Zero Punctuation: The World Ends With You


New member
Feb 8, 2010
What the hell is with so many people hating JRPGs? Its annoying as hell for people to automatically hate an entire genre because "Wah there is a character that has an emo personality" get the bloody fuck over it! There is that tough guy character in every American game. And yes the top screen was a "cluster fuck" and pointless until the end.


New member
Apr 19, 2010
i like the oblivion bit of whoops shot a lightning bolt up the quest givers ass. ill go murder everyone in a village or go assassinate.


New member
Aug 5, 2010
Meh, I can't say I agree in entirely with Yahtzee. I can understand why the two-screen battle sequence can be kind of annoying, having to look back and forth at times. But, after a while you start to get used to it, and only have to look every so often. I also admit, the running back and forth gets really annoying, but, I try not to look at that too much. I just love the battling and the storyline. I like the fact that they managed to stick SOME humor into the game, as opposed to none. And, just a little side note, your partner during the second week is a total prick. He is pretty much PURPOSELY trying to get on your last nerve. He succeeds in this greatly at times. Anyways, that's all I have to say about your review. And I may only be disagreeing with you because I'm not as hardcore of a critic as you are, and I like JRPG's (Sometimes, a good amount of time actually.), and I am a big TWEWY fan. But, I won't argue with the fact that what you said IS true.


New member
Nov 28, 2010
Paincake said:
Only castrated japanophiles get attracted by garbage games like this.
As adverse to steriod-overdosed gun masturbators keeping Call of Duty under their mattresses for sloppy seconds to get themselves back to sleep?

Right, Garbage.


New member
Nov 28, 2010
Spongeman25 said:
I agree, most frustrating things about JRPG's are that they never involve YOU as the main character or acknowledge you doing anything for the storyline. It's always making a character that you either hate or like (mostly hate) do everything for you. Some games have crossed that line (Praise the ONLY good JRPG of 2007, Persona 3. In fact I would have to recommend it because it's so good, if anyone is looking for a great RPG.) and make you FULLY involved in the story. But again, great review, thanks for telling me the kinda stuff to look out for. I heard great reviews from many people, but since I often share your point of view, I find your reviews to be most helpful. I indeed played some of the games that were "Great" by ratings and found them to be exactly how you said it would be. The game reviewers of today fall into hype too much, and don't honestly look at bad or good points of a game. And the number system will always fail, because it's based on opinion. What we need is an overall look at the game, honest and true. You made a great point, "If you are into the JRPG's then you might want to take a look at this because it has done some interesting things." (Not exact quote) Sadly, I'm not too into the screwed up idea of fashion changing my stats. It kinda reminds me how they screwed up Final Fantasy 12. As far as I'm concerned.. the Final Fantasy was number 10.
Right... as opposed to games with voices coming out the wazoo telling us what to do, what to pick up, how many enemies to kill in a tiresome plot that has used every western movie, cinema or video game plot to death? I commend good JRPGs for its understanding of fantasy and escapism (look to title on site.) Intereactive escapism rely totally on storylines you live out which totally rely on whether the player actually gives a danmned about the intereaction. Overall, a good game can have a completely shitty or cliche story, like how DnD is also reliant to how well the DM crafts the "setup" before the turnbase players make it to the field.

In the end, players know that being FULLY involved in an rpg does NOT mean that the escapism only gravitates toward people causing things to happen, while in most cases, sacrificing plot and background story that serves not only as motivation, environment and personification, investment seeing how we are far away from the times of Mario and even all games seem to need writers nowadays to fill in parts that lead the character. Not saying games like Half-Life don't insert their storyline expertly into the gameplay intereaction instead of stopping in cinematics, but the amount of fantasy and transition that "Movie" gameplay JRPGs have involve the player in learning through the spyglass, which is perfectly fine.

A game does not have to involve you entirely into it so long as you are given sufficient storyplot, characterization and differentiation from other games in order for you to experience a different kind of escapism. Also, really? Fashion being a screwed up idea? God of War had you screwing woman to gain their "orbs' that popped out of their vaginas after you were done picking them, we had to assume.

I think some can't swallow stylization, pop art and pop cultural aesthetics beyond shallow gimmick. I see it more as an inventive way to use gear as a colorful reference to life, but falls short and gets stuck in the realm of the surreal. Therefore, the shallowness that often does go into fashion is given to the player with blurred underlying values that were used to stitch them post production.

But I digress, if a game's agenda is truly to give the player motivation to play it, then this alternate reality/spyglass mechanic invests players in relation as a whole, whether it be the characterization, (which yahtzee reviewed 50% of) plot and plot organization (hence what is available after completing an event and how well it is done without depleting the main plot of it's investment) artistic imput, and differentiation or uniqueness. That should be the review of quality and what the genre outputs as its shining gem(s), though some will undoubtably be bits being subject to opinion.


New member
May 6, 2011
The food system made me battle a bit more monsters. When I see that I'm about to digest food (and get the bonus), it makes me want finish it. Also, since it replenishes everyday, it makes me want to spread out my playing time. For me, the food system was minor, but it has positive effects.