Shower Thoughts MK2


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
New movie teased by Jordan Peele has caused many shower thoughts...

The dominant form of them being "is it really going to be about a killer cloud??"

And, "is the answer to that question the title of this film?"

And "if so, what gives? Spilleth the beans, damnit! Fess up fam!!"

(Ppl I live with did complain about my midnight shower yelling by that point)
I kind of want that film to secretly be just like 10 minutes. And it consists of just enough time to introduce the cast, and then your typical horror movie setup, but everyone, upon seeing the first bit of weirdness, just go "NOPE!" Turn in unison to the nearest vehicles, and just GTFO, without any debating what's going on. Roll credits, end film.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
To be honest I haven't seen a lot of those examples, as the "broken man trying to forget his past, is forced back into a world of killing" trope plot, just isn't my jam these days?
I know I am a bit late on this, and forgot respond, but as for the examples involving the Purge sequels: This guy is the equivalent of Punisher in those movies. I do recommend you watch them if you're ever interested. You can skip the first movie; it's just a home invasion flick. Though one character from the first movie does show up as a cameo and minor role respectively in Anarchy and Election Year.

Looks like Purge 6 will happen at some point.



Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Whenever I see anything in the MCU talk about The Snap, all I can think about, is "So if a person is pregnant, did the Snap ever 50% the two of them after a certain level of development? Like were there people who suddenly had empty wombs, and infants left on the ground as the mother snapped away around them? Makes the event way more horrific to me thinking about that aspect.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Whenever I see anything in the MCU talk about The Snap, all I can think about, is "So if a person is pregnant, did the Snap ever 50% the two of them after a certain level of development? Like were there people who suddenly had empty wombs, and infants left on the ground as the mother snapped away around them? Makes the event way more horrific to me thinking about that aspect.
That is some fridge horror I definitely didn't want to think about that happened.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
That is some fridge horror I definitely didn't want to think about that happened.
Yeah, I reflexively tend to ask myself how various things would play out IRL, and that one kind of stuck with me. I think in the movie, we get a scene of a woman screaming at an empty stroller perhaps?

Specter Von Baren

Annoying Green Gadfly
Aug 25, 2013
I don't know, send help!
I kind of want that film to secretly be just like 10 minutes. And it consists of just enough time to introduce the cast, and then your typical horror movie setup, but everyone, upon seeing the first bit of weirdness, just go "NOPE!" Turn in unison to the nearest vehicles, and just GTFO, without any debating what's going on. Roll credits, end film.
That reminds me of how I feel that you could cut the movie Django (the original movie) down to ending after he guns down all the guys with the coffin minigun and it would still be a satisfying movie, perhaps even more satisfying.


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Whenever I see anything in the MCU talk about The Snap, all I can think about, is "So if a person is pregnant, did the Snap ever 50% the two of them after a certain level of development? Like were there people who suddenly had empty wombs, and infants left on the ground as the mother snapped away around them? Makes the event way more horrific to me thinking about that aspect.
What the hell, dude?

That is some fridge horror I definitely didn't want to think about that happened.
If you thought the killing all the first born sons of Egypt in the Bible was bad, imagine Thanos emptying the wombs of every pregnant mother on the PLANET. Or worse, unborn children plopping to the ground in their placental sacks as the mother turns to ash around them... Yeah, that shit'll keep you awake at night. Thanks, @happyninja42.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
What the hell, dude?
What? That's supposed to be the horror of this right? It's completely arbitrary who gets dusted. I mean wiping out 50% of the entire universe's population of living creatures, is fine, but me pointing out one aspect how that split might play out is too far? Yes it's horrible, that's why I find the Snap so fucking disturbing, because why wouldn't shit like that happen? Universal genocide ain't pretty.
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Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
What? That's supposed to be the horror of this right? It's completely arbitrary who gets dusted. I mean wiping out 50% of the entire universe's population of living creatures, is fine, but me pointing out one aspect how that split might play out is too far? Yes it's horrible, that's why I find the Snap so fucking disturbing, because why wouldn't shit like that happen? Universal genocide ain't pretty.


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
I was watching over my sister's shoulder, and in the sitcom she was watching, a group of female friends were discussing how one of their husbands didn't perform in bed. It further reminded me of a post I'd seen a while back about how women in general seem to be totally fine discussing their sex lives with the gals, but dudes never really do this.

As far as my experience goes, that seems to be mostly correct. My girlfriend's let slip before that she's discussed what we've done in the bedroom with her circle of girl friends, something she didn't seem to see as a big deal. It's not particularly a big deal for me either, as I barely know her friends, but it's not something I expected. I have never once discussed my sex life with my friends, guy or girl. I mean yeah, lots of joking and discussion about porn and masturbation, but never when another person was involved.

So it has me thinking, why is this so? Seems like a reversal of the stereotype: women are more restrained about sex, while men never stop thinking about it. I'm not against talking about sex, but getting into specifics about an individual without their consent seems wrong.


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
I was watching over my sister's shoulder, and in the sitcom she was watching, a group of female friends were discussing how one of their husbands didn't perform in bed. It further reminded me of a post I'd seen a while back about how women in general seem to be totally fine discussing their sex lives with the gals, but dudes never really do this.

As far as my experience goes, that seems to be mostly correct. My girlfriend's let slip before that she's discussed what we've done in the bedroom with her circle of girl friends, something she didn't seem to see as a big deal. It's not particularly a big deal for me either, as I barely know her friends, but it's not something I expected. I have never once discussed my sex life with my friends, guy or girl. I mean yeah, lots of joking and discussion about porn and masturbation, but never when another person was involved.

