switch between three characters to progress the story but at the games whim, not your own. Hold on. I'm just going to pull up a review. Judge for yourself. This is a pretty good site (they're a little more biased toward Xbox but that shouldn't sway you in any non-Xbox titles as long as you know how to form an opinion. You do know how to form an opinion don't you? Just put your lips together and blow... I don't know where that came from... I'm sorry)


New member
Mar 17, 2009
hailmagus said:
BolognaBaloney said:
hailmagus said:
Chaosut said:
Although my views might change in the future, so far my top five are;
1. Dues Ex
2. Killer 7
3. Operation Flashpoint
4. Dreamfall: The Longest Journey
5. Knights of the Old Republic
Holy shit! Somebody actually played Dreamfall besides me.
I thought it looked cool, but haven't played it, what kind of game is it?
Is bad-assery a genre? Don't play it if you're heavily into action and combat, as it's more story driven than anything else. You'll occasionally switch between three characters to progress the story but at the games whim, not your own. Hold on. I'm just going to pull up a review. Judge for yourself. This is a pretty good site (they're a little more biased toward Xbox but that shouldn't sway you in any non-Xbox titles as long as you know how to form an opinion. You do know how to form an opinion don't you? Just put your lips together and blow... I don't know where that came from... I'm sorry)
Looks great, I'll go check it out, thanks mate


New member
Oct 17, 2008
Tricky to cut it to five but here it goes

5. Lufia - SNES
One of the first games I've ever played and one of the hardest (at least at the start). A great rpg for its time.

4. Tetris - Gameboy/GC/PC
Classic puzzle fun

Although many FF's could of made the list got to give it to this one, first one I ever got into and the best battle system

2. Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past/Ocarina of Time -SNES/N64
Great adventure games that are seemingly timeless (which is why they can just keep using the same game over and over again and I still love it.) Sorry about the tie but I couldn't decide

1. Secret of Mana - SNES
Adventure/RPG at its best


New member
May 21, 2009
1. Lego Indiana Jones (Xbox 360)
2. Super Mario Sunshine (Gamecube)
3. Fable 2 (Xbox 360)
4. Super Smash Bros (Gamecube)
5. The Simpsons Hit and Run (PC)


New member
May 21, 2009
1:Dreamfall: the longest journey (best story EVER!)
2:The legend of zelda: ocarina of time
3:psychonauts (everyone should play this game)
4:Monkey Island (why arent games this funny anymore??)
5:Mass effect

6:Fahrenheit / Indigo profecy (good f*cking story at the beginning, kinda goes to hell when that old lady turns in to a glowing energy alien thingy, but still a good game)

oops went over the 5 limit, sorry about that :)


New member
Mar 14, 2009
-Spyro (first game, played at age four)
-FF9 (first RPG, also age four)
-Dynasty warriors 3 (FUN)
-Armored cores LR (Also fun, and mastering it made me feel rather 1337)
-Crash bandicoot (fun little platformer)

Dark Prophet

New member
Jun 3, 2009
1. Half-Life 2 and Co.
2. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. SoC
3. Doom 3
4. C&C Tiberian Sun
5. Resident Evil 4

All on PC


New member
Apr 24, 2009
1. MGS (PS1)
2 FF7 (PS1)
3. KOTOR both (X-Box)
4. POP Sands of Time Trilogy (X-Box)
5. Halo (X-Box)

Slient Hill 2, Ico, WoW, Zelda Ocarina of Time, Fatal Frame, and Longest Journey are all honorable mentions.


New member
Sep 4, 2008
I don't have five. I have a lot of games I like but I often find too many flaws to call them one of the best.

Sanitarium was one of the best stories in gaming, but it was a point and click adventure and had no real game to speak of.

Portal had the best humor in games, no question about it, but it didn't have much game. It all felt like a tutorial.

Knights of the Old Republic 2 had alot of potential, but Lucas Arts demanded it be done by Christmas and alot of stuff was left out.

Planescape: Torment was the closest thing to perfect I can personally think of.

