Scott Cawthon (FNaF guy) cancelled


Answer Hazy, Ask Again Later
Jun 15, 2011
Or it's like I said and your brand of bullshit is getting old for people.
Except it isn't remotely what you want it to be. Anyone alive with the faintest familiarity with customer relations or brand building could tell you that the reaction was entirely predictable. For fuck's sake, S.O.P. is that any time someone associated with the company is so much as wearing clothing that suggests that association, they are representing the company. As such, they need to be on their best behavior because any missteps they make reflect poorly on the brand and gives customers a reason to withdraw their custom. And here we have a dev using the official platform telling a customer to "shove it up their ass" out of explicit disdain for the customer's personal views.

To say that's a PR "no-no" is quite the understatement. It's the kind of thing that would have your company's Customer Relations team storming down to your office to scream at you for your idiocy, seniority be damned. "Don't insult/antagonize your customers" is such a goddamn basic concept that the only shocking thing here is that kovarex apparently didn't know (or didn't care) despite it being Standard Operating Procedure for generations.


Elite Member
May 11, 2020
Did he direct harass people? Because people name call all the time. Because this is race related it got escalated maybe. Though Milo was fucking a black dude for years, so I dunno how people can call him racist with a straightface. As if nobody else on the planet has ever told a racist joke....except every stand-up comedian ever.

If he directly committed targeted harassment than the ban is fair enough. But during the Joe Rogan podcast with Jack Doresy and Tim pool where they questioned the heads of Twitter as to why specifically Milo was targeted yet progressives doing the same exact shit weren't, the Twitter Execs could not directly answer and refused to admit the obvious bias that twitter rules get directed towards.
Ah, so it doesn't count as harassment because what-aboutism and white grievance complex.


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States
Here's where I stand on the issue. Doxxing Scott and death threats was not the way to approach the issue at all, and the people who did it should feel bad and be punished where legally possible.

That said, I feel like it's starting to get to the point where everyone who says "vote with your wallets" when people complain about business practices are now saying that we should only do that for the right reasons. I don't have many companies I actively boycott. Heck, the only one I can think of that I do is Ubisoft. However, if people want to stop supporting FNAF after finding out where their money is going, why is that bad? Because they should have done research into the political leanings of the creator beforehand?


Elite Member
Oct 22, 2016
It's not that any side is 100% correct because both sides have flaws, but the Left has weaponized the outrage to the point of damn near total suppression and that is frankly fucking terrifying. Thankfully there is push back starting because I think the Left is taking shit too far and people (even on the left) are starting to reel back like, "Whoa dude chill a minute". So I'm optimistic that people will come to their sense again and things will level out.
Get back to me when we can support Palestine against a right-wing abusive government without being called anti-Semites.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Ah, so it doesn't count as harassment because what-aboutism and white grievance complex.
Milo isn't even white!

Get back to me when we can support Palestine against a right-wing abusive government without being called anti-Semites.
We can't? I know we aren't allowed to talk shit about China because they own us, but I don't know what you are talking about specifically in that regard. Sorry.


Elite Member
May 11, 2020
That said, I feel like it's starting to get to the point where everyone who says "vote with your wallets" when people complain about business practices are now saying that we should only do that for the right reasons. I don't have many companies I actively boycott. Heck, the only one I can think of that I do is Ubisoft. However, if people want to stop supporting FNAF after finding out where their money is going, why is that bad? Because they should have done research into the political leanings of the creator beforehand?
"You have the right to free speech,
As long as you're not
Dumb enough to actually try it"
-Know Your Rights by The Clash

It's been the case ever since the inception of "voting with your wallet" that the loudest proponents of the idea hate it when people actually do it.

Milo isn't even white!
I was referring to you and the rest of that grifter's apologists. You people are so white it's a wonder Apple hasn't tried to copyright you. And this is me speaking as a white man.


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
Did he direct harass people? Because people name call all the time. Because this is race related it got escalated maybe. Though Milo was fucking a black dude for years, so I dunno how people can call him racist with a straightface. As if nobody else on the planet has ever told a racist joke....except every stand-up comedian ever.
The thing you miss about Milo Twatopolous is that his whole schtick was to deliberately flout rules and acceptability, both for attention and in the case of "free speech" because compelling platforms to respond could then be converted into more attention and self-publicity.

Of course, Milo's murky pre-social media job as a "businessman" shows exactly the same pattern of rules abuse and selfishness. Because that's pretty common of the British elite from whence he came. Emotionally-damaged people bred with a vast sense of self-confidence and entitlement, superficially clever in wit and sophistication, and strangely hollow in belief and practicality beneath that veneer. Insulated by their wealth and status from failure or any real fear of negative consequences, for whom life is a game of amusement and self-aggrandisement, where little people are there to be twitted, confounded and patronisingly manipulated. The rules don't apply to them, because they are the ruling class and make the rules.


Elite Member
May 11, 2020
The thing you miss about Milo Twatopolous is that his whole schtick was to deliberately flout rules and acceptability, both for attention and in the case of "free speech" because compelling platforms to respond could then be converted into more attention and self-publicity.
Which is of course the lion's share of the appeal to perpetually aggrieved white boys who wouldn't know what discrimination was if it kneeled on their necks and suffocated them to death.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Of course, Milo's murky pre-social media job as a "businessman" shows exactly the same pattern of rules abuse and selfishness. Because that's pretty common of the British elite from whence he came. Emotionally-damaged people bred with a vast sense of self-confidence and entitlement, superficially clever in wit and sophistication, and strangely hollow beneath that veneer in belief and practicality. Insulated by their wealth and status from failure or any real fear of negative consequences, for whom life is a game of amusement and self-aggrandisement, where little people are there to be twitted, confounded and patronisingly manipulated. The rules don't apply to them, because they are the ruling class and make the rules.
Are you saying none of that could be applied to anyone else? I don't think being an arogant dick is justification for "cancelation". If Milo was behaving like this for the other side, would people have the same problem with him?


Elite Member
May 11, 2020
Right but Milo was just a reference example.

Who did Scott Cawthon (the subject of this thread) harass?
I didn't say he harassed anybody. All I did was join several other posters in calling out your shitty example of a narcissistic grifter who got deplatformed for flouting the rules. Are you sure you're responding to the correct person?


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Even this very forum put up stark warnings to not discuss the Jan 6th "riots".
Actually, we are allowed to discuss that. The forums and threads for it are still up. They just didn't want it boiling down the personal insults. Unfortunately, some users didn't get the memo and were banned from this place for a reason or got suspended.


Elite Member
May 11, 2020
Actually, we are allowed to discuss that. The forums and threads for it are still up. They just didn't want it boiling down the personal insults. Unfortunately, some users didn't get the memo and were banned from this place for a reason or got suspended.
Funny how, "Don't be a dick," is so often interpreted as "NO FREE SPEECH FOR YOU!!!" Almost gives one the impression that the real issue people are complaining about is their inability to be a dick.