Zero Punctuation: Mass Effect 2


New member
Feb 17, 2010
Good review, amusing as usual ;-)

With all the controversial reviews and posts, I really hope Yahtzee reviews AvP soon!

Jake the Snake

New member
Mar 25, 2009
I didn't mind the review. I loved this game, and i think Yahtzee liked it (even if he doesn't want to admit liking any sort of RPG). I knew he was going to make a big deal about the mining. Its boring, but its seriously not a HUGE part of the game, and considering each RICH planet has about 30k of each element it goes relatively fast.

Yahtzee: You totally dismissed the writing as just another part of the game. Ok yes bioware does it consistantly and better than everyone else, but cmon give them a little credit.


New member
Feb 17, 2010
Spider Expert said:
Pretty spot on, however I did think the combat was a lot more entertaining than it was in the first.
Spot on. I thought the combat was average/clunky in the first one, didn't even need to use cover. But ME2 addresses this well... as you said, entertaining.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
Daystar Clarion said:
I found it rather lacking in insults. Which means yahtzee loved it.
Well a couple reviews ago, he DID refer to it as an "all-consuming gelatinous cube", so I assumed it was at least rather addicting for him.

Very nice review, Yahtzee. Shame to see all those complaints, but I really can't disagree with you on any of them. Shame you didn't mention the characters though, but we'd be here all night if you did that.

fire fiend35

New member
Feb 27, 2009
I found what you said about the mako to be hilarious as it was so tedious and felt like it was just slapped on just to make the game that *little bit better* when it wasnt.Probing planets is pretty boring aswell.


New member
Sep 26, 2009
I think its time for me to post my thoughts on both Mass Effect 2 and Yahtzee's comment towards the game. I disagree with him about the combat system. Its easy, but its far better then the one in Mass Effect 1. Not to mention the fact that it has four difficulty settings. Casual, Normal, Hard, and Insane. If any of you out there think the combat is easy, go play on Insane difficulty and then come back and talk to me. :) This isn't directed at Yahtzee himself, but rather the people who hate the Mass Effect 2 for no reason. And no, I am not a BioWare fan-boy.

But getting back to my original statement about the combat, I would like to also point out about body shot hits. In Mass Effect 1, when you shoot an enemy in the head, they take the same amount of damage when you shoot them in the stomach. In Mass Effect 2, head-shots are instant kill. Especially with a pistol and sniper. This isn't a fault really. Every first person shooter has this system.

I will admit, I was disappointed that health regeneration would be in Mass Effect 2 at first, but after seeing what a epic fail the medi-gel system was in the first game, I'd much prefer the regeneration system.

AvacuumSALESMAN said:
You failed to mention the crappy disk swapping.
Yet you failed to the fact that only the 360 has this problem. PC gamers for the win.

And why would anybody want the planet exploration to come back? Granted, I enjoyed the concept of it. Being able to travel to uncharted worlds and exploring them for hidden secrets sounds nice. But the way it was executed in Mass Effect 1 was terrible. All of the uncharted worlds looked exactly the same. There was no sense in variety and to be quite truthful, it was boring and repetitive. In Mass Effect 2, it returns, but its improved. The planets now have more detail to them, and the exploration system works better too. Plus, I hated the M35 Mako.

But I can see most of you are disappointed by this. Let me be the first to remind you that there is a DLC coming out that contains the M57 Hammerhead. Which contains a hover feature. Who knows what else would be included alongside that...

My final reply is that the ending of Mass Effect 2 was not a rip off of Elder Scrolls. Not sure why anybody would come up with this idea, but it just simply isn't. Elder Scrolls itself is a rip off of J. R. R. Tolkien works and many D&D stories. But lets not get into that today. I'll be ranting my pants off for about 6 hours if we went into that. :p But my main point is that Mass Effect 2 (IMO) contained one of the most cinematic endings I've ever seen in a video game. It was exciting, fast paced, and had the qualities of a movie. It felt like I've watched Star Wars and Star Trek (2009) for the very first time of my life. And this is a good feeling.

In comparison to other video games out in the market, Mass Effect 2 beats them in a long way. Boarderlands, Dark Void, Bayonetta, Darksiders and the Elder Scrolls series (Yes, I hate that.) are just really bad when compared to Mass Effect 2. This statement doesn't mean I'm a blind Mass Effect fan-boy though. There are other games which I enjoy more then Mass Effect 2. But I'm just comparing it to any other January 2010 releases.

