Buckley's a pretty despicable piece of human filth to be honest. I read CAD sometimes and found some strips funny, but I never really gave a crap about who was writing it, or bothered reading the news things, but then someone on another forum pointed this exert out from the "So, then... let's chat" update:
Tim Buckley said:
Some many years ago, long before I started the comic, I was in a relationship and we suffered a miscarriage. Now, this relationship was toxic to begin with and doomed to fail regardless, so that the miscarriage was the straw that broke the camel's back came as no surprise. It was a pregnancy neither of us wanted in the first place, so the event didn't effect me nearly as much as it would, say, a couple who was trying for a child. Still, I saw the emotions it can bring up first hand, and I saw how it could truly hurt someone. It's a tough thing to handle because it's nobody's fault. There's nobody you can blame.
Now that's pretty disugsting. He's in a "toxic" relationship, "doomed to fail", yet he'd still have sex with this girl without a rubber? Basically reading between the lines what he's saying is he wasn't happy in the relationship, but he was still going to screw this girl without protection or any form of birth control, and luckily her miscarrying provided him with a convenient way out. How fortunate.