I DID SAY IT! I never once in this thread mentioned anything about people NEEDING a Ps5. How about to stop being such a judgy jerk and actually read what the fuck im talking about. Nor did I ever call you out specifically! I know you mentioned three games! I KNOW! My original statement was a generallization of the way the thread was going in which most people were just "meh" on new games.Then actually say it and stop with the fucking pretense and goal posting. You do this habit way too often.
I understand there is a real world, thanks for being condesending, but we are on a VIDEO GAYME FORUM!! A PLACE DESIGNED TO TALK ABOUT VEEEDEEO GAAAYYYMEEESS!!! SO excuse me if I'm a little surprise how little people seem to give a shit about video games on the place designed to TALK about video games!
FUCK!!! HOLY SHIT!!! Seriously if you weren't so fucking obessed with attacking my fucking character every fucking post and actually READ what the fuck im trying to say, maybe we could actually have discussions on a disscussion board. And if you don't like my POV, then don't bother replying. In fact don't even reply to this because there is nothing else to say. I don't care if you don't get that.
So dont. Play them on the systems you already have? Why do you keep bringing up the Ps5 when that has nothing to do with any part of this topic? It still doesn't answer my questions as to why there is such a lack of interest in new games of any kind around here. At least with the exception of a couple people.Lack of games and unfeasible to get the console for the vast majority. Those are the key points. Most people don't want to pay 500+ scalpers tax for a console with like 3 exclusives they can't play anywhere else.