Zero Punctuation: Mass Effect 2


New member
Feb 17, 2010
Telperion said:
A1 said:
But at the same time the Mass Effect franchise is still somewhat lacking when it comes to gameplay, although most RPG fans probably won't care all that much.
I must point out that ME 2 is not an RPG. It's a 3rd Person Shooter fest with the lightest of possible RPG elements stacked on top of a good storyline.
Mass Effect 2 is an RPG. It's a modern RPG, where deep character development (meaning who and what you're rather than how good your character is) and strong narrative are more important than stats and loot.


New member
Dec 19, 2007
good game could have been better. this place has still not gotten out of the hole its dug its self so better luck next week Yahtzee

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
Say, did the Lazerus Project make anyone else think of the 6 Million Dollar Man?
"We can rebuild him, we have the technology..."

7ru7h said:
canadamus_prime said:
Well I enjoyed the driving in Mass Effect, and as I said in a previous thread, I'd like to kick everyone who complained about it in the balls... hard; so hard in fact that they'll be talking like Pee Wee Herman on helium for a month. ... Anyway the Mako was a fucking TANK with rocket boosters on it, you don't exactly expect a tank to handle like Ferrari, do you? I thought the damn thing handled quite well considering it was a fucking tank!
Anyway, I digress.
Well, I would be one of the people you would like to kick in the balls, but that's mainly because I realize that the mako was actually supposed to be something like an APC rather than a tank, and the fact that the mako handled like an epileptic waiter at a rave didn't help either...
Tank, APC, whatever, the point was that the thing could hardly be expected to handle like Ferrari on a freeway; esp. since you were distinctly not on a freeway, but on the very rocky terrain of some alien planet. And it did not handle like an epileptic waiter at a rave.


New member
Sep 26, 2009
Side note:Is anybody else surprised at the name? Since the whole thing was planned as a trilogy + spinoffs from the start, Mass Effect 2 seems rather bland. I'd expect at least a subtitle.
What? Mass Effect 2 not good enough for you? What else were you expecting? ''Mass Effect 2: The Return of Shepard''?

Mass Effect 2 is an RPG. It's a modern RPG, where deep character development (meaning who and what you're rather than how good your character is) and strong narrative are more important than stats and loot.
Its a RPG, but with shooter elements. Its not the first game with that's done this.

I found this game to be a lot shittier than the first mass effect.
Then why did you waste 60 dollars on a game you hate?


New member
Jul 7, 2009
Naheal said:
Snipers don't need teammates. In fact, they have this disgusting tendency to GIVE YOUR POSITION AWAY. I'm more just impressed that you had the patience to be a sniper in that game.
Being an infiltrator was the only way I got through the game on Insanity, stealth and sniper rifles are amazing. Probably why Yahtzee thought it was so easy - should have tried as a Vanguard. That shit was whack.

I wish Yahtzee had commented on Garrus's win one-liners. "SCOPED AND DROPPED!"


Gentleman Bastard.
Jun 27, 2009
He didn't romance Tali. Do you know why? He's a normal male. Not a mouth breathing, hentai watching, creeper who watches little girls get off the school bus.

Yes, that's what you are if you did that.


New member
Jan 3, 2010
Bioware never relly got the hint that one the most important reasons their game sold so well was the space boobage.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Raithnor said:
blalien said:
I want to know who Yahtzee sexed! I hope it's Tali.
From what Yahtzee described that was the Miranda ending. Although why she felt the need to screw in the engine room is beyond me.
I just wanna see the Normandy smash into a planet because they accidently hit the wrong switch whilst doing 'it'.
ramik81 said:
You know if you sex up Tali, in the next game she's going to contract an virus and die from a poor immune system...right?

Nope. And you know Quarians can't get virus's from humans, right? Only from Turians.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
chozo_hybrid said:
Why do people moan about having to swap discs if it's on a console? It takes like 5 seconds and keeps the game massive.

PC's on the other hand need plenty of hard drive space, I hate having to uninstall a game to play another if I'm low on room.
Because people like to ***** about any inconvince, no matter how minor.

Shepard's Shadow

Don't be afraid of the dark.
Mar 27, 2009
That was an awesome review! I would love to explore planets flying around with a jet pack; that would be epic.


New member
Nov 25, 2009
BioWare should just hire the dudes at Airtight games for the exploration sections. It makes perfect sense - they have experience working with the UT3 engine, they do the flying jetpack thing well and they will soon be out of a job thanks to the commercial failure of Dark Void.

And while they are at it, they can probably replace the stoic voice of Mark Meer with the smartass mouth of Nolan North []!


New member
Mar 24, 2004
Yahtzee acknowledged the existence of the Quest for Glory series...

I don't know why, but my opinion of Yahtzee just went up a tad...


Elite Member
May 28, 2009
misterprickly said:
Did he say if he liked it or not?

He liked it. I can't remember which video or Extra Punctuation it was in but he said that if he isn't overly cruel then he enjoyed it. Hell, he spends a portion of the video praising it. That's a good sign.

Besides, apparently no one likes it when he does a praising review as he mentioned early in his Escapist career when his Psychonauts review went belly-up.


New member
Jan 21, 2010
I don't know if this came up before but while mass effect 1 was all about the Romancing and becoming either Evil Racist McGee or Super Happy Sunchild #357, Mass effect 2 was all about Shepard dying to the point that he has the opportunity to do so TWICE while still being Canon.

I'd hate to see Bioware make him come back another time for those wanting plot wholes big enough to create a "I will die this time" Shepard. But then what would humanity do if Shepard really does die?

Cloning? Super Soldiers? Or use his/her DNA to create a child whose sole purpose is to save the Galaxy(Bobofet style). I feel like ME3 will be praised by having more Replacements for "The Icon of Humanity" than you can throw at a Reaper.


New member
Aug 17, 2008
Sex is a possible part of any game. Never the center of it. (allmost never. As you can see in this. ) The obsession with mass effect and the very small part that sex plays in it just takes away from the game as a whole.
Mineing sucks. Agreed.
I would have perfered that the whole world exploreing thing get improved as aposed to shafted. But I never want to deal with that same mako shit agian.
Loved the writeing. Forever and always.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
Cryo84R said:
He didn't romance Tali. Do you know why? He's a normal male. Not a mouth breathing, hentai watching, creeper who watches little girls get off the school bus.

Yes, that's what you are if you did that.
If that's the case, I'd rather be a mouth breathing, hentai-watching creeper who watches little girls get off the school bus than submit to Yahtzee's alternative.
I mean, Miranda?
So utterly devoid of personality the scriptwriters could've achieved the same overall result by taping a pair of ripe pomegranates to a piece of plywood and place it awkwardly in select scenes when the T'n'A factor wasn't great enough.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Greenshoes said:
Good ol mister Gobblecoqhe, hadnt heard anything from that guy in a while. What happened to him anyway?
Tabula Rasa died, as did Gareth. I guess you missed the funeral.

Ian Caronia

New member
Jan 5, 2010
It was a great review with very little cruelty. In fact, there was none. Considering that this review came from the Prince of Cynics it was, dare I say, sweet. I know SOMEONE who enjoyed ME2...

-I'm disappointed he didn't bring up how most of the characters never interact with one another. I am glad he talked about the ominous tones of the loading screen text.

"Import your Shepard to Mass Effect 3... If you survive..."

Freaked me out on my first playthrough. Made me think I was doomed to die and Bioware was just fucking with me.