Zero Punctuation: Dead Rising 2


New member
May 15, 2009
This was a very funny review. Very much like the golden reviews of old.

I would like to play it, but I just really hate the idea of a time limit.

Jacob Montgomery

New member
May 28, 2010
Yeah, the bosses/pyschopaths are so annoying when they can kill you in about 4 hits/shots and you could use 5 shotgun's, and 3 LMG's and they'll just laugh at you, and call you weak.

{How can two strippers survive at least 5 shotgun shells, and still run up to you, slice you with a katana, and call you inadequate? it doesn't make sense!}


New member
May 2, 2009
Dead Rising 2 was pretty good to me, but I don't get the idea of scratch cards.
Okay so combo cards, which you can come by pretty easily, give you x2 Exp. when using the combo weapon on the card. But when you discover a combo weapon using only the brain in between your ears, you get a scratch card that does not hand out double Prestige Points, only gives you the recipe you already knew.
This feels like a counter-productive move on the developers part, wouldn't you want to encourage players to use their noodle rather than grind levels?
I know the Deadrisings are about lots of replay to see what you missed the first time, but I feel a little cheated every time the game tells me "[Useless] Scratch Card Unlocked".


New member
Aug 5, 2010
"Capcom make game stories the same way tumble dryers make potato salat"
lmfao...that's priceless !

Allan Foe

New member
Dec 20, 2007
The Jakeinator said:
Shiro No Uma said:
Why do you hate America? I don't get context or non sequitur at the end of the video.
Because everyone not from America hates it. We are so fucking smug and think we are so awesome, and we don't even have sexy accents.
When you're a prime superpower with strong influence over global politics you usually protect your own interests with little regard to the opinions of others, and this naturally earns you a lot of ire, even in the "friendly" camp (that's just how superpowers work).

Plus there's the cultural stereotypes propagated by the mass media that also work against you -- just like the "Overworked Train Molester" from Japan and the "Eternally Drunk Piss-poor Slob \ Rich Cut-throat" from Russia, the American has to contend with the image of an "Overweight Culturally Ignorant Militant".

NKnight said:
He enjoyed a sequeel... the world is changing.
Hello, you must be new here! Might want to watch some of the older ZP's to get you up to speed on the whole sequel issue, like that relatively recent "Saint's Row 2 marriage proposal" thing, for example.


New member
Oct 8, 2010
Think this is a part of his want for fun, unrealistic games. Honestly, I think the series is just too shallow and the time mechanic is just too restricting to be fun.


New member
Oct 19, 2009
A body of England's, breathing English
Washed by the rivers, blest by suns of home.

Perhaps it is time to return home?


New member
Dec 25, 2008
I'm wondering what people thought of multiplayer
One of the biggest things about the multiplayer is it's more like your playing a large number of minigames against other people separately, whoever got the highest points in that round won (there's even one round which makes you 100% independent to your opponents, there is no mingling at all)
Also if you do the online thing you don't have to worry about clubbing cavemen, each round netted me about $50,000 on average (sometimes up to $90k) which all went back to chuck when I wanted it to. So I had him walking around with several million dollars pretty easily.

However the biggest problem with multiplayer is how much time your wasted fapping about waiting for the rounds to start cause your listening to two wannabe ex-wrestling commentators comment about how one of them fucks zombies... or fucks the others mum... or thinks he's fucking awesome, always has been and always will be...
It was funny for the first few rounds, but when your playing multiplayer regularly you just want to beat them with a stick and say "SHUT THE HELL UP! I'm trying to play the game, this introduction in between each round is only wasted time I could be eviscerating zombies!"

Ghengis John

New member
Dec 16, 2007
Onyx Oblivion said:
They kept the time system...And have crazy unfair bosses on the first playthrough?

I'll wait until it's cheaper then.

But the survivor AI doesn't suck?

I find that hard to believe. VERY hard to believe.
Play it Thomas. Then believe it. Big improvement. No Aaron Swoop's this time around. Thank you God.

I was able to beat all the bosses my first time through. Pink chainsaw guy for instance isn't so bad if you just hop over the aisles of pews. He's too fat and his chainsaw is in the way so he can't do the same. He then tires out and you murder him while he catches his breath.

zombied00d said:
It's a pity firearms are still damn near worthless though.
I got a lot of use out of the shotgun. It might not strike you immediately but it is a great weapon for psychos. You can move while aiming now. Important change. Hold aim, move in, bait a psycho to use their melee attack then move out and shoot. Works a treat on The Sisters, Sullivan, Randall in the wedding chapel, the magicians and three of the snipers (the final one is a better shot so he'll knock you down plenty if you try firearms and his mellee swing is wide enough you can't bait and move too well). Slappy just strafe with the shotgun when he starts shooting fireballs and it looks like a fight from Duke Nukem. You can also dodge him when he charges and melee him or bring two snipers rifles and a quickstep to him. Jump over the railing, drink the quickstep and hoof it to the waterslide area. He can't come up the stairs in his rollerskates so snipe him as he tries to get a bead on you. The shotgun doesn't work so great on the protestor kid or the chef. You need something heavy to beat the chef up while he's eating and need to keep your health above 4 bars in case he decides he doesn't want to let you up. For ted use a melee weapon that can block like holy arms or knife gloves. If you're blocking, his attacks that normally knock you down will only stagger you, likewise attacks from blocking won't knock him down so you can kill him very quickly and concentrate on taming snowflake.


New member
May 19, 2009
wow, I am impressed, the last three reviews by ZP have been good, informative and not just non-stop complaint-fests.

Kudos Yatzhee, you've moved ahead of Doraleous and Associates on my top four Escapist shows, only Extra Credits and Escape to the Movies are higher than you at the moment, but you might move up higher if this continues.


New member
Oct 26, 2008
I just knew he'd mention that stupidly annoying bossfight with that assface from the "Swept Away" chapel... He was impossible to even damage without the third speed upgrade and the added health bars...

... That's why I thought Dead Rising was going to make the game less crap by making the bosses easier on the first playthroughs... Obviously not.

But that didn't mean I didn't get to level up enough to kill that fucker with a defiler... That is so brutal... Hehe, toilet brush fire extinguisher.


New member
Nov 11, 2009
OuendanCyrus said:
DR2 is such a huge improvement over the first game, I managed to get to level 50 and reach my 3rd playthrough with little annoyances, great review.
Pssh... give me DDR2!
It does not rush me through its storyline.


New member
Oct 15, 2010
In some veiw i like the game. where you can combine items to make a better one and smarter A.I. however, the things i dislike about the game is the tad daft story line, the unessaery bosses( where you see one, beat one and gain little much rewards) and the blastesd time limit. you think the idea of making a game with lots of things to do would be joyable, but the game is kinder making you rush thro it. so if you want a zomibe hit fest or geting the saveable safiveors to safety, you would have to be unintenanl to the time limit.