So I finished Farcry 5 yesterday, and I has thoughts. I've described my thoughts to some degree in these previous posts, so I'll just link to them, as I canna' esplain, no...there is too much. Lemme sum up. Spoilers and hot topics of religion/politics abound below. Hard to not talk about them when discussing FC 5.
Ok so, final thoughts. The game is pretty decent, but all over the fucking place. As stated before, it's tone whiplashes from serious, religious apocalypse, peppered with abuse, forced conditioning, drug addiction, mind control, murder, etc. And then, you have guys talking about going down a zipline nekked so they can feel the wind on their taint (direct line from one of them). It's really annoying.
More religious talk below, and my final final thoughts on how they present it in game.
Mechanics are pretty typical for Farcry 3+. If you like those controls, you will probably enjoy this one. It does things different from FC 3 and Blood Dragon, but it's close enough to their FC standard that you can quickly adapt. It also wasn't anything really amazing? The only really neat thing was you could unlock a wingsuit, and airdrops during fast travel, which let you quickly navigate the map, by just FTing to the nearest point you have, and wingsuiting it from the sky into a new area. You could get really far. So it was a good way to leapfrog your fog of war on the map, and find new areas to explore. The silent protagonist was...well....they left zero imprint on me, for obvious reasons.
Overall, it was mostly fun, with personal anger at the religious stuff, and the forced framework for the narrative. But if that doesn't bother you, and you like FC in general, you will probably enjoy it.
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But that's also the problem. There's so much interesting stuff in norse mythology but games just tread the same ground over and over again because the average person just knows about Ragnarok, and they want that "brand recognition." well yeah, of course they are. They're not teaching a norse...

What are you currently playing?
Actually started playing GoW NG+ the other day, after all my recent discussions about the game and Atreus in other threads. Damn I forgot how much fun it was to punch people in that game. Like yeah, ice axe, swingy swingy chop chop, throwy throwy chop chop, and blades of chaos, twirly twirly...

Ok so, final thoughts. The game is pretty decent, but all over the fucking place. As stated before, it's tone whiplashes from serious, religious apocalypse, peppered with abuse, forced conditioning, drug addiction, mind control, murder, etc. And then, you have guys talking about going down a zipline nekked so they can feel the wind on their taint (direct line from one of them). It's really annoying.
More religious talk below, and my final final thoughts on how they present it in game.
The core game loop is also somewhat frustrating, in that you have zero way to avoid being captured by each of the lieutenants at the 25%/50%/75%/100% intervals of territory control. No matter what you do, even going down into a bunker so there is literally only one way to get at you, you will still be magically hit by a tranq dart, and dragged away to listen to them prattle about faith and god and humanity. It gets really old after a while, especially if you are like me, and take significant personal issue with the rhetoric of the religious wackos in the world. This movie, is the kind of thing that would end up on like the R-rated version of Pureflix, and Joseph Seed and his family would be the protagonists. I've actually heard movies with plots similar to this, from a podcast I listen to, that riffs religious movies, and highlights their idiocy and hypocrisy of morals. And whoooo boy does Joseph and his fucked up "family" have a Doctorate in hypocrisy. They forcibly abduct people, and take away their ability to make a choice, and then force them to "choose" their path of salvation. They literally hold you at gunpoint, or someone innocent at gunpoint, and then do the cliche "You made me do this, you horrible person! It's YOUR fault that I flayed this person alive! Not me!! If only you had done what I ORDERED you to CHOOSE TO DO! "
The thing that is most galling, is that this isn't at all fictional, in regards to the kind of shit various fundamentalists believe. I recall, when this game came out, people calling him Hipster Jesus, but, aside from some fashion choices, that really call back more to religious dress from the past instead of hipster, they are so far from hipster culture as to make the comparison laughable. Hipsters are traditionally, pretty liberal and modern. Joseph and his ilk are old testament, southern baptist apocalypsers through and through. The kind that howl for the end of the world, and get off on deciding THEY are the ones chosen to survive it. The hymns they play over the speakers sound no different than a lot of the real hymns they often listen to. Lots of talking about the sinners crying at the end of the world, realizing too late they are gonna burn, because they didn't kiss god's ass like we did. And he's a good and merciful god...who none the less will set in motion actions that will kill all of the planet but us. Yay god! Love him in his kindness and mercy! It's just, bleh. I hated that I had to just sit through hearing the most cliche religious prattle and talking points, without the ability to counter them by point out the painfully obvious logical fallacies they are founded on.
