You know when something's good, everybody else knows it's good, with clear uncut goodness emanating from each minute it imposed upon the human race? Yet no matter what you do, the only feeling it leaves you with whenever you walk away is: what even is the point anymore? A lingering existential depression crash thought dormant or distracted but ultimately always haunting ready for next window to pounce? No? Oh. Well, same, hah. Was just thinking of, uh, a friend. A friend's story about a friend! Yes. Not sure how you arrived at any other conclusion, but moving on...
Maybe unplanned drug decisions, maybe love interest choices, financial splurges (hey just contributing to the economy here mate!), failed attempts at diplomacy or the dreaded "debates" online, paying for expensive vet treatment only for them to die the next day, or having to pay to give them a non painful death. Or maybe it's Spelunky.
Ok I admits it, it's Spelunky. Is there any progression in this at all? Cos I remember the very first mario game on Gameboy that never let you save, I spent so long trying to complete it and when it eventually happened it unlocked a new game plus type mode which so cool but as soon as I lost last life on the revamped first level it straight up restarted the game as if I hadn't done a single bloody thing. One of the earliest memories of personal gaming was that moment: "what's even the fucking point?" Seriously haven't once bothered going back to that title since.
And that kinda how Spelunky feels every time I go back to it for an hour or two only to die making no progress. Yeah it's the essence of the roguelike genre I know, but knowing don't stop the same sinking feeling of despair afterwards as if nothing happened at all. Time robbed with nowt to show. Would it have been more productive to stare longingly up at the ceiling instead? For at least then a chance of a profound thought or two may occur? An extra angle to the book/song/art piece that could've been applied to various background creative endeavours? Or a new hustle? What's even the point anyway?