Your video game hot take(s) thread


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Honestly, do we need a System Shock 3 at this point? If it does come out, best of luck to the developers and the game, but with so many spiritual "sequels" and successors, what is there left to do other than concluding a long cliffhanger? You got Bioshock, Dead Space, Evil Within 2, Prey (2017), and Atomic Heart (whenever that comes out).
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Elite Member
Apr 18, 2020
Things have gotten fucking ridiculous in term of day 1 videogame releases with glitches. The games are broken fundamentally on release, some of them probably need another whole year or so in development they're so fucked. And then people cheer when they slowly fix them like with No Mans Sky what the hell?

This didn't used to be like this. Games were actually playable on release day. I think the philosophy of 'Oh we can patch that' has allowed developers to get far far too lazy....

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
Honestly, do we need a System Shock 3 at this point? If it does come out, best of luck to the developers and the game, but with so many spiritual "sequels" and successors, what is there left to do other than concluding a long cliffhanger? You got Bioshock, Dead Space, Evil Within 2, Prey (2017), and Atomic Heart (whenever that comes out).
The thing is that Bioshock was Babby's First System Shock, Dead Space went from a reasonably competent "horror" shooter to a sad joke, and while I've never played either Evil Within, I watched a playthrough of the first one, and I was amazed at what a bait-and-switch they pulled between the demo and the full version. So yeah, I actually do want a System Shock 3.

I can't speak for the Prey reboot, but I'm hoping for Atomic Heart to be something closer to STALKER than System Shock.


The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
Honestly, do we need a System Shock 3 at this point? If it does come out, best of luck to the developers and the game, but with so many spiritual "sequels" and successors, what is there left to do other than concluding a long cliffhanger? You got Bioshock, Dead Space, Evil Within 2, Prey (2017), and Atomic Heart (whenever that comes out).
Mark Brown did a section on immersive sims in this episode about how they all copy one game now instead of creating new immersive sims. The whole point of the genre is to allow the player to realistically solve problems based on what the character would actually do in the given circumstances of their abilities and world. However, we play like the same character in basically the same world in like all the immersive sims. Dying Light 2 looked pretty interesting from an immersive sim point of view as Chris Avellone was the narrative director and now the game is indefinitely delayed last I heard.

Things have gotten fucking ridiculous in term of day 1 videogame releases with glitches. The games are broken fundamentally on release, some of them probably need another whole year or so in development they're so fucked. And then people cheer when they slowly fix them like with No Mans Sky what the hell?

This didn't used to be like this. Games were actually playable on release day. I think the philosophy of 'Oh we can patch that' has allowed developers to get far far too lazy....
No Man's Sky worked at launch, it didn't feature all the pie-in-the-sky promises though. I really don't get why people got hyped over it though because the videos and trailers looked interesting and all but I was always like "so... what do you actually do in this game?" after watching any pre-release footage I saw of it. But yeah, a lot of AAA releases are very buggy when they never used to be. It was something gamers have allowed, of course, as devs saw people enjoyed the early access stuff along with Bethesda's consistent extremely buggy releases. And pre-order culture worked in their favor as well, which I never got why you would pre-order games though, especially the hyped games that you can walk into Walmart or Best Buy or Target and get on Day 1 anyway.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
never played either Evil Within, I watched a playthrough of the first one, and I was amazed at what a bait-and-switch they pulled between the demo and the full version. So yeah, I actually do want a System Shock 3.
Note how I said Evil Within 2, not the first game. I like the first game, but that was just plain RE4.

