The Feburary Bombardment is upon us

Specter Von Baren

Annoying Green Gadfly
Aug 25, 2013
I don't know, send help!
For people on a video game forum, the lack of excitement for video games around here is rather shocking.
Ehhhh, just not the games I'm interested in dude.

We're largely a bunch of old dinosaurs hanging around on a ghost town of a forum out of habit. You want excitement, go to wherever the kids hang out these days.
Those durn kids with their loud music and hullabaloo.


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
For people on a video game forum, the lack of excitement for video games around here is rather shocking.

You've got to understand though, most people still haven't seen a PS5 in person. Expecting them to be excited about new games on PS4 is like saying their nine-year-old car still works just fine, when the marketing is showing the shiny new car's bells and whistles.

Zykon TheLich

Extra Heretical!
Jun 6, 2008
Those durn kids with their loud music and hullabaloo.
Yer durn tootin right! Playin their durn gramamaphones late into the evenin. It's the devil's work I tells ya.

To be slightly less of an old curmudgeon though, if it was a new main Fallout/Elderscrolls/Starfield game then they would definitely have my interest.
The new Space Marine game, Darktide, I'll be picking those up. But much as yourself, those particular games mentioned in the OP, no interest.


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
It's just hard to feel excited for game when the deluge never stop. My backlog is so full I probably won't get to any of those game for a year+.

The only one I'll play soon is lost ark cause a couple of friend are planning on playing that, but who know how long that'll last.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
For people on a video game forum, the lack of excitement for video games around here is rather shocking.
There's only 2 of those I care about (Elden Ring and HFW). Elden Ring looks to be Dark Souls 3 mixed with BOTW and while I'm here for it, I have a pretty good idea what to expect. It's not making me stay up at night in anticipation but I look forward to getting my face smashed in the dirt by yet another FROM dark fantasy.

Horizon I'm more guarded about. It looks to be more robo dino action but I'm concerned the story isn't going to be nearly as engaging as HZD and that was a huge part of the draw the first one had for me. There are some unresolved plot threads from HZD but it remains to be seen if they made the most of them or progress Aloys story in a meaningful way.

Also the PS5 being harder to find then unicorn shit for most of us, so the "ohh awww" factor they're hyping falls flat to some extent.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Also the PS5 being harder to find then unicorn shit for most of us, so the "ohh awww" factor they're hyping falls flat to some extent.
By the same token people on this forum said shit like, "I don't care about the next generation until there are games for it." Then when the games come for it, still don't care about them because now they can't get ahold of the next gen system? Like if you cared, you should have gotten one at launch then. It's like no matter what games can't please you, so why are you on a video game forum specifically designed to talk about gaming?

It's a hypocritical attitude that just confuses me.

On the other hand, I do understand people have a lot of backlogged games and not enough time. That's fine. Most of us are of the age where affording a console shouldn't be a big deal, hell even "scalper" prices are damn near retail at this point (though they may spike again now that people see games coming out).

Additionally, from what I've seen from the Ps4 screenshots and gameplay of Horizon, the game still looks really good and I doubt you miss THAT much by playing it on a previous gen system. Are you not going to get Elden Ring until you get a Ps5? Or are you going to pick it up on ps4?
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~ just another dread messenger ~
Apr 29, 2020
Do not fear, escapism users...when none else can muster up the courage to stand against the tyranny of modern cynicism, a humble merchant of forbidden delights is left no choice but to nobly, even heroically step in set things straight, in the name of justice! Yes, I shall make up for this lack of positivity and I alone. For free! It is my civic duty of course, I seek no rewards for this, no thanks or compensation. Did that statue of me already get put up? Well, alright it's probably too late to reverse that one, and we wouldn't want to erase history after all. But other than that, no more!

So let's get this over wi, I mean let's begin this journey of anticipatory ecstasy, fellow addicts!

Forbidden West looks alright.



Have a dance track or two, this intense high won't last long, so make the most out of it...



Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
I did not know this was a thing. Looks good.

I have to finish the 1st Horizon before I move on to the 2nd!

Have a dance track or two, this intense high won't last long, so make the most out of it...

Thought you were going to put up a cover to
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Zykon TheLich

Extra Heretical!
Jun 6, 2008
Do not fear, escapism users...when none else can muster up the courage to stand against the tyranny of modern cynicism, a humble merchant of forbidden delights is left no choice but to nobly, even heroically step in set things straight, in the name of justice! Yes, I shall make up for this lack of positivity and I alone. For free! It is my civic duty of course, I seek no rewards for this, no thanks or compensation. Did that statue of me already get put up? Well, alright it's probably too late to reverse that one, and we wouldn't want to erase history after all. But other than that, no more!

So let's get this over wi, I mean let's begin this journey of anticipatory ecstasy, fellow addicts!

Forbidden West looks alright.



Have a dance track or two, this intense high won't last long, so make the most out of it...

Well then, let's get this party started !

