Youtube is now removing the dislike feature


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Given that you have repeatedly defended people who just went out and shot others on their own whim, the stench of hypocrisy wafting around this comment is particularly noxious.
People who at the time were violently assaulting the person out of insane rage and desire to take his gun to turn it on him and his friends........

Like, sure: on a corporate level this YouTube decision is supposed to help marketing and as a harmful side effect it's going to protect clickbait, but it's also going to prevent nerd tantrums being bragged about, so that's neat
It's also gonna prevent the outlets who point out about "Nerd rages" as you call them and try to turn them into a rallying cry of "We must fight the bigots throw your money at this property for social justice and the power of good."

It's not made it so suddenly the things you call "Nerd rages" are gone. It's not going to suddenly make people think the next Ghostbusters 2016 is good. People will still think it's crap because plenty of people who thought it was crap went into the trailer with a somewhat open mind and went "This is crap". Same with Battlefield V, I thought the trailer looked crap, then I tried to go in open minded into the Beta and found the Beta to be lackluster and kinda crap.

I mean what's the narrative gonna be now? "Why entitled fanboys aren't liking this video enough because as everyone knows everyone is obliged to consume product meme.jpg
because that argument won't get laughed out the room or anything right?


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
I think you just mean elitist or something along those lines. I don't see the need to link having grace and manners to elitism.

But either way with prosperity and advances people live less desperate lives and ideally they should be distanced from the tedium and pain of middle or low class existence respectively. I again don't see any contradiction or negatives that stems from it.

The only issue is when such rise in some inadvertently ends up preventing others from achieving the same. If we fix that then it's all fine.
What do you think Bougie means if not elitist, preventing other's advancing and disregarding other people's plights?

Also, now that you've expanded your explanation.... this sounds like you're segregating classes. I don't think that was your intent
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Elite Member
May 11, 2020
You say this as if it's an argument.
Then allow me to elaborate.

Anyone who confidently believes that all their problems can be solved with lawsuits has the luxury of being able to do so. Litigation is expensive and time-consuming and many people simply do not have enough of either to spare. Your characterization of, "Well, then it clearly isn't that important if you can't raise the money to sue somebody," is painfully naive. Seriously, have you ever actually tried to litigate something in court? I'm guessing you haven't or you'd know better.

On top of that, it's rich for you to say, "Solve your problems with litigation," and then in the very next breath say, "But don't, because we're too litigious as a society." It really speaks to how charmed a life you lead that you never have to think about this shit.

And really, this is all beside the point that this started with talking about people coming into your home and spouting Nazi shit. For some reason, you have placed the burden on me to reason with the unreasonable rather than expect the violent bigot to abide by the rules the rest of us do. You are not more enlightened for coddling these scumbags, just complacent in their poisoning of our society.
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Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
Nov 9, 2015
Off topic, but why do people think this scene is about misinformation and fake news? Journalists actually think the Patriot AI is controlling society by spreading fake news. What?

The Patriot AI censors the entire internet. Decentralized information and radicalized communities is precisely what the Patriots are trying to prevent. They don't want you sharing anti-vax memes or voting for Trump. Their plan is called the Selection for Societal Sanity, how much more obvious could it be?

How can these people blatantly misrepresent a game whose ending tells you that truths are fiction/noumena and you have to choose your own version of truth?
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Fallen Soldier

Brother Lombax
Oct 28, 2021
United States
Off topic, but why do people think this scene is about misinformation and fake news? Journalists actually think the Patriot AI is controlling society by spreading fake news. What?

The Patriot AI censors the entire internet. Decentralized information and radicalized communities is precisely what the Patriots are trying to prevent. They don't want you sharing anti-vax memes or voting for Trump. Their plan is called the Selection for Societal Sanity, how much more obvious could it be?

How can these people blatantly misrepresent a game whose ending tells you that truths are fiction/noumena and you have to choose your own version of truth?
I don’t take what Hideo Kohima makes as an accurate representation of real world events.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Off topic, but why do people think this scene is about misinformation and fake news? Journalists actually think the Patriot AI is controlling society by spreading fake news. What?

The Patriot AI censors the entire internet. Decentralized information and radicalized communities is precisely what the Patriots are trying to prevent. They don't want you sharing anti-vax memes or voting for Trump. Their plan is called the Selection for Societal Sanity, how much more obvious could it be?

How can these people blatantly misrepresent a game whose ending tells you that truths are fiction/noumena and you have to choose your own version of truth?
If you're talking about people in the comment sections; I do not know. Hideo isn't right about everything, but it's still near deadly accuracy. "Safe spaces", Twitter, people hold in their little communities with tribal mentalities, with us or against us attitudes, taking half truths and arm research as fact or warping them beyond repair to make them "full truths" or "facts". Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Reddit, etc. I can go on all day.

