In the original the matrix green did not just indicate they were in thematrix but to also tint the emotional state of the world of the matrix as drab and beaten down similar to it's use in fight club. This worked fine in the dank noir the original matrix, but reloaded is an entirely different genre and style of film. It's practically an action musical lacking any kind of introspection. I could shit on the movie all day, but I will say moving to bright hyper-styled action sets for the film meant the wachoskis should have also thought to change the tint of the second movie. Getting on my own horse I would swapped tint. Amp up the brightness and glitz inside the matrix for the second film and added a darker tint to the outside world to showcase how much life outside the matrix sucked. Maybe coat zion in harsh red emergency lighting to show people were struggling outside the matrix. You gotta keep in mind these are the same idiots that thought it would be cool jazz up Zion as the last party on earth and fill it with horrifyingly cheasy costumes. *Puke*One of the dumbest decisions they made was tinting all of the scenes occurring inside the Matrix green. The highway chase was done primarily with practical effects and stunts, and yet the coloring made it look like bad CGI.