Zero Punctuation: Eve Online


New member
Feb 3, 2008
Ok, i hate straying into the "what if" because i know once you say one what if, you can pretty much say anything in any context and justify it, but here i go anyway.
What if the people who run this game, stopped. And the game went down, and never worked again. I always wonder this, well, with any MMO really. I mean, you say its accomplishment, but is it really accomplishment if none of it matters in the big time anyway.

Yeah i know, you're come back will be something like: "everyone dies so what accomplishment is that" or whatever, but lets be reasonable here. I'd like some people to argue over this now so i can watch and laugh =]

(remember - i play WoW) ;)

OH YEAH. And if you guys, and i know you're smart, your fucking brilliant, if you could put your talents to use and expand them realistically, maybe we can explore real space?


New member
Jul 26, 2006
lol all my friend does on the game is logs in to train a skill and then logs out again and has done this for years.........

That said I reward EVE for doing something different because I'm sick of WOW and I love the in depth Market and how the game doesn't have character classes or levels which ruin mmorpgs and make them too linear then makes all the content previous to your level useless and makes it so you ahve to grind to end level to be able to play with your friends.

What puts me off EVE is the timed training because I want to progress at my own pace and the fact that you will never catch up veterans of the game because of the timed trianing and how PVP is all about group combat and I myself prefer 1 v 1 to show off my leet skills.

EVE is not a bad mmorpg but a niche one that doesn't appeal to most people but you can't knock something because it doesn't appeal to everyone.


New member
Jul 1, 2008
Yeah i played the 14 day trial, my friend thought it was the shiz i just warped around a bit, got lost then closed the window. Bloody hell it was confuzzling


New member
Sep 3, 2008
KiiWii post=6.70442.692671 said:
Ok, i hate straying into the "what if" because i know once you say one what if, you can pretty much say anything in any context and justify it, but here i go anyway.
What if the people who run this game, stopped. And the game went down, and never worked again. I always wonder this, well, with any MMO really. I mean, you say its accomplishment, but is it really accomplishment if none of it matters in the big time anyway.

Yeah i know, you're come back will be something like: "everyone dies so what accomplishment is that" or whatever, but lets be reasonable here. I'd like some people to argue over this now so i can watch and laugh =]

(remember - i play WoW) ;)
What if your memory card got fried just before you completed GTA:SA?

An accomplishment is an accomplishment. The fact that the servers got turned off doesn't change your memories or what you've done. You still accomplished things and had an awesome time.


New member
Feb 3, 2008
lord667 post=6.70442.692683 said:
KiiWii post=6.70442.692671 said:
Ok, i hate straying into the "what if" because i know once you say one what if, you can pretty much say anything in any context and justify it, but here i go anyway.
What if the people who run this game, stopped. And the game went down, and never worked again. I always wonder this, well, with any MMO really. I mean, you say its accomplishment, but is it really accomplishment if none of it matters in the big time anyway.

Yeah i know, you're come back will be something like: "everyone dies so what accomplishment is that" or whatever, but lets be reasonable here. I'd like some people to argue over this now so i can watch and laugh =]

(remember - i play WoW) ;)
What if your memory card got fried just before you completed GTA:SA?

An accomplishment is an accomplishment. The fact that the servers got turned off doesn't change your memories or what you've done. You still accomplished things and had an awesome time.
what if your eyes boiled out of your head right now?
Told you it could get ridiculous ;)


New member
Apr 16, 2008
I finally got around to watching the video (no surprise there was already 200 posts), I'd just like to say that Yahtzee has hit the nail on the head perfectly once again.


New member
Sep 3, 2008
KiiWii post=6.70442.692695 said:
what if your eyes boiled out of your head right now?
Told you it could get ridiculous ;)
Well, I can't imagine playing MMO's in Braille so it could do wonders for my social life.


New member
Apr 4, 2008
Doesn't look like much fun, trying to find a decent space/planet exploration game, but, not many choices around. Anyways, great review, and, the skill trees would fry my brain.


New member
Jun 4, 2008
I tried the game thanx to the beautyful ships. It was a mistake. Most of the time i was watching the game play itself. Seriously, i was sitting watching TV and once in a while checking wether my ship was still mining ore or already was filled up ready to go. And my goal at that point (being in one of these corporations) was to get a bigger ship to mine even more ore to get a bigger ship to mine more... you get the point. This was just broken up by enormously booooring traveling between stations: Klick jumpgate. Wait until you reached jumpgate and jumped. Fly to next jumpgate. Wait until you reached jumpgate and jumped. Fly to station. Wait until you reached station. Sell ore. Fly back to jumpgate.... WUAAAAH!


New member
Aug 6, 2008
14 day free trial? didnt even last an hour, ive never uninstalled anything that fast in my entire life lol


New member
Feb 3, 2008
lord667 post=6.70442.692702 said:
KiiWii post=6.70442.692695 said:
what if your eyes boiled out of your head right now?
Told you it could get ridiculous ;)
Well, I can't imagine playing MMO's in Braille so it could do wonders for my social life.
Hahah xD
Tell you what thought, you probably could play EVE in Braille, its pretty text based. It'd take freaking ages though. =]


Reportable Offender
Sep 3, 2008
Eve is the game that made me look upon WoW more favorably.

I don't feel accomplished once I've attained something big in a game. If I didn't have fun getting there I just feel I've wasted time. Frankly, WoW isn't anywhere close to perfect either but it is significantly better than Eve.

