Zero Punctuation: Left 4 Dead 2 & New Super Mario Bros Wii


New member
Jan 28, 2008
I think it's time we abandoned the clunky phrase "zombie apocalypse" and adopted the far more streamlined "zombocalypse." Say it out loud. Just rolls right off the tongue, don't it?


New member
Oct 29, 2009
I don't know what's funnier: the video itself, one of the best ever made by Yahtzee, or the reaction of all the l4d32324342 fanboys :D


New member
Jul 26, 2009
lol... The Shawshank Redemption! I hate that movie.

I've played the L4D2 demo and I liked it. Never played the first one so i found it very interesting and different. Maybe I'll get it when the price comes down.

YES! ep3! Valve needs to get their act together!


New member
Jan 2, 2008
Motakikurushi said:
Once again, Yahtzee has bestowed some poignant wisdom regarding the worst gaming company in recent history. Never in my life have I heard of a more absolutely retarded concept than 'New Super Mario Bros DS on the Wii', because that's all it is really; repackage a previously released title (which has been released prior New Super Mario Bros Wii about a billion times) and sell it again. How the hell could anybody have bought this? If Darwin's theory of evolution could be applied to Video Games then Nintendo should technically not exist. They become more powerful the more repetitive and unoriginal they are. I heartily look forward to 'New New Super Mario Bros DS' and 'New New Super Mario Bros DS on the Wii'.

Oh, and L4D2 does fall into this hole as well, but I'm willing to forgive Valve because they've actually released something original in the past decade.
'survival of the fittest' has not everything to do with individual traits as innovation or originality. At its core, it's about survival of the best adapted, the best suited to the environment.

And the environment (the gamers) seem to like the repetitiveness and unoriginality of nintendo. This is just something that will happen with games becoming mass-market, mainstream. Look at the movie industry and the same friction between hollywood and arthouse


New member
Jan 3, 2008
Basslover said:
Why do people like playing old games? The graphics and gameplay are inherently worse, there is literally nothing good about them other than being able to recall fond memories. And as I've said, that usually is a giant-ass let down as you are left wondering how you have fond memories of something that looks like cat barf and handles like bricks in a balloon.

Really? if that's the case then shouldn't Little big Planet play better than SMB3 or SMB!, new doesn't mean better, graphics yeah, but gameplay?, nope, if not WHY people play those games, if not of a definition of queality but because the gamplay is fun, and again the almost 20 million copies of nsmb ds tell the story, if you don't like them, fine, but don't put them down when there is a HUGE population that likes them. Heck i don't like FPS but im not whinning about why 13 millions of people played COD MW1, is their genre not mine.

same here with mario, some people just like arcades like, pin point precision control and rewarding feeling of skill of an gud ol' plataformer, after all these are GAMES things made to be fun is the game is not fun i don't care how inmersive it is.
Because New Super Mario Smash Bro's is FUN and a joy to play.

It's not just game developers getting greedy these days, it's gamers too. What people don't get is that games have pretty much peaked in terms of innovation as EVERYTHING half decent has been covered in the last 20 years.

The only thing that can be original these days is the storyline and that's becoming a rarity as well.

As long as the games graphics don't hurt my eyes, the controls work the way i want them, game play features have some sort of challenge, then i consider that a good buy.

If the game has a well thought out storyline, i consider that a great buy.

It's even a plus when games throw in co-op (which should be becoming the norm in current generation games as far as i'm concerned) another plus is when the game play lasts more than 5 hours which thankfully NSMSB does with 8 worlds to cover.

Yes innovation is great but most innovation these days break games because game developers try too hard, i'm actually glad NSMSB's plays exactly like SMB3 because at least back then games were actually challenging and well thought out.


New member
Oct 23, 2008
You could get the new Mario game and have 4 people piss each other off but lbp lets you annoy your friends so much more because mid jump you can grab them and fall into the abyss.

That and lbp lets you create your own levels with all those tools so you can perfectly recreate the new Mario game, that is actually the old Mario game. That plays like any of the old 2d Mario games.

bjj hero

New member
Feb 4, 2009
Good review. Is Mario full price? It looks like it should cost about £6.00 on XBL market place like all of the SEGA Genesis re releases.

I haven't bought L4D2 as it feels like a poorly ported PC title. I'm interested, thought about buying it but decided not to buy a poor version of a good game.

Unfortunately I've not had a gaming rig in years.

bjj hero

New member
Feb 4, 2009
Darkflamex said:
Because New Super Mario Smash Bro's is FUN and a joy to play.

It's not just game developers getting greedy these days, it's gamers too. What people don't get is that games have pretty much peaked in terms of innovation as EVERYTHING half decent has been covered in the last 20 years.