Mark Brown did a section on immersive sims in this episode about how they all copy one game now instead of creating new immersive sims. The whole point of the genre is to allow the player to realistically solve problems based on what the character would actually do in the given circumstances of their abilities and world. However, we play like the same character in basically the same world in like all the immersive sims. Dying Light 2 looked pretty interesting from an immersive sim point of view as Chris Avellone was the narrative director and now the game is indefinitely delayed last I heard.
I've seen the video before, but thank you.
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Elite Member
Oct 14, 2020
United States
AFPS is an underrated genre, and deserves more attention. Bring back Unreal Tournament, Quake, or other lookalikes.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
AFPS is an underrated genre, and deserves more attention. Bring back Unreal Tournament, Quake, or other lookalikes.
Quake Champions is a start. Then you got games like Doom 4 & Doom Eternal, and a lot of old-school style FPSs on Steam. So they are here or are getting there at some point.

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Elite Member
Oct 14, 2020
United States
Quake Champions is a start. Then you got games like Doom 4 and Doon Eternal, and a lot of old-school style FPSs on Steam. So they are here or are getting there at some point.

I suppose I should have clarified. Single player AFPS and "Boomer Shooters" are experiencing one of the most beautiful renaissance I've ever seen. I'm in love with it. But multiplayer, competitive AFPS is not nearly as popular as it should be. Diabotical came out, and that's already lost it's steam. Quake Champions is okay, but it runs on a bad engine for the style of game it is, and was very clearly an old school style game, with all the modern issues plaguing it (Micro transactions and cosmetics, no player hosted servers, going back to the matchmaker after every game, etc...). Epic tried it with UT4 until Fortnite took off.
I think there's never been a better time for single player AFPS. In fact, I would even go as far as to say that single player AFPS and "Boomer shooters" are actually doing better now than they were in their "prime".
But multiplayer AFPS has a long way to go if we're going to see it take up the mantle it once held. Incredibly underrated genre, but I'm impartial to never blaming the consumer, and always blaming the developer, for a game not taking off.
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Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
I thought you had some weird reason like King Kong is your favorite movie or something.
Nope, just thought of the 360's HD DVD player randomly and how hard it failed, then thought it'd make for a funny "hot take" on this thread, y'know, keep things light 'round here.
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Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
I suppose I should have clarified. Single player AFPS and "Boomer Shooters" are experiencing one of the most beautiful renaissance I've ever seen. I'm in love with it. But multiplayer, competitive AFPS is not nearly as popular as it should be. Diabotical came out, and that's already lost it's steam. Quake Champions is okay, but it runs on a bad engine for the style of game it is, and was very clearly an old school style game, with all the modern issues plaguing it (Micro transactions and cosmetics, no player hosted servers, going back to the matchmaker after every game, etc...). Epic tried it with UT4 until Fortnite took off.
I think there's never been a better time for single player AFPS. In fact, I would even go as far as to say that single player AFPS and "Boomer shooters" are actually doing better now than they were in their "prime".
But multiplayer AFPS has a long way to go if we're going to see it take up the mantle it once held. Incredibly underrated genre, but I'm impartial to never blaming the consumer, and always blaming the developer, for a game not taking off.
Yeah, it's really unfortunate how few active AFPS games there are. They come out once in a while and then die to to low population. I tried playing Tribes Ascend and Nexuiz a few years back but they're basically dead games.


Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
The Indie scene has just as many shitheads in it as the AAA scene, they're bottom feeding pond scum variety shitheads that are sunk beneath notice compared to the bloated corpses of the AAA guys floating on top.
I'm suddenly reminded of Phil Fish. Y'all remember him? What a tosser.


Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
Didn't he throw a hissy fit over something really petty and decide not to make Fez 2?
Yeah, got into a twitter tussle with Marcus Beer from Gametrailers, a self-proclaimed asshole. Fish didn't like some new policy from Microsoft, commenting on it in his usual measured style, Gametrailer dude called Fish a tosspot and hipster or something, Fish infamously replied with "Compare your life to mine and then kill yourself". Fish said he got doxxed, cancelled Fez 2 and left the industry a little later.

Granted, dude did get a lot of shit, but you know, also spent his time getting into twitter bitchfights at the drop of a hat.


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2013
The Netherlands
I like Sonic's stupid friends and find it a shame Sonic dropped its more ''ambitious'' attempts of storytelling.