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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
By the same token people on this forum said shit like, "I don't care about the next generation until there are games for it." Then when the games come for it, still don't care about them because now they can't get ahold of the next gen system? Like if you cared, you should have gotten one at launch then. It's like no matter what games can't please you, so why are you on a video game forum specifically designed to talk about gaming?

It's a hypocritical attitude that just confuses me.

On the other hand, I do understand people have a lot of backlogged games and not enough time. That's fine. Most of us are of the age where affording a console shouldn't be a big deal, hell even "scalper" prices are damn near retail at this point (though they may spike again now that people see games coming out).

Additionally, from what I've seen from the Ps4 screenshots and gameplay of Horizon, the game still looks really good and I doubt you miss THAT much by playing it on a previous gen system. Are you not going to get Elden Ring until you get a Ps5? Or are you going to pick it up on ps4?
I'm gonna be playing ER on PC so the PS5 thing isn't gonna be an issue there. PS5 is more for GOW and HFW IF I can ever get one. I pretty much play PC unless the game is an exclusive to the PS or Nintendo for a number of reasons.

And honestly, I think you keep missing that part of the conversation here. Most people can't fucking get a PS5, for anywhere near MSRP if at all. You got lucky. A lot of us not so much. And the whole 'Well, you should have got one at launch" feels telling because it's not like they were any easier to get then either. A lot of us also don't feel like paying blood money to scalpers to reward them for creating artificial scarcity for an already scarce product(of which they're gladly charging a hefty premium for).

If you know a place we can all get PS5's for MSRP on demand, please do tell us. A lot of us would love to know where they're all hiding rather then hoping to catch a restock at exactly the right time.

But your other point is BS. The PS5 doesn't have any killer Apps right now. There's no games on the PS5 worth paying significantly more then the $500 MSRP(or fuck, possibly even the $500 MSRP) or worth the hassle of trying to track one down. There's no Bloodborne that can only be played on the PS5 that people will shell out a fucking grand or try to spend hours trying to load their virtual shopping carts. There's Rachet and Clank and Demons Souls Remake. Those aren't worth the hassle or high prices to play the exclusives. Pretty much everything else can be played on XBOX/PC/All of the above.

Maybe when PS5's are readily available people start to notice the exclusives more but right now that's like advertising trips to orbit. Sure you can get one, but it'll cost you dearly and most people aren't gonna bother. Make a trip to orbit the price of an airline ticket and a lot more people would be interested.
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Most people can't fucking get a PS5, for anywhere near MSRP if at all. You got lucky. A lot of us not so much. And the whole 'Well, you should have got one at launch" feels telling because it's not like they were any easier to get then either
But many didn't even try, because they felt like it wasn't a big deal. And if it wasn't a big deal, then play these games on the existing Ps4 that you most likely already have right? Horizon, GoW, GT7, DL2, are all available on last-gan platforms. So the lack of excitement over new releases, or hell hardly any interest, doesn't make sense to me.

There's Rachet and Clank and Demons Souls Remake.

Those aren't worth the hassle or high prices to play the exlusives.
Yet you claim these games aren't worth playing unless they can be playing on next-gen systems. If it's not a big deal, why not look forward to playing the Ps4 version?
Maybe when PS5's are readily available people start to notice the exclusives more but right now that's like advertising trips to orbit.
These aren't exclusives to Ps5, just exclusive to Sony.

So you argument of the cost and difficulty in obtaining a Ps5 is irrelevant.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
But many didn't even try, because they felt like it wasn't a big deal. And if it wasn't a big deal, then play these games on the existing Ps4 that you most likely already have right? Horizon, GoW, GT7, DL2, are all available on last-gan platforms. So the lack of excitement over new releases, or hell hardly any interest, doesn't make sense to me.


Yet you claim these games aren't worth playing unless they can be playing on next-gen systems. If it's not a big deal, why not look forward to playing the Ps4 version?

These aren't exclusives to Ps5, just exclusive to Sony.

So you argument of the cost and difficulty in obtaining a Ps5 is irrelevant.
When the PS5 dropped there was almost nothing to go with it that could only be played on PS5 and you couldn't get one, so there's no reason to break your back or your bank account trying to obtain one. Right now there still aren't enough good PS5 only games to warrant the hassle or the price. Unless Bloodborne 2 suddenly shows up and is a PS5 only game, it's unlikely to change until people can readily get one.

Demons Souls Remake, Returnal and Ratchet+Clank are all PS5 exclusives. I can't play them unless I can get one. Which right now I can't, nor can most of us.

