Zero Punctuation Shirts Finally Arrive


New member
Jun 17, 2008
If you do make the assassin hoodie please don't have the ZP logo or the website on it. Or at least have the option to not have it on there. I don't want to be a walking advertisement.


New member
Sep 13, 2007
I like the shirts; I would probably buy one if I saw one in a store, but I don't like needing to get stuff shipped to me. And all the money I have is cash. No matter what though, if you release Gremlin plushies; I'm buying them.


New member
May 14, 2008
Womens' sizes would be wonderful. I mean, I realize that most of the nerds are men, but we're a growing population.

Generally though, it doesn't stop me. I have a sewing machine and I bring the sides in to fit me like a womens' tee. If ladies on here really want the shirts, just ask somebody you know that can sew to do the same, or I can offer instructions to do so. It's quite simple.

A color option would also be desirable. I really like the "pants on head retarded" shirt, but I'm a redhead and yellow is only going to make me look like Ronald McDonald gone wrong. Black and Blue are also used in the cartoons, so perhaps those can be added.

Isaac Dodgson

The Mad Hatter
May 11, 2008
You could make more than just the gremlin plushie, and have the different Yahtzee character plushies...such as:

The JRPG Guy Plush
The Assassin Plush
The Nerd Plush
The Big Daddy Plush (might be a no go with rights and all)
The Plain ol' Yahtzee plush

Cynicism not included of course...


Not David Bowie
Apr 3, 2008
i would also like a solid snake one if liscencing wasnt a problem (sp. on all of it)

And for the imp it has to have the 'General British' hat from the tabula rasa video.

I have two bits for it on my wish list too

1.)Fully flip-backable head with a storage containder so he can eat things
2.) a hand so we can give him some weaponry
3.) ooooh and a velociraptor mask from Turok.

AND IT WOULD BE AWESOME. i would probably buy quite a bit of it, or at least beg for it as a b-day gift

Isaac Dodgson

The Mad Hatter
May 11, 2008
smallharmlesskitten said:
i would also like a solid snake one if liscencing wasnt a problem (sp. on all of it)

And for the imp it has to have the 'General British' hat from the tabula rasa video.

I have two bits for it on my wish list too

1.)Fully flip-backable head with a storage containder so he can eat things
2.) a hand so we can give him some weaponry
3.) ooooh and a velociraptor mask from Turok.

AND IT WOULD BE AWESOME. i would probably buy quite a bit of it, or at least beg for it as a b-day gift
...So much for keeping production costs to a minimum


Not David Bowie
Apr 3, 2008
Isaac Dodgson said:
smallharmlesskitten said:
i would also like a solid snake one if liscencing wasnt a problem (sp. on all of it)

And for the imp it has to have the 'General British' hat from the tabula rasa video.

I have two bits for it on my wish list too

1.)Fully flip-backable head with a storage containder so he can eat things
2.) a hand so we can give him some weaponry
3.) ooooh and a velociraptor mask from Turok.

AND IT WOULD BE AWESOME. i would probably buy quite a bit of it, or at least beg for it as a b-day gift
...So much for keeping production costs to a minimum
well as you can see it is my wish list


New member
Dec 20, 2007
I like the assassin one, and the escapist Tees.

-and I just noticed how many awesome shirts there are on that website...does any of this support escapist? I like the other shirts better >_>


New member
Nov 9, 2007
I really don't understand why more geek shirts are available to normal geek girls (there are more than you think). I'm so frustrated with seeing the only thing available for girls are either panties (and I personally do not go around pantsless or trouserless so what's the point), or "I love my geek" (because obviously we're not geeks, we only like them), or other sexually objectifying t-shirts (Lockpicking skill of 375 required to open chest or some other such nonsense). I mean, yeah, that's fine and all if that's your thing, but for just your regular girl geek, there's a severe lack of options out there. I mean, look at these. The only ZP shirt that's for us is the one about having big tits. Thanks, but no.

What I really want is a girls' cut Muhmorpugger shirt (in black or other dark color please). See? Good clean geeky fun. Not offensive to anyone. Just funny. I totally would wear that outside and not be embarrassed about it (like I would with Pants on Head Retarded, which, while hilarious to listen to, I would feel weird wearing it outside).

But jeez, to not even give girls the option of just the plain ZP logo? This is why I don't tell people I'm a girl online. Because all we are are a pair of Stonking Great Tits.

Johnn Johnston

New member
May 4, 2008
The plushies are such a good idea, I'm going to hold my breath until they come out. *gasp*

...I'm waiting...


New member
Jul 3, 2008
Yahtzee plushies, sqeeze his hand and he says something insulting!

Now comes in two varietes!

Regular Yahtzee
JRPG Hate Yahtzee

Fire Daemon

Quoth the Daemon
Dec 18, 2007
I agree with Kogepan. There should be the same designs on both male and female shirts.

I think a male XL "Stonking great" tshirt would be good for a laugh.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
i plan on buying a white assassin hoodie the second it comes out!

(so for the love of Zero Punctuation, MAKE THEM! D:)

Anton P. Nym

New member
Sep 18, 2007
Heh, I'm wearing my "Assassin" t-shirt right now... only one odd look so far today, must try harder.

-- Steve


New member
Oct 8, 2007
smallharmlesskitten said:
hmmm, If I make an 'Original' ZP shirt I wonder if i could sell it
Please remove that thought from your head and I'll ignore that fact that you said it :)