Here's the thing:
No game is perfect. It's impossible to find a game that has every aspect that makes a game perfect. Find one with an amazing story? The combat system is going to suck. Find one with good combat? Then, the story is going to suck. You can't have everything. It's either going to be too easy or too hard. He said the game WAS GOOD! Quite possibly the best game of the year. (I wouldn't know because I can't play it. My computer would explode. -.-). He had to point out the bad things because no one laughs when he's being nice to a game.
No, I'm not some PC Elitist (*points to the part where her computer explodes*). But, I'm also not a console elitist. I have a PS2, which isn't even mine. A Wii, that isn't mine. I don't play the Xbox. I just play games. Strange concept, right? Why does everyone have to turn every game into an all out war?
No game is perfect. It's impossible to find a game that has every aspect that makes a game perfect. Find one with an amazing story? The combat system is going to suck. Find one with good combat? Then, the story is going to suck. You can't have everything. It's either going to be too easy or too hard. He said the game WAS GOOD! Quite possibly the best game of the year. (I wouldn't know because I can't play it. My computer would explode. -.-). He had to point out the bad things because no one laughs when he's being nice to a game.
No, I'm not some PC Elitist (*points to the part where her computer explodes*). But, I'm also not a console elitist. I have a PS2, which isn't even mine. A Wii, that isn't mine. I don't play the Xbox. I just play games. Strange concept, right? Why does everyone have to turn every game into an all out war?