It also kind of derailed my sense of believability at the final sequence. You spend the entire game dismantling his infrastructure, killing his lieutenants, liberating their prisoners and slaves, destroying their mechanisms for control and destruction....and the end, Joseph has, somehow, BY HIMSELF, run all over the map to the various locations where your network is, mind controlled them all, and brought them back to the church for the final test? I mean....ok what the fuck man, HOW?! They have the smoky green clouds around their heads that indicate they are under effects of the Bliss gas but, there are literally TWELVE of them, and they would be scattered around the entirety of Hope Montana. How the fuck did this one shirtless dude get to them, subdue all of them, completely mind control them, and THEN send them out to grab the 3 "friends" of mine that are the sacrificial offering? I mean prior to that, Joseph gives you a cutscene where he talks about how I've taken everything from him, yet he's still able to do this? Sorry it just felt so forced. Granted, the game does this from start to finish, but it felt extra frustrating at the end.
The thing that is most galling, is that this isn't at all fictional, in regards to the kind of shit various fundamentalists believe. I recall, when this game came out, people calling him Hipster Jesus, but, aside from some fashion choices, that really call back more to religious dress from the past instead of hipster, they are so far from hipster culture as to make the comparison laughable. Hipsters are traditionally, pretty liberal and modern. Joseph and his ilk are old testament, southern baptist apocalypsers through and through. The kind that howl for the end of the world, and get off on deciding THEY are the ones chosen to survive it. The hymns they play over the speakers sound no different than a lot of the real hymns they often listen to. Lots of talking about the sinners crying at the end of the world, realizing too late they are gonna burn, because they didn't kiss god's ass like we did. And he's a good and merciful god...who none the less will set in motion actions that will kill all of the planet but us. Yay god! Love him in his kindness and mercy! It's just, bleh. I hated that I had to just sit through hearing the most cliche religious prattle and talking points, without the ability to counter them by point out the painfully obvious logical fallacies they are founded on.
It also kind of derailed my sense of believability at the final sequence. You spend the entire game dismantling his infrastructure, killing his lieutenants, liberating their prisoners and slaves, destroying their mechanisms for control and destruction....and the end, Joseph has, somehow, BY HIMSELF, run all over the map to the various locations where your network is, mind controlled them all, and brought them back to the church for the final test? I mean....ok what the fuck man, HOW?! They have the smoky green clouds around their heads that indicate they are under effects of the Bliss gas but, there are literally TWELVE of them, and they would be scattered around the entirety of Hope Montana. How the fuck did this one shirtless dude get to them, subdue all of them, completely mind control them, and THEN send them out to grab the 3 "friends" of mine that are the sacrificial offering? I mean prior to that, Joseph gives you a cutscene where he talks about how I've taken everything from him, yet he's still able to do this? Sorry it just felt so forced. Granted, the game does this from start to finish, but it felt extra frustrating at the end.
Mechanics are pretty typical for Farcry 3+. If you like those controls, you will probably enjoy this one. It does things different from FC 3 and Blood Dragon, but it's close enough to their FC standard that you can quickly adapt. It also wasn't anything really amazing? The only really neat thing was you could unlock a wingsuit, and airdrops during fast travel, which let you quickly navigate the map, by just FTing to the nearest point you have, and wingsuiting it from the sky into a new area. You could get really far. So it was a good way to leapfrog your fog of war on the map, and find new areas to explore. The silent protagonist was...well....they left zero imprint on me, for obvious reasons.
Overall, it was mostly fun, with personal anger at the religious stuff, and the forced framework for the narrative. But if that doesn't bother you, and you like FC in general, you will probably enjoy it.