Zero Punctuation: Devil May Cry 4


New member
Nov 3, 2007
"Nero is a pussy, while Dante is more of a.. ****" LOVE the slight pause here. Kills it for me every time!!!



New member
May 28, 2008
This review was excellent, if a bit plain wrong on some parts. A few things said don't even happen in the game (Some in other games in the series, some not at ALL.) Entertaining, though.


New member
May 26, 2008
Well, as much as I love anime and the DMC series, Yahtzee is right that DMC4 is pretty much a list of all them most popular anime cliches.

And as a side note, if I wasn't terribly arachnophobic, I would totally to the Wasp v. Spider fight Yahtzee suggests at the end, lol.


New member
May 27, 2008
Hey, Yahtzee, I noticed that when you said that sequels were usually inferior (and I can agree to that) I noticed "Live Free or Die Hard" was one of your examples. I thought that movie kicked ass! Only thing it lacked from the others was the R rating. So what about the movie did you not like?


New member
Jul 27, 2008
I myself found the Devil May Cry series rather entertaining (though there are the parts in the thrid one we're you actually have to stop dicking around and play). The Devil May Cry four though pretty much said to me that (as you said) the creators ran out of ideas. I give you twenty cookie points for this reveiw (and yes I did say cookie points who the fuck likes brownies that much).


New member
Oct 18, 2008
"And the weird girls who write erotic crossover fanfictions and smell like old meat"

damn yahtzee, that's a new low /:

oh well funny/entertaining interview that you can take seriously unlike those from your average gaming site i.e gamespot - as always.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Am I missing something potentially obvious, or does Yahtzee actually refrain from using F*** (and/or any of its variations) in this review?


New member
Apr 24, 2009
Totally agree with this review, though I've not played all of DMC4 yet I have seen enough cutscenes to be able to make my judgement on Nero. I was really not impressed by the fact that they basically made him a younger emoified version of Dante. I expected some originality from these games if no others. Also it seems whether by fanboy intervention I have no idea that they seem to be taking the DMC3 route, yes I did not like DMC3 that much either, and like it said replaying all the levels again in reverse order. I will admit I did buy DMC4 simply to add to my collection of current DMCs (that and for the art book, which may seem a bit fangirlish but I'm an art student so you'll have to condemn me for that). After watching cutscenes and seeing friends play it my enthusiasm for the game has gone down somewhat in the storyline but again as said the combat has caught my attention so I'm not totally giving up on it.

Okay so I ended up making my own review on this but as Yahtzee has pretty much stated all the quibbles I had about the game (and in case your wondering no I did not just watch the video and agree with all his points to make myself look good. Though I enjoy playing games myself am I not allowed to be a critic too?) I shake his hand for his excellent reviews and hope he keeps it up


New member
Mar 1, 2009
I'll be sure to test putting a wasp and a spider in a fight. I've already got some Slipknot and Gummi Bears.


New member
Mar 17, 2009
does Yahtzee know that the original devil may cry was a rejected resident evil 4

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
It could be said that no movie or video game franchise can survive beyond a 3rd sequel. After the 3rd one it's starts to get monotonous. Possible exceptions being the Rocky series (IDK, I've only ever seen Rocky IV), Star Trek, Star Wars (maybe, opinions on the prequels vairy).


New member
Dec 30, 2008
the game envoced some of your cardnal sins of gaming

Thou shall not infinitlay re-spawn baddies

and thats all i can think of


New member
Sep 9, 2009
I have to admit that most of the review was very accurate. I didn't play the entire game myself but instead watched my friend play through the entire thing. The game play was alright except for most of what was already pointed out. The fixed cameras and time stop puzzles were so agonizingly painful along with the dice game which made me want to stab it with the over-sized sword repeatedly but alas that would only roll the dice more. I must admit I had hoped for a little more originality coming from CAPCOM on the creation of Nero that instead of taking the shell of Dante from DMC 3 and adding more flips to his hair and adding a little devil arm while changing his main color from red to blue with red accents was not their best idea and could have easily made a better character with maybe a little less emo pussiness so that he actually had some balls besides just when he would have a bi-polar moment and begin to kick ass before once again devolving into the whipped little boy. But the one thing I most definitely have to argue is the point about the girls liking it who smell like rotting meat. I have liked the DMC series for a long while (preferring to read the books more so than play the games but I have still played the games and DMC 2 was an absolute abomination to the game series v_v) I most certainly do not smell like rotting meat, Cherry blossoms or Love spell. Although the stereo-type works for some it definitely doesn't label all of us gamer girls :p

One thing I do have to admit I did not like was the going backwards once reaching the midway point of the game in order to play as Dante and act as a clean up crew behind Nero. The interactions with Dante and the bosses although in most cases I found them funny. (Although most crudeness and perverted behavior warrants a smack to anyone within arms reach of me I found that the subtly sexual comments and sometimes blatantly obvious ones would make me laugh.) If nothing else I give the game a good rating as far as the fighting style goes and for humor but for game play and creativity they need a LOT of work before they can get a good rating on that.