These days Sonic stories are really self contained and tend to only focus on Sonic and maybe Tails. In the first 3d games it wasn't like that. You could feel a story was being told across multiple games. Adventure one flowed directly into adventure 2, which directly flowed into Heroes, which directly flowed into Shadow the Hedgehog, which directly flowed into the trainwreck of 06.

Throughout these games many of Sonic's stupid friends had a bit of an arc to them. In Adventure 1 Knuckles still doesn't particularly like or trust Sonic, in Adventure 2 they are somewhat friendly and he's willing to help out to some extend, and in Heroes Knuckles is just an official part of Sonic's group of friends. Tails learns to believe in himself in Aventure 1 which mostly sticks in the games after it, and Shadow has a fair bit of character development, character development locked behind two awful games but character development all the same. Him and Team Dark becoming a little family was about the only decent thing of 06.

Sonic with high stakes and drama is silly, but it is the right kind of silly.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
These days Sonic stories are really self contained and tend to only focus on Sonic and maybe Tails. In the first 3d games it wasn't like that. You could feel a story was being told across multiple games. Adventure one flowed directly into adventure 2, which directly flowed into Heroes, which directly flowed into Shadow the Hedgehog, which directly flowed into the trainwreck of 06.

Throughout these games many of Sonic's stupid friends had a bit of an arc to them. In Adventure 1 Knuckles still doesn't particularly like or trust Sonic, in Adventure 2 they are somewhat friendly and he's willing to help out to some extend, and in Heroes Knuckles is just an official part of Sonic's group of friends. Tails learns to believe in himself in Aventure 1 which mostly sticks in the games after it, and Shadow has a fair bit of character development, character development locked behind two awful games but character development all the same. Him and Team Dark becoming a little family was about the only decent thing of 06.
I do thank you right there. The reason Sega's so focused on mainly Sonic and Tails, is because they wanted to distance themselves from Sonic 06 and you had critics like Yahtzee, Jim Sterling, and Movie Bob going around saying how nearly all of Sonic's pals are useless and unnecessary and their fans parroting opinions without any back up. I am not saying it's entirely their fault, but combination of that and an unpleasable fanbase will do that. This is the same fan base that is known to be wishy-washie. I still call all 3 out for the whole Sonic was never good or only the first 3 games were good. Yahtzee kinda relented on this, only to say later Sonic Colors (which he praised for getting rid of everything and most character) was not good in Sonic Mania video. I think said a similar thing about Sonic Generations not being good either. It's been too long, but I hate shit when people try to extend the goal post like that or are hypocritical about it. Be fucking consistent.

EDIT: Ironic, because the Sonic Boom cartoon show fixes these issues having more than just Sonic and Tails. Amy is nicer again or back to her original self with out the Flanderization. Though Knuckles does get a bit dumber in some cases


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
This one is more directed towards Gaming Brit and his sycophants, but it's okay to have other games in a similar style to DMC be called Stylish Action games. Even if the character or games are not exactly stylish themselves, but still take ideas from Devil May Cry. IE, the ranking system, how combos worked, or how cool the character(s) look while doing crazy shit. True, not every game fits category, nor should be made in to super tiny separate distinctions, but you don't get to dictate who gets to call what. Ironic, because before God of War came along in 2005, games that copied DMC or were made in a similar style, were called Stylish Action games. Also, Vanquish is a stylish action game in 3rd person shooter form. The game was made and grounded up to be stylish while pulling off sweet shots, slide attacks, and melee. DMC is both a beat'em up and hack n slash as the genre has crossbred multiple times. The series itself was meant as a 3D successor to games like Final Fight and Streets of Rage. For someone that has been gaming a long time, how do fuck do you miss thing something simple like that? You can't tell me otherwise GB.

