Funny events in anti-woke world


Elite Member
Jun 2, 2020
Pretty sure that's more fitting of the woke world thread because as we keep being told "Private companies can do what they like" and we're supposed all just be fine with it for some reason......
That's because you understood the argument wrong because it suits your position to.
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Elite Member
Jun 2, 2020
The dude is full of crap. Last I checked, being against unions ain't specifically "woke". Most corporations and the "anti-woke" don't like unions either; even more so.
Oh fully aware. I have a rule against arguing with people who, rather than address a point being made, just get themselves all frothy about hypothetical people that might exist and might be on the same side as the person making the argument.


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
The dude is full of crap. Last I checked, being against unions ain't specifically "woke". Most corporations and the "anti-woke" don't like unions either; even more so.
Some unions, unfortunately, have been bastions of archaic macho arseholeness.

There was a famous strike back around 1970 in the UK by women who worked at a Ford car plant in the UK. The union was no help (if not part of the problem), because it was run by men for men and didn't really give a shit. Perhaps no surprise as their members and officials have come from the same wider society that believed men do jobs and women raise kids and do the cooking.

Things are much better now like everything else, but it's not hard to find examples of unions still being more than a little male-centric. The city of Birmingham had to give a massive payout a few years ago due to underpaying staff in woman-heavy jobs less than equivalent staff doing in man-heavy jobs. A deal agreed a decade or so before with a union that knew perfectly well this was the case, but didn't seem to think it mattered enough to fight for, because, you know, just women, eh?
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Some unions, unfortunately, have been bastions of archaic macho arseholeness.

There was a famous strike back around 1970 in the UK by women who worked at a Ford car plant in the UK. The union was no help (if not part of the problem), because it was run by men for men and didn't really give a shit. Perhaps no surprise as their members and officials have come from the same wider society that believed men do jobs and women raise kids and do the cooking.

Things are much better now like everything else, but it's not hard to find examples of unions still being more than a little male-centric. The city of Birmingham had to give a massive payout a few years ago due to underpaying staff in woman-heavy jobs less than equivalent staff doing in man-heavy jobs. A deal agreed a decade or so before with a union that knew perfectly well this was the case, but didn't seem to think it mattered enough to fight for, because, you know, just women, eh?
That doesn't surprise me and that's nothing new. The United States have plenty of racist and sexist unions in the past. There was a time where all the white workers walk out of their jobs, because they hired black people at the Ford motor company factories. This happened back in the '50s I believe. Just goes to show how petty and stupid those type of attitudes are.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
That doesn't surprise me and that's nothing new. The United States have plenty of racist and sexist unions in the past. There was a time where all the white workers walk out of their jobs, because they hired black people at the Ford motor company factories. This happened back in the '50s I believe. Just goes to show how petty and stupid those type of attitudes are.
Heck, Ye Olde Unions are what kickstarted the Chinese Exclusion Act and the idea that the USA should have race/country based immigration laws at all. Like any group of people, it takes effort to make and keep them decent.

It's just easier to do that with a union and use the union to bash a corporation because I don't exactly get to vote for the corporate board.
Yeh but Unions and the likes are bad according to the woke lot unless the union is explicitly woke
Mostly just the police unions, what with the "helping cops get away with literal murder" thing. Cops are used against unions way more than supporting them
Pretty sure that's more fitting of the woke world thread because as we keep being told "Private companies can do what they like" and we're supposed all just be fine with it for some reason......
Hey, conservatives love the free market's guiding hand, hate regulation, and are the reason most places have weak unions, Right to Work laws, and At Will Employment. AKA, "private companies can do what they want". Even now, they're antI-regulation, anti-labor laws, anti-wage laws, etc.
You wanted this, so don't get pissy because a handful of corporate actuaries decided y'all aren't worth the money.


Elite Member
May 11, 2020
Hey, conservatives love the free market's guiding hand, hate regulation, and are the reason most places have weak unions, Right to Work laws, and At Will Employment. AKA, "private companies can do what they want". Even now, they're antI-regulation, anti-labor laws, anti-wage laws, etc.
You wanted this, so don't get pissy because a handful of corporate actuaries decided y'all aren't worth the money.
Conservatives always seem to assume that even if the leopards eat their faces, the free market will just provide them with new faces and leopard repellent. They're always disappointed when it never happens, but they keep the faith that any day now...