PxDn Ninja

New member
Jan 30, 2008
AdamAK post=6.70442.692618 said:
PxDn Ninja post=6.70442.692539 said:
and in terms of training, I can get my equipment long before you would have the skills to use the Battleships stuff. Just about every aspect of the game is deep and has many different things to consider, similar to a tactics RPG.

As for being unfair, the hardcore players are rewarded where casuals are not in the terms of money. While most games are level based, Eve is money based. You can train for years, be able to sit in the largest, most armored ship, with the best weapons for that ship, and still be stuck in a frigate because you play casually and never will amass the billions of isk needed to afford what you trained for, while the hardcore player will have a hangar filled with different cruisers, battleships, a capital ship, and other variants, thus being prepared for any situation. All because they play a lot and can afford the nice items.
How exactly would you get your equipment ready before I'd have my battleship stuff? Unless you are somehow able to defy time itself. Oh, and money isn't really an issue if you're in one of those fancy corporations or if you have a friend who's willing to donate some money.

So your the small ship with the advantage, until that battleship either A: Kicks on a webber and causes your ship to slow to well within it's targeting speeds, B: Deploys drones for close range defense that can easily keep up with you,
Nice one. You just said that the bigger guns don't always win, and now you say that they pretty much do.

Huzzah, I can be a lazy bum and still achieve the same as others. It's fairness all over the place!
For your first point, it is quite simple. You start in a small frigate with gun skills, Battleships take upwards of a month to sit in, another month for the skills to use the guns, and yet another month to use the modules to fight against a frigate who spent just half that time powering up their guns and modules.

Also, frigates are cheaper than battleships, thus they will have an easier time outfitting their ship.

And I didn't say the bigger guns always win. I said in those options was to either force the other ship to slow to your guns tracking speed (so the big gun can win), deploy drones, who use small guns (thus, small guns win), or pull an ally in, who can be using any sort of gun, because the frigate will be on you so they can just distance themselves as needed and open fire (gun doesn't matter). These are just a few of the options available to a battleship in this situation anyhow.


New member
Feb 3, 2008
It all depends what you're going for i guess.
Seriously, did no-one play space4k? Real simple EVE? no? It was the kind of thing you just went on every now and again to build a ship or something, but the timescale was smaller, like hours.


High Priest of Haruhi
Aug 22, 2008
EvE online is not so much a space game as it is an economic simulation
From the fourteen day trial (I actually played two, about 6-9 months apart) I can safely say that *this* is entirely true. It's all well and good to have a deep PvP aspect with corporations and the territory control aspect but a lot of people on a trial won't see this. I know I didn't. I played the fourteen days and realised that as far as the game went for me, it was fly->shoot->loot->fly->sell and repeat. The only thing that kept me going was that next ship and that is something that you see in every MMO, just replacing "ship" with your equipment of choice be it sword, gun, lightsaber or Titan class starship. My friend played EVE a lot longer than I did and he thoroughly enjoyed it. I'm not nearly rich enough as a student to pay for two MMO subscriptions (WoW and EVE) at the same time, so I chose that which I had known and loved, that being WoW.

I'm not saying that the 'grind' is all EVE is. I recognise it's other aspects (those mentioned before, the giant scale PvP, corporations and economy control) but in the fourteen days you simply don't see that. It's a flaw not with the game but with the trial system itself. If they extended it to a month perhaps then people may be more inclined to get into a player run corp, see EVE for what it can be rather than the initial impression. At the trial's current length of fourteen days you get almost exactly what Yahtzee described which is pretty close to my impressions. Fly around for a while, shoot some stuff and return. I hope the EVE developers take what Yahtzee said as constructive criticism to help improve the game, I really do.


New member
Nov 14, 2007
Yathzee made my day... with including a bunch of dragons... and cute one at this too. Now a game with this bugger I would play ( pets cutie dragon :D ).

What goes for EVE... I never liked it before... I didn't like it anymore now... and I'm not going to like it better in the future. It's an MMO... this already qualifies it as a failure ( unless miracles still happen in this world :D )


New member
Jun 9, 2008
Sylocat post=6.70442.691810 said:
Now that I think of it, the first comment about how having maps makes everything boring is really quite accurate. One of the main reasons I think fiction about uncharted islands does so well is that we like the idea of having something on Earth that's still a mystery, some place we have to explore, where we don't know what's coming.

Just a thought.
Plus logically, the less of X you have, the greater value X must be. Take the old RPG's, like Chrono Trigger, where all the graphics were painted and then entered into a pixel-engine by hand. Certainly not going to waste time with a random fucking mountain just for the extra bulletpoint on the back of the box.
You can say the same for a lot of parts of gaming actually. Enemies? MMO hordes vs the much less numerous and much more interesting enemies in Shadow of the Colossus.
Quality > quantity. People will replay the same good thing (a boss-fight, a minigame in Zelda, anything by popcap) over and over; nobody cares about sixty hours of shit if it's SIXTY HOURS OF *SHIT*.


New member
Sep 3, 2008
Thank-you, Thank-you, THANK-YOU Yahtzee for letting me know that I'm not stupid in not liking EVE in the slightest...

My boyfriend has been addicted to EVE for months and I've watched him spending god knows how much money getting more and more immersed in what I see as a game with little or no mental stimulation; now I feel more confident telling him it is indeed a waste of his precious youth/money now that I know an actual GAMER thinks so too...

...The funny thing is, he actually defended it!! how do I get him off it for God's sake??