This part at 2:21 says it all.

As for an added bonus:

FTR, that is the actual voice actor for Colonel Campbell.

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Nov 9, 2015
If you're talking about people in the comment sections; I do not know. Hideo isn't right about everything, but it's still near deadly accuracy.
If you control truth all you get is one big echo chamber. But I seriously, seriously doubt MGS2 is about echo chambers, but rather controlling the thoughts and behaviors through memes.

This part at 6:18 reveals the motivation.

If you agree with the Patriots, that's fine it's a video game story. I'm trying to argue these gaming articles and readers got it wrong and are ironically perpetuating misinformation, just an off topic rant.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
but rather controlling the thoughts and behaviors through memes.
Congratulations, that has happened through Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, etc.

If you agree with the Patriots, that's fine it's a video game story.
They still had some points.

I'm trying to argue these gaming articles and readers got it wrong and are ironically perpetuating misinformation, just an off topic rant.
Whatever works for you. I have no stake in this.


Intergalactic Sex Demon
Oct 21, 2008
Toronto, Ontario.
As a YouTuber I can see both sides of the argument. I use the dislike ratio to get feedback from my audience when they don't leave me comments.

That being said it also can cause unhealthy fixation on the dislike ratio where mental health hinges on seeking approval from strangers on the internet.

Let's not kid ourselves:
The whole reason why they got rid of the dislike feature was to protect businesses doing anti consumer moves. It's always to protect the bottom line of an EA or an Ubisoft or a company who wants to blow up the moon for affecting their view of the night sky.


The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
If you control truth all you get is one big echo chamber. But I seriously, seriously doubt MGS2 is about echo chambers, but rather controlling the thoughts and behaviors through memes.

This part at 6:18 reveals the motivation.

If you agree with the Patriots, that's fine it's a video game story. I'm trying to argue these gaming articles and readers got it wrong and are ironically perpetuating misinformation, just an off topic rant.
MGS2 is really only tangentially about misinformation/fake news. The Patriots' argument is that with every bit of information being permanently stored digitally, people will latch on to what they feel is the truth and create echo chambers and form smaller and smaller groups. You can make almost anything "true" by only looking at certain information that is itself true but lose the bigger picture by ignoring the rest of the information. That's what is going on now regardless if it's social media like Twitter or major news networks like CNN/FOX. It's getting harder and harder to have a legitimate discussion with most people now because they are so holed up in their tribes to even just entertain a different idea/perspective. Yes, the Patriots plan is to control information to give humanity context in order to continue moving forward. The vast majority of the game is the example of said plan working, Raiden does what they want based on the information given to him by the Patriots. I feel like the Patriots are right and the good guys honestly (even when I played MGS2 when I was in high school I was like they are making really great points). Obviously, I'm not a fan of the means but the ends justify the means. The Patriots being AI should have really no agenda or conflicts of interest in the information given to us unlike humans being in control of said information (as seen today). I never understood why people get so addicted/attached to stuff like social media, I never had a MySpace (and I was the perfect age at the time to get on that) because I thought it was stupid. I only have a Facebook (that never had my actual name because social media is stupid) for really just Messenger (because Android group text is shit) and for stuff like Event planning and Group stuff is useful. I don't get Tiktok and never watch a linked video sent by a friend. I honestly don't get the point of watching tons of pointless videos to actually find a good one, and when you find a good one, it's only like 30 seconds or so, I can watch a TV show that's all good and hours and hours long instead. Anyway, MGS2 was so predictive of the present day, and it's a masterpiece and why I'll never shit on Kojima.


The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
As a YouTuber I can see both sides of the argument. I use the dislike ratio to get feedback from my audience when they don't leave me comments.

That being said it also can cause unhealthy fixation on the dislike ratio where mental health hinges on seeking approval from strangers on the internet.

Let's not kid ourselves:
The whole reason why they got rid of the dislike feature was to protect businesses doing anti consumer moves. It's always to protect the bottom line of an EA or an Ubisoft or a company who wants to blow up the moon for affecting their view of the night sky.
That 2nd line is the problem with so many people mentally and why social media is so toxic. If I made content on Youtube, I'd only care about the higher level feedback from comments that are legit praise/criticism. If I made content for actual income and the like/dislike ratio made it so less people would get my videos in their feeds, then I would care about it. But it would never mentally hurt me, I don't allow such things to affect me mentally.

Youtube totally removed dislikes for the companies. The videos with the worse dislike ratios are all major company content whether it's some trailer or a news video.