Bioware should use Yahtzee's idea, it would prove to be the most enjoyable planet exploration method so far.
They would have to make a multiple animations to do such a thing. I don't think it'll be in Mass Effect 3, but if you want to be hoping, be my guest.

EDIT: Argh. The Escapist has one of the worst reply features I've ever seen.


New member
Feb 16, 2010
I rented this game and I have to say it was rather lacking, I came into it with bad intentions because i hated the first Mass Effect game the second the vehicle sections came in. And I'm glad they got rid of those but i was hoping for there to some aspects from Dragon Age: Origins in there... A game I absolutely loved but sadly no it was just like the first minus the inventory part and thats weird that they would take that out. Anyways I think this game was just bloody awful.


New member
Aug 6, 2009
i find it pretty funny that he refuses to give points for the game having solid writing because he considers that to be a standard for BioWare games
and then exactly ONE sentence later he complains about characters getting "the BioWare face" when delivering lines
implying that the recurring elements in their games doesn't count if its a good feature but does count if its bad


New member
Feb 21, 2009
Raithnor said:
blalien said:
I want to know who Yahtzee sexed! I hope it's Tali.
From what Yahtzee described that was the Miranda ending. Although why she felt the need to screw in the engine room is beyond me.

You know if you sex up Tali, in the next game she's going to contract an virus and die from a poor immune system...right?



New member
Jan 11, 2010
I'm surprised Yahtzee missed the occasion to rip into the dick move that Bioware made with the DLC. You know giving you a handfull of weapons in the game and then trickling weapons and armours with the DLC. Oh and the driving sections are coming back in the next major DLC. This time we'll be driving a tank, and I'm sure that will handle even 'better' than the Mako.
Also Yahtzee didn't seem to notice that Shepard grunts like a 80 year old smoker after a 20 meter sprint.


New member
Dec 22, 2009
I found this game to be a lot shittier than the first mass effect. As always I picked going for the pure and selfless hero, the lone speck of hope in a galaxy filled with bigoted greedy fucks. Then I gave him two partners; the crazy biker psychic, who I felt was the only relatable character, and the robot woman from the first game, and laughed my whole way through the game as they spend every mission telling me I'm an idiot and a pussy. I was annoyed with every mission; from their pitiful length, to its shitty endings. The game had a tendency to end missions with clicking on laptops, without telling you it was the mission ending laptop, and that there is NO way back to the planet if you click on this and do not hunt down all the credits and surprises first. All Shepards old friends were fucktards, or they turned into emotional rambo wannabe fucktards. The dialogue was so piss poor I actually LIKED the mineral searching, because it gave me ten minute breaks from having to listen to any of the pricks speak. Once I realized that using the tech girls drone to aggro all the enemies in the room and psycho psychics mental freight train ability scattered them to the far corners of the world, I found that pecking them off with my sniper rifle held all the reward of euthanizing a vegetable. Even on Insanity I had a piss easy time. The only enjoyment from the game I got was watching everyone roll their eyes whenever I picked the paragon responces. Overall, I feel robbed that I emptied my wallet for this. Really hoping Bioshock 2 doesnt let me down the same way.


New member
Feb 17, 2010
I was expecting Yahtzee to kick Mass Efect 2 in the balls or something.
I'm rather disappointed.

I guess that we have a very different taste.


New member
Jun 14, 2009
Eponet said:
Jetpacks would be an issue when exploring planets without an oxygen atmosphere. Because the fuel wouldn't be able to combust unless it used oxygen inside the pack intself, but then it would need to be huge.
Yeah, cos it's not like the technology in this game revolves around a quick, easy and efficient way to reduce your mass to practically nothing so that even the smallest of ion propulsion systems can send you screaming through space.

Possibly the nerdiest sarcasm ever.

Side note:Is anybody else surprised at the name? Since the whole thing was planned as a trilogy + spinoffs from the start, Mass Effect 2 seems rather bland. I'd expect at least a subtitle.


New member
May 28, 2009
I agreed with some of the things he said in the review. Overall the game was great but they could have made the upgrading the ship, weapons, and armor a bit better. The combat was pretty good in my book.


What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets.
Jul 15, 2009
Why do people moan about having to swap discs if it's on a console? It takes like 5 seconds and keeps the game massive.

PC's on the other hand need plenty of hard drive space, I hate having to uninstall a game to play another if I'm low on room.