Choo choo! All aboard the Complain Train!


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Vocal fry. Ever since learning about it listening to This America Life several years ago, it happens about twice a year that I notice it, and I hear it everywhere for a couple of weeks, and it's like nails on a chalkboard.

Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
John Goodman lost weight. We are truly living in the darkest timeline.



My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
Facial hair all hair. Fuck it all. Getting so tired of having to trim shit and get shit cut, wipe up the wife’s bathroom floor, etc. We should’ve evolved past this shit by now.

Also typing on a mobile device. Oh you want me to use portrait mode website, where the keys are made even smaller for my borky thumbs to flub about on? Fuck that shit. I guess I should try talk to text, but I also hate having to correct shit.
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Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
MLA 9, and in-text citations were created by Satan himself, I am using an automatic citation website(Easybib), and I am spending a crap ton of time just citing my paper. And the person in the English department at the local community college that I transferred out of; wants students to do it by hand. So dumb.


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
Facial hair all hair. Fuck it all. Getting so tired of having to trim shit and get shit cut, wipe up the wife’s bathroom floor, etc. We should’ve evolved past this shit by now.
How dare you read my mind. I came here just to post this.

But yeah, the pandemic really made me realize what a fucking hassle hair is. I can't grow a beard (spent almost half a year to figure that out lol), so I have no choice but to constantly shave. I don't even shave as much as I used to, but for some reason when I do I find it such a hassle. I get haircuts like once every two months now instead of two weeks, and yet it's such a bother. I bought a cap for when I go out because I can't be bothered to fix my hair when it's grown too long to manage. I don't particularly want to be bald, but if we could get rid of facial/body hair, that would be swell.

On a side note, I really don't understand the push to see underarm hair as "beautiful". I'm not gonna force anyone to shave, or even judge people for having it. But I'm more than happy to just leave it as a thing we all accept but don't talk about. "Celebrating" it just seems weird.
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My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
...cripes. I mean, I'm thrilled that he's trimmed down, especially at his age, but he looks like someone vacuum-sealed him inside his own skin.
It’s deceiving though since just imagine how strong he probably feels now, not having to lug all that extra weight around. If anything his skin is probably now the weakest link.


~ just another dread messenger ~
Apr 29, 2020
A particularly pilled ex-close family member has now revealed to be a flat-earther too, cause why not just blindly accept the whole multipack of baseless bullshit, even when they've been on a plane many times to clearly see the curvature of the earth with their own eyes! And is somewhat working with a couple of other whackos in a group of ppl who refer to themselves as "the awakened" to pill another family member with a fairly worrying level of success so far, and that person has got in contact with other pilled ppl including those who drink their own piss now too. There is nothing I can do but observe as ppl who used to be able to make logical decisions are becoming hollow, no amount of talking will outdo the grasp and proximity of these cultlike misinformation social circles.

The first pilled family member has turned into someone unrecognisable, full of anger and hatred, often with child/tweenlike but intense narcassism, while teaching their own kid all the awful bullshit they've been convinced of. Completely blanked everyone including me at last family meal for no reason other than that's just what they do now when something doesn't go their way in public get-togethers, despite nothing going wrong. Am concerned about the likelihood of escalation leading to some sort of murder in future, as the growing baseless anger towards their SO is quite alarming already. It's like watching a new form of brain damage evolve in real time with no effective way to provide any help or guidance for avoiding further harm, enabled and encouraged by an international 'cottage' industry of lies and social circle of omnipresent acolytes. I cannot see any possibility of this ending in any manner that would be considered healthy or even without casualty.

Mister Mumbler

Pronounced "Throat-wobbler Mangrove"
Jun 17, 2020
Nowhere, Middle of
United States's been an...interesting past few weeks or so to say the least, and rather than have a long few posts (at least for now), I'm going to do a quick vent, a Complain Train speed-run, if you will.

So, in no particular order:

-There is a new guy at work, and he passes the time by talking to people, and I'm stuck right next to him
-Drivers around here are nuts (and I'm one of those nutty drivers)
-Death, and familial fallout therefrom
-Old piece of shit car I'm working on has been a thorn in my side for months
-Fucking cold as hell here. Woke up to a light coating of ice on my windshield a couple of times already
-Apartment scheduled move-in times
-Crazy parents
-Vinyl floors suck, especially in bathrooms
-My sister's dog sheds so much, there are snow drifts of hair lying around
-The housing/renting market is fucking bananas right now
-New manager at work asserts his dominance by trying to change everything's practically here
-Water heater kind of blows, takes too long for hot water
-Non-oily eczema (or any hand cream/lotion really) cream is a myth
-Back to walking my dog around a few times a day to do his business
-You would think toilet plungers would be easier to find
-"I'm a nice guy, but I believe in getting revenge."
-No exterior outlet for outside Christmas lights at new place
-Pushed back move-in date for refurbished apartment, still things wrong everywhere, obvious things no less
-Old people
-Most of the grass patches around my unit are covered in puddles/mud
-New Internet provider is not good



The face I make when I see unguarded pie.
Jan 9, 2011
Water heater kind of blows, takes too long for hot water
I can try to help with this one at least. If it's a typical tank heater with the heating element on the bottom then it may just be a calcium buildup similar to hard water stains. It can be fixed by flushing the tank through the tap on the bottom, but the method to so is often specific to the type of heater you have. If it's natural gas then from experience I can tell you it takes about 20 minutes, a hose, and a bucket.

