Your Waifu.

Dec 14, 2009
gabmed said:
Daystar Clarion said:
gabmed said:
Sober Thal said:
Sorry, I don't have a 2D significant other. I don't see the point. Cause, you know.... they aren't real and stuff.
*sigh* My message once again did not come across. I fail at this stuff. -_-

Waifu is someone you wished it existed, as you love their personality and stuff.

Example: If Fluttershy (humanized) actually existed, I'd date her.

THAT is what a Waifu is.
So you'd date something with the mental capacity of a child?

That's a whole can or worms right there...

Where is it said (Or written) that she has the mental capacity of a child? o_O

I'd imagine that is true to Pinkie Pie, but Fluttersy is mature and quite dependable. She's the oldest.
She's a pony.

A pony is a young horse.

See where I'm going with this?


Elite Member
Sep 20, 2009
As much as I want to say I don't have one...I do...

Lynette Guycott...


New member
Jan 14, 2010
The closest I have to a waifu would be Elmindreda from Wheel of Time, if that even counts. Other than that, i tend to devote my pointless romantic energy towards real unattainable women.


Senior Member
Dec 11, 2009
Daystar Clarion said:
gabmed said:
Daystar Clarion said:
gabmed said:
Sober Thal said:
Sorry, I don't have a 2D significant other. I don't see the point. Cause, you know.... they aren't real and stuff.
*sigh* My message once again did not come across. I fail at this stuff. -_-

Waifu is someone you wished it existed, as you love their personality and stuff.

Example: If Fluttershy (humanized) actually existed, I'd date her.

THAT is what a Waifu is.
So you'd date something with the mental capacity of a child?

That's a whole can or worms right there...

Where is it said (Or written) that she has the mental capacity of a child? o_O

I'd imagine that is true to Pinkie Pie, but Fluttersy is mature and quite dependable. She's the oldest.
She's a pony.

A pony is a young horse.

See where I'm going with this?
You don't watch the series, do you?


Mar 28, 2009
I'd would definitely date Twilight Sparkle if she were real.

And if you guys think gabmed is creepy, wait until you get a load of Je Suis Ubermonkey [].


Senior Member
Dec 11, 2009
Redingold said:
I'd would definitely date Twilight Sparkle if she were real.

And if you guys think gabmed is creepy, wait until you get a load of Je Suis Ubermonkey [].
He likes cakes and ponies. Nothing wrong with him as far as my eye can see...


The avatar is midly disturbing... but still of good taste...


New member
Sep 5, 2009
Just for the record, I do have a physical girlfriend.

And... yeah, I do have a waifu.

Chie Satonaka
Dec 14, 2009
gabmed said:
Daystar Clarion said:
gabmed said:
Daystar Clarion said:
gabmed said:
Sober Thal said:
Sorry, I don't have a 2D significant other. I don't see the point. Cause, you know.... they aren't real and stuff.
*sigh* My message once again did not come across. I fail at this stuff. -_-

Waifu is someone you wished it existed, as you love their personality and stuff.

Example: If Fluttershy (humanized) actually existed, I'd date her.

THAT is what a Waifu is.
So you'd date something with the mental capacity of a child?

That's a whole can or worms right there...

Where is it said (Or written) that she has the mental capacity of a child? o_O

I'd imagine that is true to Pinkie Pie, but Fluttersy is mature and quite dependable. She's the oldest.
She's a pony.

A pony is a young horse.

See where I'm going with this?
You don't watch the series, do you?
I need to watch the show to know that a pony is the child equivalant of a horse?



Mar 28, 2009
gabmed said:
Redingold said:
I'd would definitely date Twilight Sparkle if she were real.

And if you guys think gabmed is creepy, wait until you get a load of Je Suis Ubermonkey [].
He likes cakes and ponies. Nothing wrong with him as far as my eye can see...


The avatar is midly disturbing... but still of good taste...
Oh, I agree, but I reckon these guys who dislike you for liking Fluttershy would descend into an eternal downward spiral of rage at him. He's also creepier in real life.


Senior Member
Dec 11, 2009
paynexkiller said:
Tirunus said:
I enjoy how many people have a crush on a 10 year old pony who has a severe mutation that causes her to have wings.
Agreed, rofl... pony's are a dying meme.
I agree.

Pity that the fact that Ponies just passed all memes from KYM, that ponies spike the chart of popularity on youtube, and the fact that season two starts in 3 months kind of prove us all wrong.

Oh well. Can't win all, right guys? ^^


New member
May 28, 2011
Daystar Clarion said:
A waifu?

Is that like a wig-wam off of a woofing engine?