For context, this is the video he made. It was made as a sorta damage control after giving God of War 4 harsh criticism. I did not have problem with him disliking it, but I hate the fact he decided to insult others for liking the game and saying shit like "You were fooled in to liking it!". That's just petty and sounds like crying for a toy you can't have. He missed people's main point of criticisms of his video insulting others and focused only on the people who said that GoW 4's combat should not be criticized (which is bullshit and I agree with GB in this regard), because it's no longer a traditional hack n slash. GB has seemed to calm down a bit from this, but I can't watch some of his 2018 videos, because he takes potshots at God of War 4 unprovoked when the video game he is discussing in question has nothing to do with it. If he reviews another God of War game and starts insulting others for liking/being excited for Ragnarok, I am dropping his ass. You are doing fine talking about games you enjoy or showing more obscure stuff; don't ruin it by being another loud know-nothing-know-it-all asshole.

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Elite Member
Oct 14, 2020
United States
Yeah, it's really unfortunate how few active AFPS games there are. They come out once in a while and then die to to low population. I tried playing Tribes Ascend and Nexuiz a few years back but they're basically dead games.
Every online AFPS goes through the same phases of life. I've noticed the trend enough to identify it, and it happens every time.

Phase 1: Excited enthusiasm. This is the time! It's the revival of AFPS and Quake like shooters! This game has X Y Z, so I'm sure it'll garner attention!
Phase 2: Intense playtesting. The game is out now! It's so much fun, X Y Z are all great mechanics! I told you guys this would be the revival of AFPS!
Phase 3: Player bleeding. Okay, so maybe the game isn't doing so anymore. But once the devs put out some more maps, and a few more gamemodes, we'll pick up again!
Phase 4: Mass suggestions and anger. Alright everybody, I played X AFPS back in the day. And I see this game isn't doing so well. Here's what the devs need to do if they have any hope of the game picking up! (Usually these suggestions are accompanied with "Fuck you, this game is dead, go play X AFPS instead")
Phase 5: Acceptance. The people who are still playing the game are fans of the game. They don't worry about trying to bring in mass amounts of new players. If you're new, they'll gladly lend a hand, but they've accepted their small game community. The devs have either moved on, or are only pushing out occasional updates.

And those are the phases of AFPS. Go ahead and ask me which AFPS stands where in these phases. I can tell you where, and point out the symptoms of such.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Every online AFPS goes through the same phases of life. I've noticed the trend enough to identify it, and it happens every time.

Phase 1: Excited enthusiasm. This is the time! It's the revival of AFPS and Quake like shooters! This game has X Y Z, so I'm sure it'll garner attention!
Phase 2: Intense playtesting. The game is out now! It's so much fun, X Y Z are all great mechanics! I told you guys this would be the revival of AFPS!
Phase 3: Player bleeding. Okay, so maybe the game isn't doing so anymore. But once the devs put out some more maps, and a few more gamemodes, we'll pick up again!
Phase 4: Mass suggestions and anger. Alright everybody, I played X AFPS back in the day. And I see this game isn't doing so well. Here's what the devs need to do if they have any hope of the game picking up! (Usually these suggestions are accompanied with "Fuck you, this game is dead, go play X AFPS instead")
Phase 5: Acceptance. The people who are still playing the game are fans of the game. They don't worry about trying to bring in mass amounts of new players. If you're new, they'll gladly lend a hand, but they've accepted their small game community. The devs have either moved on, or are only pushing out occasional updates.

And those are the phases of AFPS. Go ahead and ask me which AFPS stands where in these phases. I can tell you where, and point out the symptoms of such.
Well I know it ain't Battle Born, Lawbreakers, nor Evolve, they're all dead in the water. Though I do feel bad for Battle Born. I was not an exact fan, but it did not deserve that much hate. Sucks you can't even do single player anymore.

All I know is that there's plenty of people that still do multiplayer on Battlefield 4 and 1, both Battlefront I & II depressingly, and Titanfall 2. That's all I can think of at the moment.
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