Mister Mumbler

Pronounced "Throat-wobbler Mangrove"
Jun 17, 2020
Nowhere, Middle of
United States
I can try to help with this one at least. If it's a typical tank heater with the heating element on the bottom then it may just be a calcium buildup similar to hard water stains. It can be fixed by flushing the tank through the tap on the bottom, but the method to so is often specific to the type of heater you have. If it's natural gas then from experience I can tell you it takes about 20 minutes, a hose, and a bucket.
I may have actually done this yesterday. That tap at the bottom of the heater can take standard hose connections, which make it perfect for hosing down the artificial grass patch my sister's dog uses on our porch which I just took care of. Handy to know, thanks.


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
Old people just can't listen/read, can they?

What we said: "Yes ma'am we need to get the costing for your recipes so we can start on our projections"

What we got: "Okay I will now enumerate this very long list of ingredients on call and all their measurements (yes of course I will be reading from a document I could easily email to you). Oh, I already sent this to you? I'll keep reading it out anyway. Won't be giving you the costing either!"

My mother today also got scolded by a bitchy client who messaged this (edited for western viewers) "Yesterday you said the address was California, now you're saying Los Angeles. Which is it?". I looked at my mothers message from yesterday, she wrote "Los Angeles, California". Christ. That "which is it" carried so much boomer Karen energy I wanted to ***** slap someone.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Old people just can't listen/read, can they?

What we said: "Yes ma'am we need to get the costing for your recipes so we can start on our projections"

What we got: "Okay I will now enumerate this very long list of ingredients on call and all their measurements (yes of course I will be reading from a document I could easily email to you). Oh, I already sent this to you? I'll keep reading it out anyway. Won't be giving you the costing either!"

My mother today also got scolded by a bitchy client who messaged this (edited for western viewers) "Yesterday you said the address was California, now you're saying Los Angeles. Which is it?". I looked at my mothers message from yesterday, she wrote "Los Angeles, California". Christ. That "which is it" carried so much boomer Karen energy I wanted to ***** slap someone.
I don't know if the basic geography fail or the reading comprehension fail is more painful here, really.

Double facepalm then?
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Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Old people just can't listen/read, can they?
Went to Home Depot today to pick up the custom interior door I ordered back in October. I queued up at the counter clearly marked "Order Pickup," and woman at the customer service counter who was probably about 116-years-old and standing as far away as possible under the sign marked "Returns" asks how she can help. I said "I'm here to pick up my custom door," and she responded with a snide "I can't hear you way over there." So I walked over to her "Returns" area and repeated my request for my door. Handed her the paperwork, and she ogled it for a good 15 seconds looking for the order number. I lost patience and pointed to it, top dead center on the form. She types it in, and asked the other guy working with her to call for it to be brought out. He asked what we were picking up, and she said a "stove." I said no, it's a door. He made the call and told the person in the back I was there for a stove. I repeated again that it was a door.

20 minutes later, I see the guy rolling up towards the counter with my door, but he stops to chit-chat with a co-worker about 100 feet away from me. I got fed up, and went to him to get my door. Threw it over my shoulder, and as I'm walking out, the old bat insisted I stop and pay for the door. I explained that I'd already paid for the door in October and showed her my paperwork again. She insisted (getting snippy again) that my paperwork wasn't a "receipt," and that I had to pay before leaving the store. I reiterated that I'd already paid, and the paperwork I was given was my proof of purchase. She made me wait while she consulted with her colleague who told her the exact same thing: the custom order would not have been placed without it having been paid for, and yes, my paperwork WAS my receipt. Did she apologize? No, she simply gave me "permission" to leave with my own fucking door.

She's obviously not representative of all old people, but I'll be damned if this post was stewing in my brain the whole half hour I stood around waiting for this living mummy to figure out her fucking job.


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
I watched some clips of Monty Python's Life of Brian and now Youtube is for some reason convinced I want recommendations for evangelical propaganda.
This happens far too often. I watch a video mocking those sigma grindset weirdos, for the next week all I get are actual sigma/alpha/omega/gamma/whatever videos on my recommended.

OT: The family drove 6 hours up north to a beach. Fuck, was it depressing. So many closed restaurants and stores. We talked to a lady selling those crappy souvenirs you usually would never buy. She had just reopened her stall last month after two years. And two years ago, they had just taken out loans to stock up on inventory for summer. Then the pandemic hit and the lockdowns followed. Fucking horrible. Many of her fellow storeowners had to close permanently. And now, just when our country was beginning to open up, our daily cases have risen more than 10x. I'm so sick of all of this shit. Really hoping Omicron is the beginning of the end of Covid.

EDIT: Oh, and it rained pretty much the whole time at the beach. That was what I was originally going to post about.