Despite the bad review I rented this game to give it a spin, we all know Yahtzee likes to nit pick and well, I thought it might be ok, the little screen shots looked pretty good and overall, the game looked like it might give a scare or two.
I was wrong. In all my years I have never, ever, encountered a game this bad, it's like they took every bad aspect from every FPS ever made and duct taped it together. The level design is not only monotonous it's also bland, linear and generally painfully boring. Terrible one liners are repeated hundreds of thousands of times, almost as much as the enemies repeat, in battle the whole thing becomes a clusterfuck and there's so many people in your 'squad' i actually felt bad for the demons i was fighting because of how badly you outnumber them. There's no ammunition, nothing in terms of objects or cover and overall claiming this game as a horror FPS is like claiming that Doom3 wasn't dark enough. I think the combination of having an entire army of superheros, infinite ammunition and the ability to revive endlessly, took away and sense of vulnerability. But the thing that gets me is, theres no redeeming factors, nothing, quicktime events pointless, characters obnoxious, storyline no sense and graphics as terrible as everything else.
Theres not excuse for this game, Clive is a well known horror writer, so i assume he writes things that scare people. Ergo one would expect a halfway scary game, but what we get is the total opposite.