So if trump was touting it then there was good reason to be skeptical, but once we had the vaccine you tended to see much higher rates in democratic areas getting it then republican areas.
That isn't true. Early on, Republican areas were getting vaccinated at a much higher rate. If you check all the boxes for states in the graph on [ulr=[URL]]this[/URL] page[/url] you can see every states' progress over time. If you go to, let's say the ides of March, the top 10 most vaccinated states were Alaska, New Mexico, South Dakota, North Dakota, Hawaii, West Virginia, Connecticut, Maine, Montana, Wyoming. That's majority red states. It was 5 months of vaccinations until California caught West Virginia. I'm not going to pretend that's an inherently political thing, there are all sorts of logistical and population differences in different states, but the idea that once we had a vaccine Democrats got it faster defies evidence. It was after months of time, and only after people started talking about mandating vaccines and requiring papers that the rates flipped.
Also, the whole mask thing you are saying here, that is a LIE. You are just lying to us. You aren't even wrong, your are just a liar. You don't have to look far to see any of the republican pundits like tucker 'worst person in the world' carson telling people to call the cops if they see someone whos kids are wearing masks, or idiot religious people saying that masks are immoral since they cover gods gift of a face, or those selfish dumb fucks who just refuse to mask the fuck up cause someone told them they should and they are incapable of acting like they are older then 5 years old.
It isn't a lie. Do you recall the time that Trump did an interview with Wall Street Journal, and someone put it out to me here that Trump said masks were just people protesting him. I dug into the interview, and the interviewer asked Trump if he thought the masks were a sign of protest and he said "nah, I think people believe they help", and the interviewer was like "but really, don't you think some people are masking as a political symbol of disapproval for you", and he was like "maybe some people, but not most of them." And then they put the transcript behind a paywall, make a cut down opinion piece out of it, and by the time it got to the media at large it became "
Trump Says Some wear Coronavirus Masks to Signal Disapproval of Him" The media manufactured a partisan split in mask wearing. They made masks into a team sport.
It affected both parties' constituents. I'm not lying to you.