The only thing that can be original these days is the storyline and that's becoming a rarity as well.

As long as the games graphics don't hurt my eyes, the controls work the way i want them, game play features have some sort of challenge, then i consider that a good buy.

If the game has a well thought out storyline, i consider that a great buy.

It's even a plus when games throw in co-op (which should be becoming the norm in current generation games as far as i'm concerned) another plus is when the game play lasts more than 5 hours which thankfully NSMSB does with 8 worlds to cover.

Yes innovation is great but most innovation these days break games because game developers try too hard, i'm actually glad NSMSB's plays exactly like SMB3 because at least back then games were actually challenging and well thought out.
Then get an emulator and play mario 3. This is a redundant title. Multi-player is not an inovation. Weve been doing multi player platforming since before contra.

Saying all innovations have been made is a cop out. Recently we've had an explosion in fps (horde mode), motion controls (wii, Natal), touch screen (DS), music games (guitar hero, rock band) to name the first few from the top of my head. None of these were around 10 years ago.

I also seriously doubt there is much challenge in Mario Wii as there will be auto save/save points. Any borderline moron with two thumbs and a working inner ear could muscle through it to the end. You have to accept that mainstream titles will never be as hard as they used to be. I've never put that amount of effort in since beating bionic commando on the NES.

Gamers who don't expect improvements and innovation in titles are bad for gaming. If everyone was like that we would still be playing pong.


New member
Dec 11, 2009
I'm getting extremely bored of all the people who feel the need to justify their 50 dollar purchase of L4D2 because of all these oooh shiny new melee weapons, and oooh look new creatures and ooo new maps. But while you're playing your over priced sequel, I'll be playing Killing Floor, which has no problems giving new weapons (and had a chainsaw from day one, it's not THAT special) and zombies and maps for free. And the game was only 20 bucks to begin with.


New member
Dec 10, 2009
Lord_Awesome said:
I think it's time we abandoned the clunky phrase "zombie apocalypse" and adopted the far more streamlined "zombocalypse." Say it out loud. Just rolls right off the tongue, don't it?
I usually just go with "Z-day". Very concise.


New member
Sep 1, 2007
2D anything is passe even on portables.... sure tis not that it can not be mean good its just been there done that why bother.

I am still waiting on the ultimate mario game, the levels would work like a cross between Prototype and Fallout 3 with traditional marioeqse layouts. The gameplay is like mario 64 but you unlock more powers and can unlock power up moves. The power ups are form SMB3 and SMBW. The equipment system would be like zelda you stick stuff on and that is that some help with swimming some flying some give extra health some allow you to keep a power up no matter what your health is.

Give me that and I will die a happy bastard!!


New member
Nov 19, 2009
It depends on how you define next generation I guess. I haven't seen any games on the 360 or PS3 that have made me think: 'this couldn't have been done on an earlier generation.' Aside from the online functions there isn't really anything gameplay-wise about COD4-2 that couldn't have been done on the Xbox. It wouldn't have looked as good but the gameplay would have been pretty much the same. I realise the same can be said about Mario games, but the Wii's control scheme has the potential to provide gameplay that can't really be emulated on any other console. So what if the graphics aren't state of the art? I haven't been impressed by a game's graphics since I saw the first Resident Evil update. I simply view amazing graphics as a matter of course. Until games utilise a console's processing power to enhance gameplay (like Half-Life 2 did with it's gravity physics) I'll always feel I didn't need to fork out for a 360. Wii's graphics might not be that good and most of its games are, admittedly, rubbish; but the ones that are good make me feel excited about games in a way I haven't felt since the first screenshots of Mario 64, because they offer something new.


New member
Jan 7, 2009
Broojenstein said:
It depends on how you define next generation I guess. I haven't seen any games on the 360 or PS3 that have made me think: 'this couldn't have been done on an earlier generation.' Aside from the online functions there isn't really anything gameplay-wise about COD4-2 that couldn't have been done on the Xbox. It wouldn't have looked as good but the gameplay would have been pretty much the same. I realise the same can be said about Mario games, but the Wii's control scheme has the potential to provide gameplay that can't really be emulated on any other console. So what if the graphics aren't state of the art? I haven't been impressed by a game's graphics since I saw the first Resident Evil update. I simply view amazing graphics as a matter of course. Until games utilise a console's processing power to enhance gameplay (like Half-Life 2 did with it's gravity physics) I'll always feel I didn't need to fork out for a 360. Wii's graphics might not be that good and most of its games are, admittedly, rubbish; but the ones that are good make me feel excited about games in a way I haven't felt since the first screenshots of Mario 64, because they offer something new.
Unfortunately, your good (valid) points will fall on deaf ears here. There are a lot of young kids on this site and all their immature brains want is killing and FPS's and graphics. Notice how so many of them are complaining about NSMBW being so similar to it's predecessors but none of them have anything bad to say about L4D2 even though it's pretty much exactly the same as L4D1.
Mazty said:
SOrry, you have not shown how liking this joke of a game is no different to whacking off over films from the 60's or cars from the 40's. As I have said, all it shows is the person hasn't actually played a wide variety of games if they enjoy it.
I would love to hear the logic behind this statement. How exactly does enjoying something old have any bearing on how many games someone has played?