Actually, no I'm claiming a number of those games I'm not interested in at all regardless of next gen or not . And others I can wait on. I'm interested in GOW and Horizon(which I'm waiting to see just how good it is), but I don't feel the need to play them right now. Eldin Ring I do have more interest in and it's multiplatform

The PS5 unavailability is ONE of several issues at play here why some of these games aren't getting much interest. Make it possible for most people to play them and maybe people will start to care more. Maybe I'll like Returnal when I get a PS5 but right now that looks like it's gonna be at least a year before I even get a chance so right now I don't really care.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
But many didn't even try, because they felt like it wasn't a big deal. And if it wasn't a big deal, then play these games on the existing Ps4 that you most likely already have right? Horizon, GoW, GT7, DL2, are all available on last-gan platforms. So the lack of excitement over new releases, or hell hardly any interest, doesn't make sense to me.
You must really suffer from short-term memory loss? People did try, and most still can't get PS5s. Chip shortages and all that crap. You already know this by now. Plus, the asking price is still too big. I ain't dropping $500+, just so I can get better load times on my PS4 games. Not to mention all the scalpers that still exist. People have been trying, but they need things like food, clothing, and a roof to live under. You know, real life and responsibilities. Even when more PS5 become available, I don't see myself getting one until the price drops to at least $400.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
You must really suffer from short-term memory loss? People did try, and most still can't get ps5s. Ship shorts and all that crap. You already know this by this point. Plus, the asking price is still too big. I ain't dropping $500+, just so I can get better load times on my PS4 games. Not to mention all the scalpers that still exist. People have been trying, but they need things like food, clothing, and a roof to live under. You know, real life and responsibilities. Even when more PS5 become available I don't see myself getting one until the price drops to at least $400.
Critical got one. Thus, as far as he's concerned, everyone can get one. At least that's how it comes across.

"If they're poor, why don't their daddies just make a movie?"
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Critical got one. Thus, as far as he's concerned, everyone can get one. At least that's how it comes across.

"If they're poor, why don't their daddies just make a movie?"
Thank you.

BTW @CriticalGaming, before you start, here's Chip keeping it real about availability on the PS5. If you can't agree than there is nothing to talk about. Don't start with the equivalent of "you should get two jobs to afford a PS3". Because that is what you are basically doing. You got lucky with your PS5, so please be respectful, not oblivious, nor insensitive to those who do not have the means to access the "hottest shit" on the market. I am blessed with what I have.

Time stamped at 1:02.​
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Critical got one. Thus, as far as he's concerned, everyone can get one. At least that's how it comes across.

"If they're poor, why don't their daddies just make a movie?"
You must really suffer from short-term memory loss? People did try, and most still can't get PS5s. Chip shortages and all that crap. You already know this by now. Plus, the asking price is still too big. I ain't dropping $500+, just so I can get better load times on my PS4 games. Not to mention all the scalpers that still exist. People have been trying, but they need things like food, clothing, and a roof to live under. You know, real life and responsibilities. Even when more PS5 become available, I don't see myself getting one until the price drops to at least $400.
You guys keep missing the point of my argument here. I am not talking about games that are ps5 exclusives. I'm talking about JUST NEW GAMES period!

All but I think 1 of the games listed in the OP are available on the PS4. So the available and the cost of a Ps5 is not important because not having a Ps5 is not a limitation on playing these titles.

And @BrawlMan you know as well as I do, that there were people who outright said they weren't even interested in getting a next gen system at launch because there was no reason for them to bother with it until games came out. And that pont still stands because even these games are still being made on Ps4.

I'm talking about the outright lack of any real interest or excitement for these new games. Thats all. The availablity of one of the consoles is not relevant because it isn't a requirement to play these games.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I'm talking about JUST NEW GAMES period!
I know, and I'll say what I said before: People have different interests. There is nothing wrong with that, aside from your personal beef. Also, I mentioned three games I am interested in, but only one of them was on the list you posted.

All but I think 1 of the games listed in the OP are available on the PS4. So the available and the cost of a Ps5 is not important because not having a Ps5 is not a limitation on playing these titles.
Still does not change the overall issue, nor availability problem. I know most of these games are coming to PS4, but I am not invested in most, and waiting for Ragnarok as far as 1st party PS exclusives.

And @BrawlMan you know as well as I do, that there were people who outright said they weren't even interested in getting a next gen system at launch because there was no reason for them to bother with it until games came out. And that point still stands because even these games are still being made on Ps4.
So what? What everyone else wants to play or not play is their damn business and nothing is wrong with that. Not everyone is you. If you want to waste money and play any, most, or all that, no one is stopping you.
I'm talking about the outright lack of any real interest or excitement for these new games.
Welcome to the real fucking world. Get over yourself.
The availablity of one of the consoles is not relevant because it isn't a requirement to play these games.
Then actually say it and stop with the fucking pretense and goal posting. You do this habit way too often.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
You guys keep missing the point of my argument here. I am not talking about games that are ps5 exclusives. I'm talking about JUST NEW GAMES period!

And @BrawlMan you know as well as I do, that there were people who outright said they weren't even interested in getting a next gen system at launch because there was no reason for them to bother with it until games came out. And that pont still stands because even these games are still being made on Ps4.
Lack of games and unfeasible to get the console for the vast majority. Those are the key points. Most people don't want to pay 500+ scalpers tax for a console with like 3 exclusives they can't play anywhere else.

So if this was about new games why are we still have a big back and forth about the PS5? Because you keep claiming it's fucking irrelevant(though you did start ranting about it a ways back) and yet keep arguing about it anyway. Just drop it and focus on your supposed main point.
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