So it has me thinking, why is this so? Seems like a reversal of the stereotype: women are more restrained about sex, while men never stop thinking about it. I'm not against talking about sex, but getting into specifics about an individual without their consent seems wrong.
I dunno. I think men tend to be more physically assertive while women tend to be more mentally assertive, and the latter less conservative when it comes to getting to the point and discussing. For every guy's 5-second "yeah I banged this chick" story, there's more than likely a woman's version that goes on for 5 MINUTES how "it wasn't that great, penis was small, and it was over too quickly."

I think maybe because the onus does fall on men to make sex remarkable? Hear me out; a man "finishing" is standard; a woman "finishing" is something special; I'd assume they'd want to talk about it and the efforts and lengths gone to in pursuit of it with those closest to them who can relate. That said, I agree, women can be a bit brash in that they'll share details that can feel potentially humiliating to a consenting partner who's none the wiser he's being critiqued. But, since God gave guys the easy end of the bargain across the reproduction board (we "finish" easily, often, and don't have to bear new humans in our bodies because of those facts,) I guess we should suck it up and get talked about behind our backs...
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Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
Why aren't Aang and Katara's children all more or less of the same skin tone? I know siblings aren't guaranteed to have the same skin tone, my own sister is noticeably darker than me, but Tenzin and Bumi are as white as they come. Makes me think the artists got a little lazy on this one.
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Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Why aren't Aang and Katara's children all more or less of the same skin tone? I know siblings aren't guaranteed to have the same skin tone, my own sister is noticeably darker than me, but Tenzin and Bumi are as white as they come. Makes me think the artists got a little lazy on this one.
....I mean didn't you just answer your own question? You JUST said your own sister is noticeably darker than you?
Though given how much executive meddling that show had, yeah it could possibly be just lazy design. I mean their is real world precedent for significantly different skintone children of mixed parentage, including twins apparently. So it's not without some basis IRL.


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
....I mean didn't you just answer your own question? You JUST said your own sister is noticeably darker than you?
I'm still not as white as my mother, since my dad is dark skinned, which is my point. I know genetics isn't just like mixing tubs of paint, but you really wouldn't expect your kids to just fall on either of the extremes of the spectrum. Especially three times in a row.

I saw a fan comic earlier where they emphasized Katara and Kya's darker skin while keeping Aang and his sons literally just white (it wasn't a colored comic), which is why I'm now thinking about this in the shower. Was really jarring, never once crossed my mind when I watched the show lol.

Looking back though, it kinda clashes with the theme of multiculturalism in the show. Tenzin not looking exactly like every other Airbender we'd ever seen would have been a nice touch. The same with Kya, her design just screams WATERBENDER!!! at you.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
I'm still not as white as my mother, since my dad is dark skinned, which is my point. I know genetics isn't just like mixing tubs of paint, but you really wouldn't expect your kids to just fall on either of the extremes of the spectrum. Especially three times in a row.

I saw a fan comic earlier where they emphasized Katara and Kya's darker skin while keeping Aang and his sons literally just white (it wasn't a colored comic), which is why I'm now thinking about this in the shower. Was really jarring, never once crossed my mind when I watched the show lol.

Looking back though, it kinda clashes with the theme of multiculturalism in the show. Tenzin not looking exactly like every other Airbender we'd ever seen would have been a nice touch. The same with Kya, her design just screams WATERBENDER!!! at you.
Well I think Aang wasn't supposed to be "white' so much as...Tibetan? *shrugs* It never really bothered me really, considering how much anime clearly draws people who are supposed to be Japanese as what appear to be the whitest weebs you know, and scream anglo-saxon traits to the heavens. But everyone is just like "yeah, that super tall, naturally blonde haired dude with blue eyes is totally a native Japanese guy, why do you ask?" Me: "....ok anime...if you say so." To me Aang was in that boat of skin tone. Just supposed to be light skinned asian ethnicity.

Specter Von Baren

Annoying Green Gadfly
Aug 25, 2013
I don't know, send help!
What led to owls being able to rotate their heads around and upside-down? I've often heard it explained that it's because they can't move their eyes but the same is true for all birds but they don't have the same range of movement as an owl. Why does the owl need that much more head movement?


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
What led to owls being able to rotate their heads around and upside-down? I've often heard it explained that it's because they can't move their eyes but the same is true for all birds but they don't have the same range of movement as an owl. Why does the owl need that much more head movement?
Maybe because they don't make nests, and often just hang out on branches for longer periods of time compared to other birds? So they need more observational radius when keeping eyes out for prey/predators? Genetic drift/variants are really strange, and there isn't any downside to such a trait that I can think of? So it would probably persist by natural selection, simply because it's got nothing but pluses for the creature? *shrugs* That's my two cents at least.

Specter Von Baren

Annoying Green Gadfly
Aug 25, 2013
I don't know, send help!
Maybe because they don't make nests, and often just hang out on branches for longer periods of time compared to other birds? So they need more observational radius when keeping eyes out for prey/predators? Genetic drift/variants are really strange, and there isn't any downside to such a trait that I can think of? So it would probably persist by natural selection, simply because it's got nothing but pluses for the creature? *shrugs* That's my two cents at least.
OH! Maybe its because of their ears! Their ears are at different heights and that apparently helps them triangulate the source of sounds so maybe the head movement is so they can more easily change how they're hearing things? The sight component is also useful but could be a bonus perk for the main reason.
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