
Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Ehhh, I wouldn't say he was a good character, but he wasn't a bad character like he was in... that which will not be named since I forgot the name.
MOMmy issues.

Yeah, it's hard to take it seriously when it seems to boil down to Samus having postpartum depression over a space jellyfish or to quote the guys from LRR/Unskippable "Samus, Just because it Imprinted on you doesn't mean you imprinted on it!"
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Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
Oh look, another Smash character. Eh, yay? Guess this is going to be another Nintendo Direct full of stuff that just isn't for me and ... no ... can it be? After all this time? Metroid Dread is actually a thing? New 2d Metroid? ... cannot ... contain self ... words ... going ... Shatner!

I must not hype.
Hype is the mind-killer.
Hype is the little death that brings inflated expectations.
I will face the hype.
I will allow it to pass over me and through me.
When it has gone past I will turn my inner eye to see its path.
Where the hype was there will be nothing. Only good games remain.
Ah, that's better. You better not mess this up, Nintendo, I haven't forgotten how you did my 2nd best girl dirty.

Anyway, I'd say that was a pretty good showing, especially if you're a fan of some of the more neglected franchises. More than one game grabbed my attention, which is more than I can say for the rest of these E3 shows.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Oh look, another Smash character. Eh, yay? Guess this is going to be another Nintendo Direct full of stuff that just isn't for me and ... no ... can it be? After all this time? Metroid Dread is actually a thing? New 2d Metroid? ... cannot ... contain self ... words ... going ... Shatner!

I must not hype.
Hype is the mind-killer.
Hype is the little death that brings inflated expectations.
I will face the hype.
I will allow it to pass over me and through me.
When it has gone past I will turn my inner eye to see its path.
Where the hype was there will be nothing. Only good games remain.
Ah, that's better. You better not mess this up, Nintendo, I haven't forgotten how you did my 2nd best girl dirty.

Anyway, I'd say that was a pretty good showing, especially if you're a fan of some of the more neglected franchises. More than one game grabbed my attention, which is more than I can say for the rest of these E3 shows.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
I much prefered the implied relationship he and Samus had in Fusion where he seemed to be more of a bro to Samus with the way she talked about him as apposed to... yeah.

Fairly satisfied with Nintendo's showing, at least compared to everyone else. While it wasn't a thumper of a reveal, it had a decent chunk of stuff to chew on.
Samus is one of those characters whos backstory should never really be explicit, just hinted at. She works much better with it being mysterious.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
To be fair it's easy to win when everyone else shoots themselves in the foot.
I understand why Microsoft had to go. They had to show the world that they are in fact getting games and more importantly they had to show that they have done work on fixing Halo. Even if their games are over a year or longer away for most of them, they needed to showcase SOMETHING.

Capcom i dont understand why they bothered. They could have announced Phoenix Wright via Nintendo and called it as day.

Sony didnt even show up, probably because they have State of Plays now and dont need to show up. They've already released new next gen titles and they have more dropping in the coming months.

I do like that Nintendo only showcases (for the most part) things that are very close to launching. I think theyve learned from their mistakes with Botw 1 and metroid 4.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Problem is, you cant put that genie back in the box.
The phrase is usually "...back in the bottle or lamp. Ya silly!

I'm not a Metroid fan, but I pretend Other M doesn't exist. The controversy that game calls back in '09 and 2010. I'll never understand how he who shall not be named defended it's so rigorously and make fun of people that have legit points. Or threw the term sexist like it was going out of style. Apparently, disliking the game made you sexist. What a load of bullshit.
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Godzillarich(aka tf2godz)

Get the point
Aug 1, 2011
I understand why Microsoft had to go. They had to show the world that they are in fact getting games and more importantly they had to show that they have done work on fixing Halo. Even if their games are over a year or longer away for most of them, they needed to showcase SOMETHING.
Microsoft strength was never exclusives. They have them but compare to Sony or Nintendo they're much less varied and less frequent. The Xbox brand thrives on its services which as a Nintendo fan I will give theme credit, the xbox kick the shit out of the other two.

I feel like they're trying to have more exclusives but it just seems like more shooters which at this point feels like they are suffering from stagnation of one genre.

Capcom i dont understand why they bothered. They could have announced Phoenix Wright via Nintendo and called it as day.
Literally the only thing of that press conference that was news with them saying Resident Evil 8 DLC was coming. 30 minutes of my life wasted

I think theyve learned from their mistakes with Botw 1 andmetroid 4.
Don't worry guys Metroid Prime 4 is coming in about 40 years


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
The phrase is usually "...back in the bottle or lamp. Ya silly!

I'm not a Metroid fan, but I pretend Other M doesn't exist. The controversy that game calls back in '09 and 2010. I'll never understand how he who shall not be named defended it's so rigorously and make fun of people that have legit points. Or trew the term sex is like it was going out of style. Apparently, disliking the game made you sexist. What a load of bullshit.
What, what are you talking about? Pretty much everyone hated the story in that game, who the hell was defending it?


