Zero Punctuation: Devil May Cry 4


New member
Sep 27, 2007
Not bad. Always a pleasure to see a bloated and overhyped series get taken down a notch.

And he's keeping the boobie references to a minimum. Finally.

Makes me wanna buy Fatboy Slim too.


New member
Mar 7, 2008
twilight_dweller said:
In any case, yes. Damn fine review, but at this point I'm wondering if there are any games left to review. Usually Yahtzee is at his peak when he is reviewing critically acclaimed games.
What about Super Smash Brothers Brawl, sure to be one of the most critically acclaimed games this year. I wonder what he has to say about SSBB, which comes out in 3 days.

Great review, though, as always.

Also, Amber Spyglass, while not a bestseller, was overall pretty good. It just seemed like Pullman had so many ideas he liked going into the series, that he didn't want to throw any of them out. Please keep in mind that these were written with a minimum audience age of 12-13.
And even Return of the King had a drawn-out ending.


New member
Mar 7, 2008
sorry about this unnecesary second post. i accidentally posted the same message twice *feels technologically impaired*


New member
Mar 7, 2008
sfried said:
Strafe Mcgee said:
psychonauts is one of the most inspired pieces of western gaming since Grim Fandango.
It is also one of the most clunky platformers I've ever played: Collectathon shinanigans so hard to get it makes Banjo-Tooie's forgivable.
That's a slight exaggeration, but you are right. Psychonauts did have its weak points. It was certainly not perfect. It started off slow, the opening levels were average, collections were tough, it had many platforming cliches.

Where it did well though, it excelled! The dialogue was awesome, as you'd expect from the creator of 'Day of the Tentacle' and 'Grim Fandango'. The design of some levels was sheer brilliance! The Milkman, Lungfishopolis, and Gloria's Theatre levels were major standouts. There is no platform game that has ever been created, that comes close to the creativity shown on those levels. Well, not that I've played anyway.

The level designs were integral to the story, and felt like it belonged. No contrivances here. Milkman had a delusional paranoid, and warped, view of the world. Lungfishopolis had its fishy scaled view of humans (and its clever Godzilla twist). The Theatre level contained set changes instead of storeys (excuse the pun). It's completely inspirational design.

And to make this post somewhat on topic ... Yahtzee has struck a blow for common sense with this DMC4 review. I'll have to shout him a Crownie if I ever see him in a bar. That's buying him a beer, for those non-aussies in the crowd.


New member
Mar 7, 2008
When I saw on Yahtzee's page that he reviewed DMC4 I was very anxious to see it because I'm a huge fan of DMC3 and DMC4 totally let me down. And now I can't see the vid. Apparently there's an error in the javascript. Has anyone else experienced this problem? Does anyone know how to get around it? I really really want to see the review :(


New member
Mar 7, 2008
I seem to have a problem with watching the videos since I go to the page with the video and I see things like "to embed this video, click 'grab the code' beneath the player" but I see absolutely no player, nor any link that goes to a player. what am I supposed to do to watch these videos?


New member
Jan 14, 2008
Metroid Prime !! ;D Great review I love those real life parts, "I won't forget this betrayal oh no" And of course the homo stuff is just helarious :)


New member
Nov 4, 2007
Indigo_Dingo said:
kaigem said:
twilight_dweller said:
In any case, yes. Damn fine review, but at this point I'm wondering if there are any games left to review. Usually Yahtzee is at his peak when he is reviewing critically acclaimed games.
What about Super Smash Brothers Brawl, sure to be one of the most critically acclaimed games this year. I wonder what he has to say about SSBB, which comes out in 3 days.
Fuck you dude, fuck you. Brawl is not coming out here for a matter of months, you arrogant bum.

Sorry, that just really pisses me off.

Same with Rock Band.

Until GTA IV, Yahtzee will probably have to restrict himself to reviewing games that have been out a while. I'm guessing Resistance, at which point he'll be forced to agree that its close to Portal.
Oh jesus don't get me started on Rock Band. You're saying maybe June? MAYBE JUNE?!
To return to topic, a great review IMO because it says all I think about anime (I still like some, just like I like some "movies") and DMC.


New member
Jan 11, 2008
There's a worker at my local computer game store that can't wait for this game to come out. I can't wait to show him this review.

Presumably the reason why the DMC series is no longer exclusively a Sony title because even Capcom know it's past its sell by date and will need to sell on multiple systems in order to make a profit.

[Psychonauts] is also one of the most clunky platformers I've ever played: Collectathon shinanigans so hard to get it makes Banjo-Tooie's forgivable.
I didn't find it clunky at all. Do you play games often? Also, unlike most platformers, for the majority of the time you aren't required to collect everything around you. The collections are mainly for added extras like art designs and back story information.


New member
Sep 22, 2007
kaigem said:
What about Super Smash Brothers Brawl, sure to be one of the most critically acclaimed games this year. I wonder what he has to say about SSBB, which comes out in 3 days.

Great review, though, as always.
Yahtzee hails from Australia, so unless he has a Freeloader and can import it, he won't be reviewing it for a while.


New member
Jan 12, 2008
Devil May Cry 4 was a great one in my opinion. Rented it and played it through rather quickly, but some secret missions are worth checking out. I guess it is action game standard right now to get you ready for TRUE gameplay with tactics and strategy once you finish the easy modes. I only played Human though, but I nearly watched all of the cinematics in theater mode again. I think they are just great. You just have to love Dante's Flamenco when he gets Lucifer. The alternate ending "A day at the office" or something like that is great as well. The fight against Credo in front of headquarters is great - opening, animations, graphics, staging...

I did not even bother there was only one track. As a DMC-starter I liked the song better and better while a learned to master the combo system. I think it's a very good game.

Although Yahtzee is perfectly right about sizes in this game. They cannot get bigger next time, that's for sure.

Play the game!


New member
Feb 3, 2008
I totally agree with everything yahtzee said there. I played the game for about 10 minutes, and because i skipped pretty much all of the cut scenes (seriously, why couldn't I have kicked those scarecrow... things...?) i had no idea what was going on.
I only went back on the game when i was dying of man flu, and was so bored out of my mind that anything with colour seemed appealing to me.

I must admit thought, the combat is very fun!

Inner Darkness

New member
Mar 8, 2008
WOW DUDE! i just joined this website and wow, ur the funniest person i ever seen when it came to game reviews! I wished u be on that t.v. show where they revie games and u be the one to put it all down lmao! 10/10 to all ur videos! I really am greatful u make these reviews with good graphic stick figures and do random things with ur voice! Pls make more and have a nice day!