Your vote for worst game of 2011 thus far


New member
May 4, 2009
Though I think I may have bought literally no games released this year, going off of TobyGames Let's Play series....I have to say Duke Nukem Forever. And as I typed, I just remember I have actually played a fair bit of the game myself.

It takes my vote because it took an original series and rewrote it to conform to what we already have. The humour was funny in parts, but in some places, just objectively tasteless. The hints were funny. Duke flipping off the alien queen as she died was funny. The wall boobs were not. I'm not going to launch into any rant about how it makes gamers look like perverts - it just wasn't very funny.

As for conforming - it took Duke's kick and the many-weapon inventory and replaced it with what was essentially Halo: Reach with a less likeable protagonist...and Noble Six wasn't even a character. Come on, a Halo-style melee attack? At least Reach mixed up the attacks - press the melee button a couple of times and you see a couple of different hits. Duke did the same, forced butt. And changed the weapons to carrying only two. What was the justification for any of that? I thought the whole point of Duke Nukem was to be over the top and fun...not an attempt at being freakin' realistic.

So. I think I'm perfectly justified in giving that vote. From what I've seen of LA Noire, it actually looks a lot of fun. doesn't personally interest me. However, it doesn't seem terrible. Dead Island looks like something I'd buy so I could play with my brother...and if I had any money, I would so be doing that.


New member
Jul 11, 2011
Brink, it beats duek nukem as the worst cause i still had fun with duke and the only other one ive bought from this year is infamous 2, which is kinda very good!


New member
May 13, 2010
Brink. Dragon Age 2 as someone mentioned wasn't nearly as bad as what Brink was. Although it'd be in second place for me.


New member
Jul 28, 2008
I agree with homefront. Not only the worst game of 2011, but the worst AAA game I've played in a long time. I will never buy into hype again.


Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
I dont really understand all of the Hate on DA:2, i thought it is a good game with alot of content, fun combat, and a decent story

OT - I think Crysis 2, good graphics but the game itself is terrible. Its really just eye candy


New member
Aug 21, 2011
I bought Bastion, DA2, The Witcher 2, infamous 2 and Super Street Fighter IV - Arcade edition (which somewhat qualifies as a 2011 release) and out of those I only disliked street fighter.

I can see why people don't like DA2, but for me it was a great game and yes I liked Anders.

Troublesome Lagomorph

The Deadliest Bunny
May 26, 2009
I haven't played enough games this year to know. Worst I've played that was released this year would be Dragon Age 2, though.


New member
May 26, 2011
Baron_BJ said:
Psycho-Toaster said:
Going to agree on Homefront, until I can think of something else. It wasn't just that it was a bad game, but they hyped it up and marketed it for it's story and the world it's set in, then proceeded to do fuck all with it. Could have been interesting, but the characters were unlikable, the attempts at shocking the player were pathetic and made the villains seem silly and unbelievable, and it was over in 2 fucking hours. I didn't even bother with the multiplayer, 2 hours was enough for me.
Same boat as me, I'm one of those strange creatures that buys games like MW2 for the single player campaign.
Fanfic_warper said:
Duke Nukum Forever, and not just as worst game of 2011, but worst game ever and worst franchise ever.
I bought the balls of steel edition of the game and I can sure as shit understand how and why people hate it, but somehow I managed to enjoy it. Would I reccomend it to someone else? Fuck no. Do I regret buying it? Somehow I don't.
I agree with second person. I was 9 and enjoyed the hell outta Duke... Now 11 years later.. I wish I was 9 again. But I also DONT regret playing it because I did Lawl, quit a bit between Halo gameplay of boredom. I'll play an improved sequal. BRINK WAS BEYONNNDDDD boring. Guns all felt like toys, story sucked outside cutscenes..that you were FORCED to watched..characters looked like Bruce Campbells stretched face in Army of Darkness


New member
Aug 25, 2008
It had such a good premise and it could have been great, but it was the worst disappointing purchase I've made.
Reach takes a close second if you're wondering.


New member
Sep 23, 2010
Lagao said:
I'm going with modern warfare 3.
It's amazing how you already own Modern Warfare 3 a full month before it comes out. Can you tell us your secret?

OT: I'll go with Duke Nukem Forever, I'm glad I only rented that piece of crap.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
That one game you really liked, it is horrible, and you should feel bad for liking it, in fact, I'm pretty sure that game is the cause of all suffering and disease in the world.


New member
Feb 12, 2010
Biggest disappointment goes to DA2.

It felt like it had the potential to be something marvellous, but was released before they could build anything past the skeleton of a game.


New member
Oct 6, 2009
Jazoni89 said:
L.A Noire

It was interesting at first, with all the mysteries, and finding clues, and what not, but then it went on, and on, and the cases were becoming far too simular to each other. So I thought screw this, I'm wasting my time, and went on to play a much better, and less repetitive game.
Yeah, LA Noire was easily the biggest disappointment of the year for me. I love Rockstar games, but that one was just moving from point A to point B and going through the motions. There was no variety and a maddeningly frustrating central play mechanic. You mean I can't ask a question twice? I have one shot and everything is just a guess? The open world section (the good stuff) was also unpleasantly sparse and it was gravely disappointing since I really wanted to explore and feel immersed in 1940s LA. The golden film reels were especially pointless and unfun. The storyline was passable, at best. I've never played a game where my dad would watch and be able to instantly pass out while stone cold sober.