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Microsoft strength was never exclusives.
Except Halo is one of the biggest FPS games in the world. People love Fable and Forza.

Before Game Pass what service did Xbox offer that was anything over anyone else? They were the first to charge for online multiplayer, but i wouldn't call that an achievement.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
What, what are you talking about? Pretty much everyone hated the story in that game, who the hell was defending it?
Not everyone. The game had some defenders, but not many. Movie Bob is and was the most well known defender of the game. He still defends the game like it's a secret treasure. This was his pre-Escapist days, and when he was still affiliated with ScrewAttack.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Not everyone. The game had some defenders, but not many. Movie Bob is and was the most well known defender of the game. He still defends the game like it's a secret treasure. This was his pre-Escapist days, and when he was still affiliated with ScrewAttack.
Are you sure? I followed a lot of his stuff and I don't recall him ever defending the story. I mean personally I thought the gameplay was pretty good, it was the story that was absolute crap.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Capcom i dont understand why they bothered. They could have announced Phoenix Wright via Nintendo and called it as day.
Because the Phoenix Wright fans needed something. The last time they ever had a game was a crossover with Professor Layton. And that was in either 2014 or 2015. They need something.


Elite Member
Jun 8, 2015
Seattle, WA
Alright, I am going to give my best/worst awards for the individual reveal, the presenter, and the show in general

Worst reveal: Marvel's Guardian's of Galaxy (Square Enix)
The game looks like a singleplayer version of the avengers. The characters never shuts up making wise cracks, when in reality GOG are far more colorful in the comics or even in the movies. I am not sure if they addressed this, but are you only allowed to play as Star-lord? Kind of a missed opportunity there, SE

Best reveal: Elden Ring, Diablo 2: Resurrected, Metroid Dread, and BOTW2
I am giving this award to four games, because I have been waiting for more news on all of them and each of them had strengths to stand out for me. Elden Ring and BOTW2 finally revealed their gameplay, D2R will have full re-animated cutscenes and marked at $40, and Metroid Dread is an welcomed continuation of the original metroid series

Worst Presenter: PC Gaming
I get what they were going for, but the dry humor and the skits just didn't work out for me. In fact, they all felt really cringy and I couldn't stand a minute listening to them.

Best Presenter: Devolver Digital
Contrast to PC Gaming, I found Devolver Digital's skit to be really funny and well written. They understand the subject matter of the satires they make, and I love how they are continuing the lore from the previous e3 shows. It's like they are building their own 'South Park' universe where things out of the ordinary are perfectly normal.

Worse show: Capcom
I have no problem with shows be so short, because it allows the presenter to be on-point without filling with extra showboating bullshit. However, if the show itself is short, i expect the content to be something good. While Capcom's things weren't the worst, they certainly weren't too exciting either.

Best show: Nintendo
Pretty much a contrast to capcom; short yet on-point with lots of exciting news and games


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Are you sure? I followed a lot of his stuff and I don't recall him ever defending the story. I mean personally I thought the gameplay was pretty good, it was the story that was absolute crap.
You didn't follow him early enough. You forced me to do this. Game Overthinker: Episode 40. The big problem with his argument is that he completely misses the point of why people are upset. For the record, Bob hates the Metroid prime games because they are in first person. Bob is well known for hating on shooters aside from Doom.



Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Okay here are mine

Worst reveal: Resident Evil 8 DLC
Literally just the words, "There will be DLC eventually" on a black background. Can't really get worst than that.

Best reveal: Elden Ring
I also have to give it to Elden Ring simply because this was the game that people were the most hyped for that could possibly get more info or a release date. It was way too soon for BOTW 2 to get anything as those Zelda games seem to take a decade to make. Of all the other "hype games" that could possibly get a date ER was the one that needed it most, and not only did it get one, but the date isn't even that far away.

Worst Presenter: PC Gaming
Wait there was a PC show?

Best Presenter: Nintendo
I got give it to Nintendo here. They revealed game after game with no fluff between them really. Which is what i would hope every presentation at E3 would be. Look i don't care about Todd Howard talking bullshit, or how immersive the new Halo will be or fucking E-Sports. GEt your ass on stage, show a bunch of games and let people get hyped on their own.

Worse show: Capcom
I also want to give this to PC gaming too, but at the same time I can't ignore that Capcom literally did nothing. Sizzle real for RE8 and E-sports, then a Phoenix Wright reveal. Fuck off Capcom, come back when Dino Crisis returns.

Best show: Nintendo
Yep Nintendo get's this one too. Can't really argue it, they showed a lot of stuff that their fans must really be excited for. And people are blowing up Twitters about it so any show that leaves people with that reaction has to be the best show.

Though i can't help but wonder if Nintendo was only so good because everyone else was terrible.