Abyss Master

New member
May 20, 2009
bjj hero said:
Then get an emulator and play mario 3. This is a redundant title. Multi-player is not an inovation. Weve been doing multi player platforming since before contra.
You've never played Mario like this though. Your argument only holds water in the most general view on gaming. Of course multiplayer has been done before. But four player Mario? Never. Saying that the game has been done before is as shallow as saying that every FPS is exactly the same. People may use it as an argument, but that doesn't change the fact that it's a pretty shitty argument.

Saying all innovations have been made is a cop out. Recently we've had an explosion in fps (horde mode), motion controls (wii, Natal), touch screen (DS), music games (guitar hero, rock band) to name the first few from the top of my head. None of these were around 10 years ago.
Actually, motion controls were around ten years ago. I'm sure you remember all the NES peripherals. Music games have certainly been around for a good while, though Guitar Hero revolutionized the genre. And FPS and innovative doesn't really go together anymore.

I also seriously doubt there is much challenge in Mario Wii as there will be auto save/save points.
If a stage is friggin' hard then it will still be friggin' hard even if you saved before it. The challenge isn't in having to start all over, it's in progressing.

As I have said, all it shows is the person hasn't actually played a wide variety of games if they enjoy it.
Your statement was proven false before you even made it. Gamers all over have played and enjoyed this game.

Either that, or people are much more easily entertained (Read brain-dead) than I had imagined.
Instead of assuming that everyone else are stupid, why don't you reflect on yourself instead? Not saying that YOU're the stupid one, but rather that your perception on both gaming and gamers is faulty as fuck.

Pong was fun, Tetris was fun etc. SMB was fun, but should have evolved. It hasn't - it's just the same crap rehashed and for some reason people are happy to pay good money for it.
Super Mario Bros., Pong and Tetris have something in common. They're played to this day. Tetris could very well be the most played game in the world.


Because they're FUN. And with that, I mean that they're fun even after the tenth goddamn playthrough. NSMBW will keep the players playing, because no stage and no playthrough is ever the same. They made sure of that when they put in the multiplayer.

You say it'll be selling in 2012. I bet the Wii will be flooding ebay by then and worth jack-sh*t all.
That's what they said about 2009 in 2006.

Fact is most Wii owners have no idea what a game is, they just get easily entertained by bright colours etc.
Fun fact, no Wii owner buy a Wii for anything other than games. Your argument contradicts itself. Wii owners are Wii owners because they wanted to play Wii games.

If you grabbed someone who'd never played a game before and gave him Tetris, he'd think it was the cream of the crop - same here with the Wii in general. If you get someone whose played games for a long time, and a variety, they'll tell you tetris, SMB etc were good, but now are just lame. Simply put, there are games that do the same, but better.
No game is doing what NSMBW is doing.

The old "they don't know any better" argument has been pulled ever since the Wii's launch, and it seems that some people still can't get into their heads that there MIGHT be one other explanation, one that doesn't require spewing shallow gaming stereotypes ala omgcasualz.

Plus, it's people like you who are killing the industry as you have no idea between quality and fun (See Tetris comments).
It's time for you to shut the f*** up about what other people do and don't know, and realize your own shortcomings when it comes to understanding and perceiving the "industry". Customers, be it a "casual" or a "hardcore" gamer, can never be wrong about the industry. Why? Because they're the f***ing customers. THEY decide what's good and what's bad. If they like something, you better damn believe that there's a good reason for it, and not "because they don't know any better", because that's bullcrap.

Thomas Drake

New member
Dec 10, 2009
As always hilarious, though I do have to agree...I want to play Half-Life 2 Episode 3 already. Oh well I guess I will just have to keep myself entertained with L4D 1 and 2 while I wait.


New member
May 1, 2009
Spot on as far as L4D2 goes. It's more of an expansion, but considering how much I've played it, it was well worth the cost.

I can't say much for "new" Mario bros as I haven't yet played it, but apparently I have played it. So does that mean I can bash/praise it now?