Edit: Now I'm aware of what a waifu is, I can honestly say that no. I do not have a waifu.

I have sex with my fiancee, a real woman.
And here is the difference between critiquing and trolling. If you don't have a waifu, then DON'T POST. Its a simple concept. Its like all the morons who go specifically to an MLP thread, just to diss MLP. If you don't care about MLP then don't bother posting! There's no need to prove your 'manliness' by humiliating yourself and dissing a show that you don't like!

........Sorry, got a bit ranty there. That probably doesn't apply to you in its entirety. The point is, if you don't have a waifu, then fine. We don't need you to assert your 'holier then thou' bs.

Secondly, as defined above 'Waifu' does NOT mean 'I want to sleep with him/her'. It means 'I am fond of this virtual character'. The former may ALSO be true, but isn't nessicary to achieve Waifu-ness.

Those of Waifu status for me:

Lloyd Irving
Pinkie Pie
Twilight Sparkle
Commander Shepeard
Hinata Hyuga


Notice that I, am a straight male. Further, I do not wish to sleep with ANY of these people, because I'm of the simple opinion that I'd rather meet and get to know someone before going that far.
Further, the last six, below the 'break', are origional characters by myself, and friends of mine, used in our RPs.

EDIT: *sheepishly steps backwards* Re-read the definition. Nevermind. I'm wrong on the second point. My first one is just as valid though.


New member
Oct 9, 2010
Its been a while since I've been on the escapist, I don't remember the forums being so anal about this stuff.

Its for fun guys, if you don't have a waifu you don't have to post. Its harmless fun.

Also for the topic at hand

Since we are already talking about pony waifus Rainbow Dash.

Human Waifu, I would probably pick...


New member
May 5, 2011
Tirunus said:
I enjoy how many people have a crush on a 10 year old pony who has a severe mutation that causes her to have wings.
*sniff sniff*


Crush is a smidge of an overstatement (in my case atleast, can't tell if OP).


Senior Member
Dec 11, 2009
Daystar Clarion said:
gabmed said:
Daystar Clarion said:
gabmed said:
Daystar Clarion said:
gabmed said:
Sober Thal said:
Sorry, I don't have a 2D significant other. I don't see the point. Cause, you know.... they aren't real and stuff.
*sigh* My message once again did not come across. I fail at this stuff. -_-

Waifu is someone you wished it existed, as you love their personality and stuff.

Example: If Fluttershy (humanized) actually existed, I'd date her.

THAT is what a Waifu is.
So you'd date something with the mental capacity of a child?

That's a whole can or worms right there...

Where is it said (Or written) that she has the mental capacity of a child? o_O

I'd imagine that is true to Pinkie Pie, but Fluttersy is mature and quite dependable. She's the oldest.
She's a pony.

A pony is a young horse.

See where I'm going with this?
You don't watch the series, do you?
I need to watch the show to know that a pony is the child equivalant of a horse?

Yes. Yes you do, actually. As weird as it sounds, yes, you DO have to watch the show to know that they don't go literal on ponies being "Horse kids". Specially because the adults are also "ponies". You know, the ones with kids and that are married?


Senior Member
Dec 11, 2009
Ryu890 said:
Daystar Clarion said:
A waifu?

Is that like a wig-wam off of a woofing engine?

Edit: Now I'm aware of what a waifu is, I can honestly say that no. I do not have a waifu.

I have sex with my fiancee, a real woman.
And here is the difference between critiquing and trolling. If you don't have a waifu, then DON'T POST. Its a simple concept. Its like all the morons who go specifically to an MLP thread, just to diss MLP. If you don't care about MLP then don't bother posting! There's no need to prove your 'manliness' by humiliating yourself and dissing a show that you don't like!

........Sorry, got a bit ranty there. That probably doesn't apply to you in its entirety. The point is, if you don't have a waifu, then fine. We don't need you to assert your 'holier then thou' bs.

Secondly, as defined above 'Waifu' does NOT mean 'I want to sleep with him/her'. It means 'I am fond of this virtual character'. The former may ALSO be true, but isn't nessicary to achieve Waifu-ness.

Those of Waifu status for me:

Lloyd Irving
Pinkie Pie
Twilight Sparkle
Commander Shepeard
Hinata Hyuga


Notice that I, am a straight male. Further, I do not wish to sleep with ANY of these people, because I'm of the simple opinion that I'd rather meet and get to know someone before going that far.
Further, the last six, below the 'break', are origional characters by myself, and friends of mine, used in our RPs.
That was was a very nice list of Waifus there.

Except when it entered male territory. To which extent, it became kind of weird. But then got better as I saw you love Tali too.