So I guess from the grammatical corrections today, this particular column was "some punctuation" rather than "zero punctuation".
Anyways, while I did enjoy SSBB, it is plainly obvious that Nintendo fans are by and large just kids or kids that never grew up. Not in the Toys R Us sense either. Everything about their precious little Wii has been hailed as Messiahs and touted as exemplifying the Wii as the system of choice. When one person of any credibility in the gaming world comes along and expresses dissatisfaction with SSMM and Nintendo as a whole they grab their torches and pitchforks and attack. Watching these posts and the sheer repetitiveness of their moronic arguments reminded me of any time the villagers attacked in Resident Evil 4. Tons of people, all absorbed by the same "cult" spouting mindless drivel in an effort to kill the people that will not conform.
Also, I'm sure that they weren't complaining when you gave pretty favorable reviews to Mario Galaxy, Zack & Wiki, and No More Heroes. Ignorant children.