You're not old. You're just sensitive to boredom. I've seen some of these "personalities". They're fuckin' dull. They're boring and more often than not stupid people with nothing interesting and nothing smart to say. Why spend hours at a time watching some asshole play games when you could be playing a video game instead? Not necessarily the same one that Twitch personality is playing if you don't have it, but that's besides the point. Watching other people engage in a leisure activity is inherently boring. It's a passive kind of activity, which makes it more for old people than playing a game yourself.
It is really interesting because Twitch is a natural evolution of the Let's Play that people used to put onto Youtube. Except now creators get to put in less effort over it.
I used to watch Jesse Cox on Youtube for his Let's Plays because I genuinely thought he was really funny. Except what i didn't realize until Twitch, was how edited those videos really were. On Twitch you don't get to edit out the boring shit, the audience watches all of it. And while you still get these moments of entertaining funny things, clutch moments, or whatever, the vast majority of a playthrough for a thing is boring as fuck.
This led to other people seeing streamers being boring during boring parts of the game and they thought "Oh this is easy money, this person isn't even doing anything." Which led us to the first wave of "boobie" streamers who had the camera pointed down at their tits taking up the whole screen while they would sit in a lobby on League in a tiny ass window so that they techincally weren't going against ToS.
Now a days we've seen that the really big creators, the people who have the personalities to push people through the boring shit in a game, have become so huge and high profile that smaller and newer creators kind of resent them. When they don't realize their personality is boring or just shit and people don't want to watch them. Zombie Unicorn is a perfect example of someone who felt like they were entitled to views and money, except the only reason they had an audience at all was because they were naked on stream under "Bodypainting". She was part of that Bullyhunter's bullshit and tried to ride Anita Sark's coattails, only to flounder because she was genuinely a terrible person. Now she has had 700 views in the last 30 days, her audience is basically gone.
I feel like a lot of Twitch Streamers complain about bad discovery tools and there is some fair points to be made in that regard. Twitch tends to only suggest other popular streamers when I think the tool would be better suited for showcasing other streamers that share your interests instead. LIke if I watch Mr.Happy as a big FF14 streamer, I don't want Twitch to then suggest I watch Ninja afterwards because I'm probably not interested in Fortnite after just watching a big MMO-streamer. Instead it should showcase other FF14 streamers, or even other MMO-RPG's like WoW or whatever.
But it also shouldn't show me some random streamer with 12 viewers either. If that streamer has nothing in common with other thing's I've watched then Twitch has no reason to suggest that to me.
Discovery tools would be great, but ultimately even that tool would only go so far if you have the personality of a Deer.