Zero Punctuation: Sonic Unleashed


New member
Oct 28, 2008
(sigh) The original Sonic the Hedgehog for the Sega Genesis was the first video game I ever played. (Mine was a Sega household. I didn't play any other system until the N64 came out.) So yeah, I have a lot of nostalgia for the little blue guy. But I haven't played any of the Sonic games since Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. With a heavy heart, I must agree with Yahtzee that it's time to put the little guy down.


New member
Oct 27, 2008
i like sonic the hedgehog, despite the bad rep hes aquired lately, which makes it even worse for me to see him torn to little bloody shreds every time they release a new sonic game.
Judging by this review sega/sonic team are continueing my torment, even more so knowing that theres another one coming out soon set in arthurian-myth with a effing SWORD.

when will the madness end?
great review though- never seen him this angry


New member
Sep 3, 2008
I was worried that the seasonal tide of genuinely good games coming out around now would result in some rather uneventful Yahtzee reviews. Good job finding some rough amongst all the diamonds.


New member
Aug 20, 2008
Quadtrix said:
Silly Yahtzee. Did Star Wars: The Force Unleashed teach you nothing? Never buy the Wii version of multi-platform games. After all, the 360 version of Sonic Unleashed has enormous, well detailed levels; better werehog gameplay, and a better world map from what I hear.


New member
May 1, 2008
Ok, why does Gamedamage have good intro music while we're stuck with...well...the mute button is my friend while waiting for Yahtzee's critique to begin.


New member
Dec 14, 2008
I said this recently in another thread, but the most recent Sonic game for the DS, Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood was actually pretty damn good.

So, I don't believe that Sonic needs to be put to bed just yet. What I think is that they need to abandon the idea of a 3D Sonic game. It just doesn't work. The first Sonic Adventure on the Dreamcast managed to get it right, but I think that might have had a little more to do with the novelty of the concept rather than the actual game being fantastic.

So, either they need to find a way to tap into that magical Sonic Adventure sweet spot (unlikely) or just stick to more retro applications of Sonic (a la Megaman 9.

That being said, Sonic Team... please listen to Yahtzee and spare us these abominations. D:


New member
Sep 27, 2007
Loved the Sonic Review. Just the right amount of bile.

Watched the 'Game Damage' pilot video. ALL OF IT. All three of them stare into the camera too damned much. When they talk together, they should just relax & face each other, not all sit there leaning towards the camera, unnaturally craning their necks at it.

Re-shoot the couch scenes until they can manage to relax and do it casually, and edit that in, and it would be a fine show. Until then, it deserves that 'YouTube' logo.

Maybe cut it down to 24 minutes, like a TV show that runs commercials, too. I was going to say '15 minutes', but maybe that's too short a format. Then again, things like 'Robot Chicken' fit nicely into a 15 minute slot. You might want to make 5, 15 and 25 minute versions, in case someone wants to pick it up and make it 'part' of a show.

I'd leave the comments on that site, but I'm not enthused enough to make a new account and post there once.


New member
Jun 30, 2008
Honestly, I thought Adventure 2 was at least decent, with cute blobs to distract from the problems. The treasure hunting missions sucked horribly, however.

And I'll believe this review because if Shadow was below average, what will the next ton of them bring? Nothing good.


New member
Jul 23, 2008
Ooooh yes, hate it, hate it good. And ban all these morons, oh yeah, I love it when you give people what they deserve. And I really hope the developers of this game watched this video. HOW COME, SOME PEOPLE, I MEAN, HOW CAN YOU, BELIEVE, EVEN FOR A SECOND, THAT, THAT THING, COULD BE GOOD. Developers... MOST of them are so stupid. SO STUPID. I hate them with a passion... all theses completly idiotic developers without any sense of taste or fun. My god I hate them.

Yes, I had a bad day. ''>_>


New member
Nov 16, 2007
Frankly I'm amazed Yahtzee wasted his time with this game since pretty much every reviewer not nintendo seems tired to death with Segas bullshit and have already tore them apart in their reviews.

He gave me the impression for a second he was going to say something the other reviewers had not, but I guess not x.x what surprises me even more is that he made almost no comment whatsoever about the semi retarded sonic fanbase. No offence guys but sonic fans range from sain people to bat shit insain furrys


New member
Oct 29, 2008
rofl - awesome review - dont blame yahtzee for not liking it, i went to college with sum1 ho bummed sonic to the fucking max and i so want him to see this - hopefully he'll hang himself along with sonic.

love the ending, shooting him and using him as a litter pick up device lol luv it yahtzee!!


New member
Feb 13, 2008
Sonic got what he deserved. Or it deserved. Although i enjoyed the retro games, these last Sonic games were pissing me off. Luckily, I don't pay for them, idiots do. (as in: neighbors)

ssgt splatter

New member
Oct 8, 2008
Yahtzee, that was without a doubt the harshest review you've ever given. No matter how bad a game is, you're supposed to let them down gently, not throw them face first off the top of the Empire State Building into the New York sewer system................. well actually, now that I think about it, sonic is pretty much played out......... yeah never mind.
Very F***ing Funny, I laughed out loud when I just saw the title of the review, keep it up man!