While I am ecstatic that Battlefield is coming back the modern era, or at least near future, there are quite a few gameplay details that I am worried about.
I can't believe they're essentially dropping the class based gameplay. Yeah sure, the specialists will be more or less classified into the traditional classes. But allowing players to choose any weapon for their specialist? And any secondary gadgets? The specialists will all have unique "traits" and appearances too. Sounds way too much like a hero shooter, and we have enough of those games. And of course, this system would allow them to integrate shitty skins into the game. So much for spotting an enemy and immediately knowing what abilities and weaponry they're packing.
128 players sounds cool in theory, especially with how they're changing up how the game modes work, but this is DICE's first attempt at it. I don't really have any confidence in them to do it right the first time around. The thought of 128 players having access to grenades...
The weather levelution looks just as disposable as it did in BF4. Nothing more than a gimmick to entertain newcomers and look "good" (cuz honestly the tornado looked terrible) in trailers. I would have much preferred a bigger focus on destruction, which has not been mentioned yet as far as I know. Nothing says "Battlefield Moment" by getting rid of a camper by levelling the building they're in.
Oh well I guess we will see. The biggest appeal of Battlefield for me was the gunplay. Not as thoughtless as CoD, not as hardcore as Arma. A good balance where you can still feel rewarded for improving your skill without having guns that recoil to high heaven. Worst case scenario, I pick this game up a few years after launch.
EDIT: Ah, I completely forgot about no singleplayer. That ensures that I will not be picking this up for full price. On the other hand though, DICE has said that they will finally implement bots once again. Not Titanfall style bots, but bots meant to simulate actual players. Which honestly is really cool. If you don't mind so much playing against bots, you'll never run out of servers to play in, something that happened to me for BF4. Queue times might even be non-existent. I just hope DICE has some proper AI for these bots.