Zero Punctuation: Super Smash Bros. Brawl


New member
Oct 4, 2007
I like to play Brawl myself, but only because I know quite a bunch of people who are good at it; in the broad sense, I really loved his criticisms. This is the big problem with party games, there's always someone who's good at it and all the rest are figuring out how to jump without their good old fashioned Y-button.

So that must mean it's a competitive game for tournaments and such. Nope, not if the online mode is more or less a throw-away, in Nintendo's continuing desperate pursuits to keep you away from "the unmarked van"

I actually kind of expected he wouldn't like it in the review, and whatever if I love the game myself; this was once again an excellent highlighting of why big, money-stuffed game developers are WANKERS now matter how great their games are.


New member
Feb 10, 2008
I think all the fan boy rage is NOT directed toward changing non-fan boy opinions. I think we're just upset that everyone's criticism are generally what we would consider false generalizations about our video game.

It'd be like you all telling your closest African American friend that fried chicken is over rated.

In general, I would say that YOU ALL are entitled to YOUR opinions, and We are entitled to OUR opinions, and we are BOTH entitled to argue about them for as long as BOTH of us are interested in doing so. Which will probably be for the next couple of days.

On an entirely different note: Does anyone else agree that we seem to be on pace to break the ZP record for most comments in response to a video? We hit the two hundred mark in a matter of hours.


New member
Mar 21, 2008
i could feel the passion in this one, the pure hatred. I can genuinely believe Yahtze DESPISES THIS GAME lol
and agree with his point about unlocking stuff. V. annoying


New member
Apr 23, 2008
when r nitendo going to realize that mario games r losing there touch! i mean SSB is shit for gods sake!


New member
Dec 29, 2007
Well largely i agree with yahtzee on this one, Most of these mario franchises such as the mario series or the Link series never change much. Now I'm not saying all such games are bad some of them can be quite good despite the similarities to previous versions.

As for this game in question i actually likes the multi player part of it. While it is true that you need to unlock stuff such as characters its not like other such games don't use this method of encouraging repeated playing. I will say tho the changing environments is really a nice change from what you usually see from other Fighting games.


New member
Apr 17, 2008
I love ssbb first and foremost. seems to me that while going to melee from the original smash bros was like jumping from a plain to a mountain top, going from melee to brawl was more akin to jumping from a plain to a slightly raised lump of dirt. It was better but only enough to be considered an expansion to melee rather than a whole game in it's own right. the story was good especially considering it had no talking(wait I take that back. it was a serious plus that there was no talking.) although I must say that the actual gameplay of the story was frustrating and annoying. The side scroller's time has come and gone this being little more than an over hyped death rattle. Still the fights are intense, the final smashes worth watching and I must admit that i'd buy another one if nintendo created it. I'd like to thank yahtzee for being brutally honest. Nintendo needs more harsh criticism seeing as how everyone seems awed by the golden light shining out the wii's ass.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
I know what everybody means, but the smash bos series does have strategy. Whenever me and my friend play smash bros. i always win easily. i use tactic. o hit the buttons at the right time and i use combos. my friend is a button masher. he can only win from me if he is aided by two level 9 enemies. But i do hate having to unlock all sorts of stuff


New member
Dec 29, 2007
mspencer82 said:
CheshireChaz said:
i could feel the passion in this one, the pure hatred. I can genuinely believe Yahtze DESPISES THIS GAME lol
and agree with his point about unlocking stuff. V. annoying
Agreed. I can see unlockables in a game that are purely cosmetic, but making character unlockable? Mortal Kombat's last few games pissed me off with the locked characters, but I think in that case they only did it with older characters so veteran gamers would be forced to play the new guys. Why lock a new character?
Well remember those characters that are locked in this game were a major part of the advertising campaign so i guess it makes a certain perverse sense to have them locked.


New member
Jan 14, 2008
mspencer82 said:
Garfgarog said:
mspencer82 said:
Well you hooting Smash Bros fans can't seem to get that I'm entitled to my own opinion....
Not when it's wrong, especially not when you've admitted to trolling. Have fun.
The fuck are you talking about? When did I admit to trolling. And how the fuck is an "opinion" wrong? Okay, granted if you say "in my opinion the Sun orbits around the Earth", that would be wrong, but a person's personal enjoyment of a game or lack thereof seems to be more a matter of not right or wrong opinion.
You said that the game is shallow. Did you watch the video "Perfect Control" posted earlier? Whether or not you like the game, that's your call. Sure, that's your opinion and that cannot be wrong, by definition. However, to say that the game is shallow is misinformed. That would be similar to saying that Street Fighter is shallow because all you know how to do is the hadouken move with Ryu. Stop acting like the gaming world revolves around your know-how. Recognize that there are people out there who are better than you.


New member
Nov 28, 2007
That was awesome. I wish every week could be that good.

Not even going to say it, but I'm really looking forward to next week. Don't let me down.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Now, I don't want any misunderstanding so everyone should read this post exactly as it is, written by one of those Nintendo fanboys who has nothing better to do but play Brawl by himself. So take from this post what you may.

My first concern is that it seemed like Yahtzee didn't even play through the whole game, or even most of it, or even any more than the two or so hours it took for him to come up with enough stuff for him to talk about really really fast for four minutes.

Second, if you don't like fighting games because of button mashing, than anyone who's played Brawl for any decent amount of time (see point above) would know that Brawl actually does a better job at this than most fighting games. In your normal fighting games you have the options of horizontal attach, vertical attack, kick, and block. Which, when you button mash together usually results in your character at least doing something. With Brawl you've got normal attack, special attack, and jump buttons; usually resulting in anyone who's trying to button mash to just jump around and perform incredibly weak attacks and sometimes even kill themselves (i.e. Yoshi egg roll themselves right off the damn stage). All this means that Brawl rewards you for actually learning the basic controls because it means you spend a lot more time actually fighting and a lot less time jumping around like a dick.

Third, if you spend any amount of time playing the game with a basic understanding of the controls/moveset (see the last TWO points above) you know that YOU CAN see what other players are doing (NOT just a brightly colored maelstrom, LSD induced, clusterfuck) and to be any good you DO have to respond to other players moves. I think the fact that there are players who are good at the game, logically seems to follow that they can see what their opponents are doing and counteract them.

And yes, it IS annoying that all the characters that have been getting so much hype are locked until you practically beat the game anyway. But if anyone is actually surprised by this fact... Well, there's just no nice way of putting this, you're an f*ing moron. Game developers have been doing this for years, and now it just seems like your trying to hard nitpick and find flaws.

I suppose what really irks me however, is that there are TONS of reason to not be absolutely in love with with Brawl, or even like Brawl, but Yahtzee seems to only comment on these in passing. The single player was so repetitive and the tacked on now-do-it-all-again-so-we-can-make-the-game-twice-as-long element was so horrible that if anything should be the down fall of Brawl it should be that. Not to mention the poorly supported Wi-Fi play..

So stop complaining and just start bashing Pikachu's skull in with a frying pan.