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
You wanted this, so don't get pissy because a handful of corporate actuaries decided y'all aren't worth the money.
No I've been fairly consistent about corporate over-reach being bad so I very much didn't want it.

But also I'm deemed very much Unwoke so thinking of it as a Left vs Right thing and trying to apply that standard to Woke vs Unwoke doesn't work.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Some unions, unfortunately, have been bastions of archaic macho arseholeness.

There was a famous strike back around 1970 in the UK by women who worked at a Ford car plant in the UK. The union was no help (if not part of the problem), because it was run by men for men and didn't really give a shit. Perhaps no surprise as their members and officials have come from the same wider society that believed men do jobs and women raise kids and do the cooking.

Things are much better now like everything else, but it's not hard to find examples of unions still being more than a little male-centric. The city of Birmingham had to give a massive payout a few years ago due to underpaying staff in woman-heavy jobs less than equivalent staff doing in man-heavy jobs. A deal agreed a decade or so before with a union that knew perfectly well this was the case, but didn't seem to think it mattered enough to fight for, because, you know, just women, eh?
Well, I guess I'm one of those evil woke folks against some unions for not being woke enough
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Elite Member
Jul 13, 2021
United States
Bu...bu...but Fox News told me that Twitter is controlled by woke left wing autocrats!

Pretty sure that's more fitting of the woke world thread because as we keep being told "Private companies can do what they like" and we're supposed all just be fine with it for some reason......
Funny, that's what conservatives told us when they screamed for them to have all the rights of individuals but none of the responsibilities via the Citizens United SCOTUS case.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Funny, that's what conservatives told us when they screamed for them to have all the rights of individuals but none of the responsibilities via the Citizens United SCOTUS case.
Yeh it's very much switched in recent years with the "Oh maybe you should go build your own platform" because people they don't like are getting hit so suddenly massive corporations are seen as good. Buy your Gillette Razors and Expensive Coffee machines and I think it was Nike trainers and all other stuff to own the evil Alt-rights.

Same shit different side these days.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
Yeh it's very much switched in recent years with the "Oh maybe you should go build your own platform" because people they don't like are getting hit so suddenly massive corporations are seen as good. Buy your Gillette Razors and Expensive Coffee machines and I think it was Nike trainers and all other stuff to own the evil Alt-rights.

Same shit different side these days.
You got the order of operation backwards on those, chief. Said corporations did some bare minimum messaging and morons went viral destroying things they already owned.

The "don't like it, don't buy it" brigade demanding they get catered to is what makes it hilarious


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
You got the order of operation backwards on those, chief. Said corporations did some bare minimum messaging and morons went viral destroying things they already owned.

The "don't like it, don't buy it" brigade demanding they get catered to is what makes it hilarious
Well because there's the same dumb cycle that happens.

People don't like something so they go: "I'm out because of these reason"
Activists: Stop being entitled and fuck off already
News: Company sees rapid drop in profits as people fuck off from it
Activists: Fucking toxic people you're meant to blindly support the brand

Or if nothing is said

People: *Just walk away from the product*
News: Company sees rapid drop in profits as people leave, though the reason is unclear
Activists: Guess they weren't real fans and we're your actual audience because you don't know why people didn't care for it. But we're here, we're your audience now......

It doesn't matter how calmly the message of people disliking something is stated or how stupidly but at least when it's stated the message is clear as to why the people have left. If there is no feedback there is no chance of change really.


Elite Member
Jul 13, 2021
United States
Pretty sure that's more fitting of the woke world thread because as we keep being told "Private companies can do what they like" and we're supposed all just be fine with it for some reason......
Yeh it's very much switched in recent years with the "Oh maybe you should go build your own platform" because people they don't like are getting hit so suddenly massive corporations are seen as good. Buy your Gillette Razors and Expensive Coffee machines and I think it was Nike trainers and all other stuff to own the evil Alt-rights.

Same shit different side these days.
No, it's still the same shit, both sides. Remember right wing people, not that long ago, destroyed their Keurigs and Yeti's because Sean Hannity said so? Or tried to buy out stores of Goya beans because God Emperor Trump said something good about them?


Trash Goblin
Apr 1, 2016
United States
No, it's still the same shit, both sides. Remember right wing people, not that long ago, destroyed their Keurigs and Yeti's because Sean Hannity said so? Or tried to buy out stores of Goya beans because God Emperor Trump said something good about them?
Don't forget when they went out and bought nike gear to then burn because nike dared to include a "cancelled" football player in their ads.
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