Zero Punctuation: Sonic Unleashed


New member
Dec 14, 2008
They would probably make much better money by making a re-make of the old Sonic and Hedgehog games. I know remaking doesn't seem to take much talent or innovation or anything, but at least they'd be releasing something that seems like it's worth buying.


New member
Jun 15, 2008
My god. The sheer force of his hatred for this game is tangible. I feel sticky from all the bile.

Tom Dude2

New member
Oct 10, 2008
I grew up with sonic it was a genesis house hold to my brothers moved to play station and I moved to nintendo and I love to see sonic in a game. I loved it so much I bought sonic the hedgedhog on the PS3 thinking it would be good but I was gravely mistaken. In my point of few the last good 3-D sonic game is sonic adventure 2:Battle sure sonic heroes is all right but it just gets boring having to finish all the levels with all 4 teams.

Sasha Janre

New member
Apr 30, 2008
The only good sonic game of recent memory was the one made by Bioware for the DS, though the ending for that was rather abrupt and really lame for what was an amazingly entertaining game. The battle was fun, kept you on your toes, the characters were in character and thankfully they kept the cast small. I do want to try this game, but so help me, there are so many wrong things going on here.

SLOW HIM DOWN. Sonic was, like someone said, about side-scrolling and exploring areas while being "fast" but not so fast that you can't bloody well control him. Why doesn't anyone understand this? Oi.


New member
Mar 18, 2008
Sonic Unfinished? Just had to slip it it right at the end Yahtzee?
Reviews like this brighten my day by letting me known there is some one out there more frustrated and agitated then me, my hat off to you Yahtzee, thanks for taking one for the team.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Lewrawen said:
Quadtrix said:
Silly Yahtzee. Did Star Wars: The Force Unleashed teach you nothing? Never buy the Wii version of multi-platform games. After all, the 360 version of Sonic Unleashed has enormous, well detailed levels; better werehog gameplay, and a better world map from what I hear.
No. You're both completely wrong. The Wii vesion is the "good" version of this game. (But it's still not very good.)


Sci-Fi & Shakespeare
Nov 13, 2007
And Yahtzee had the nerve to accuse other people of being Drama whores...

CMWaters said:
Roto13 said:
Can we please stop acting like Sonic Rush and Sonic Rush Adventure aren't great games now? Because they are. And they're from this generation.

Just because they're on a handheld, that doesn't mean they don't exist.
Sonic Chronicles too.
Seconded... er... thirded.

Super Racer Z

New member
Dec 17, 2008
Roto13 said:
Lewrawen said:
Quadtrix said:
Silly Yahtzee. Did Star Wars: The Force Unleashed teach you nothing? Never buy the Wii version of multi-platform games. After all, the 360 version of Sonic Unleashed has enormous, well detailed levels; better werehog gameplay, and a better world map from what I hear.
No. You're both completely wrong. The Wii vesion is the "good" version of this game. (But it's still not very good.)
I call bull, as it is selling more, and by the Wii, we all know crap sells more. :p

BTW, this review is done very well and if it means anything is the review with the most paragraphs and characters and words and is the most descriptive.

Oh, and look at the reader reviews.

2 points higher than the Wii. Critics = Bumbling monkeys. Fans = mix of bumbling monkeys and reasonable people.

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
Verbal bombardment of this magnitude should have left a mushroom cloud visible from space. The "Ol' Yeller" moment at the end was particularly rich. And then there was that trailer, which was pretty awesome- a nice editing job on that one.

Also, it seems that this was one of the longer ZP episodes- roughly 5 minutes, not counting the trailer and requisite "buy our swag" reminder at the end. I think Yahtzee's been storing up a rather heavy backlog of venom and found the perfect opportunity to vent.


New member
Nov 26, 2008
Holy crap he ripped it to shreds. probably not even shreds more like eroded it like a tub of acid.

really, really, pissed off acid.

also it was really funny.


New member
Nov 5, 2008
Super Racer Z said:
Roto13 said:
2 points higher than the Wii. Critics = Bumbling monkeys. Fans = mix of bumbling monkeys and reasonable people.
Wrong, there are no such thing as reasonable people that like Sonic.

Anywho a nice and long review, I can kinda feel the hatred pouring into my head phones. Off topic but I would understand if Yahtzee never reviews Far Cry 2 because sorry what was I talking about? Oh yeah Far Cry 2 or as I call it Nap Time 2. All the bugs and crappyness of the first one It was still fun to play, to a point.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Super Racer Z said:
Roto13 said:
Lewrawen said:
Quadtrix said:
Silly Yahtzee. Did Star Wars: The Force Unleashed teach you nothing? Never buy the Wii version of multi-platform games. After all, the 360 version of Sonic Unleashed has enormous, well detailed levels; better werehog gameplay, and a better world map from what I hear.
No. You're both completely wrong. The Wii vesion is the "good" version of this game. (But it's still not very good.)
I call bull, as it is selling more, and by the Wii, we all know crap sells more. :p

BTW, this review is done very well and if it means anything is the review with the most paragraphs and characters and words and is the most descriptive.

Oh, and look at the reader reviews.

2 points higher than the Wii. Critics = Bumbling monkeys. Fans = mix of bumbling monkeys and reasonable people.
Ha ha ha, wow, that's pretty sad. You're going by user reviews. Right. The user reviews that ranked Gears of War 2 at a 6 before the game actually came out.

Pro tip: Most of the people who submit user reviews have never actually played the game they're reviewing.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
Yes, this is the most brutal Yahtzee review since "The Witcher" (which I actually liked, but then again I'm an RPG person).

Even as an RPG person I can't comment on how the Sonic RPG is (someday I might try it when it's cheap), but other than that, yeah... Sonic has lost all the magic. I'm not sure if the problem is the character so much as the inabillity of anyone to capture the right blend of innovation and nostolgia to make the label succeed. Most attempts turn into giant stinking piles of poo, and the problem actually probably IS that they use "retards" to make these kinds of 'series' games rather than industry veterans with real talent who are usually on other projects.

Of course I don't know who was on the design team, but I'm making a wild guess that Yahtzee hit that part on the head more or less.

The whole "Hulking Out" Sonic idea seems so retarded that I can't quite fathom how it ever got through the approval process. It's one thing when the young, unproven, game designers who are trying to prove that they are NOT retarded, work on their own little maverick projects (nothing to lose if they turn out horrible really), but on a series like this one, especially with so many failures, you'd expect there to at least be some pretty hefty oversight.
