Back in Xbox 360's prime, there was a website called (I think.) Basically, you logged in with your XBL credentials, and your Xbox would blog about your activity (as long as you were online, of course.) So everyday, you could log in and see comments to the effect that "Xprimentyl played 6 games yesterday, and scored 300 Gamerscore across 12 achievements! Can't wait to see what they do today!" That aspect of it was a novelty, really dumb and mostly ignored, but the site also had badges awarded for different gaming feats, and this part drew the obsessive out of a lot of people... including myself.
There were badges for streaks of days playing, streaks of days earning achievements, and my personal demon, badges for total Gamerscore earned of your sum total possible. When I first signed up, I was awarded the 50% badge meaning of all the games I'd played, I'd earned over 50% of all total possible Gamerscore, and for some reason, I became obsessed with maintaining that 50%, i.e.: I would not put a game in my console unless I was confident I could get at least 500 of the [typically] base 1,000 Gamerscore. It went so far as my continuing to play games I didn't like just to get above the 500 mark of Gamerscore. It was a running joke between my best friend and I; one of us would get a new game, and before we asked whether or not it was any good, we'd ask "you gonna get the 500 in it?" This meticulous behavior actually got me the 75% badge eventually. I kinda obsessed over the streaks of days played and streaks of days with achievements earned too, but seeing as I was single at the time, those pretty much came naturally, but I'd be lying if I said there weren't a few days where I popped up at 11:30pm realizing I hadn't played anything that day, so played a quick session of an XBLA game just to keep a streak going. Thankfully, the site went defunct and I grew up, and now my profile is riddled with games I played for 20 minutes netting only tutorial achievements if any.
(But I still maintain that my Gamerscore will never end in anything save for a 5 or 0. It happened once back in the late 2000s' when I played The Orange Box and got an achievement worth "2" or something, but there was an offsetting achievement worth "3" to get me back to my 5 or 0, and it became my life's mission to do so and I did within that same day. But yeah, in nigh 15 years of achievements existing, my Gamerscore has never ended in anything other than 5 or 0. That means nothing to anyone save for myself and that same friend who tried to do the same, but got an odd achievement in Xbox Live Arcade's port of Mortal Kombat 3 (I think,) and the offsetting achievement is available in multiplayer only, and absolutely no one has played that game online in a decade! He acts like he doesn't care, but I guaran-fucking-TEE you, the second he manages to find an odd achievement to get him back to 5 or 0, he's gonna call and brag.)