I can't be bothered to scan through all the previous comments but I found it odd that you neglected to mention that the two expansion packs to FEAR weren't touched by the original developers, Monolith; of Condemned and No One Lives Forever fame. I guess if you didn't like the original FEAR then you can't be expected to like the bastard offspring but it's worth noting that even the run-of-the-mill gaming magazines noticed that the expansions were a few pegs lower than the original game. The bullet time mechanic, while out of place, was undoubtedly implemented to show off the the fancy particle effects. And if like you, or me the first time I played FEAR, don't have the borg cube handy to run it at high settings it seems rather out of place. Now that I've squandered all my hard-earned cash on a fancier box I've noticed that bullet time becomes less of a panic button and more of a badass mode engage button, which is good because I'm going to need something to take my mind off of my imminent bankruptcy.
I suppose it was a good review, since the expansion packs are the epitome of taking an idea and running way too far with it, but the original FEAR had a lot of nice touches which I felt you glanced over; especially the chatter of the enemy soldiers slowly becoming more and more terrified as you pick them off one by one.