Maybe they aren't exactly "ok" with the game as a whole. But they aren't condeming the game they way they do with other articles, especially when dealing with sexist/LBGT issues. Like when they went on a rampage about the Trans "trap" in the updated version of Catherine.
For the most part the article is talking about hitlers testicle and the tongue and cheek of it all. The end of the article then talks about how horrible Nazi's are and maybe we don't need a game about laughing at them. But it doesn't really come across to me that they have any real problem with the game overall. At worst they kind of eyeroll at it.
Then there is this article which complains about the ever increasing size of some Guilty Gear character's tits. Though in the article it isn't really clear that the character's bust is ever increasing to me. The artist drawing the character is updating the look overall. If anything it does look like her "features" are more detailed, but not particularly bigger in the grand scheme of things. Though I've never played the games and I don't care about them so I don't really know the history of how she looked through the series. But the difference here between an article about boobs and a literal Hitler article, is that the boob article spends almost the entire lengh complaining while the Hitler article doesn't really complain at all