The original Unreal was a huge step forward for the FPS genre, not only was the AI above average, but the graphics were amazing, the atmosphere was stunning, and it was generally tense as you walked through the dark corridors waiting for something to pop out at you. It also had a generally interesting story.

Ironicly I just named five, I suppose their as close to my favorites as any can be.


New member
Jan 21, 2009
1. Fallout 3
2. Half Life series and mods
3. Company of Heroes
4. Duke Nukem 3D
5. Call of Duty series (i have every one of them)


New member
Mar 30, 2009

1. Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal (I won't include the other R&C games, but this one was the best of the series)
2. Dark Cloud 2 (amazing story, characters, music, bosses, etc. Overall fantastic game)
3. Final Fantasy 9 (My first and favorite FF game)
4. Sly Cooper (I still go back and play the boss fights in this game every so often, very fun)
5. Sonic Adventure 2 Battle (The only 3d sonic I ever liked, and I liked it more than all the 2d ones...)


New member
Jun 2, 2009
1. Max Payne
2. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl (Oblivion Lost and Arsenal mods)
3. Hitman Blood Money
4. World in Conflict
5. Super Smash bros Brawl


New member
Nov 11, 2008
Top 5 games of all time:

1. Chrono Trigger (My favorite RPG of all time)
2. Chrono Cross (Also an awesome RPG)
3. Fire Emblem (The whole bit of the series I have played...I cannot choose just one)
4. Final Fantasy Tactics(If no one has noticed by now, I like RPGs / Turn based strategy RPGs)
5. Condemned (An awesome game)

Honourable mentions:

Fallout 3 (I love this game, especially with a fuckton of mods)
Bioshock (Again, freakin' awesome game)
The Godfather (This game is weirdly addictive...)
TLoZ: Link's Awakening (Favorite of the handheld Zeldas...unfortunately, I have yet to play OoT or MM)
Shining Force (It is immensely fun, but I like Fire Emblem and FFT more.)

5 3 worst games I have played:

1. Final Fantasy X-2
2. Red Steel (It wasn't particularly bad, just boring...)
3. Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (Also, not bad, but lacks the ability to keep my attention like FFT did.

Well...cannot think of any other games I hated. I must be a lucky gamer.

Anyways, here are three different lists, none of which are important. There will probably be different games up there if asked in a couple weeks, as I am getting into Grandia, and I must say, it is fun.


New member
Apr 1, 2009
In no particular order:

Unreal Series, stopping at UT2k4.
GTA series, starting from Vice City.
Fallout 3
The Elder Scrolls series, starting from Morrowind

Honorable mention to Half Life.

That's a list of 4 but it encompasses far more than just 5.


New member
Jun 3, 2009
johnnyLupine said:
SteelWolf89 said:
johnnyLupine said:
SteelWolf89 said:
johnnyLupine said:
This seems like the perfect time and place to carelessly throw my gaming opinions into the internet and see if anyone cares!

1)ff ix(ps1)
2)ff x (ps2)
3)ff vi (ps1)
4)ff viii (ps1)
5)wow, i think..or maybe dawn of war, depending on my mood...

you *might* have noticed there alot of final fantasy titles. i loved those games, and untill i got access to a pc they were pretty much the only thing i played. Probably shouldnt have admited that...
i noticed that you didn't list final fantasy 7 or crisis core on there...
unfourtunately i have never owned either of those, i heard 7 was really good, which explains why when i went game hunting nowhere seemed to have it.
and that's exactly why emulators were created.
Maybe the escapist community would like to do a syncronised cheer for emulators?

Hey maybe somone can help, i cant find a good emulater for ps1 or ff7 ne tips?

In order from Best to Fifth Best
1: The World Ends With You (DS)
2:Apollo Justice: Ace Attorny (DS)
3: Kingdom Hearts (PS2)
4: Bioshock
5: Kingdom Hearts 2

Lucky Chainsaw

New member
Jan 8, 2009
1. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker - GCN
2. Pokemon Red - GB
3. Metal Gear Solid - PS1
4. Resident Evil 4
5. Portal - PC, 360