The poor unless they have multiple children that they are taking care of, and aren't disabled, or old can move somewhere else.
Edit: Or outside of the city proper.
So, leave the places where the jobs are and/or require long commutes.
Good plan. Also, that's only a fraction of the people brought up.
EDIT: Look, I'm just skeptical when the solution to "rent-seeking parasites are setting fires to have an excuse to evict people" is "give the arson-happy rent-seeking parasites exactly what they want"
EDITedit: Look, I live in Montana, a state with zero regulations on how much you can increase rent. Rents were already getting untenable before the pandemic hit, what with investors moving in and demolishing affordable housing and trailer parks to make way for higher priced condos.
Then covid happened and Montana actually locked down for a bit and out of staters started swarming in, fleeing covid/the homeless/liberals/etc, and our landlords had the brilliant thought, "hey, why am I renting to a poorly paid Montanan when I can raise the rent $300/$400/$500 or more a month and get some Californian tech guy or Texas retiree?
Shockingly, this did not lead to more low-income housing being built, because why build those when condos and houses are being sold sight-unseen for $50k-$60k above asking price in cash? In a twist of events that will only be surprising to you, our homelessness situation is worse than ever, the job market situation is absolutely dire because who's gonna take a job that doesn't pay the rent and gas for commuting 60 miles a day, and there are zero plans for low income housing or "multi-family apartments" because our lovely free market governor signed a law saying that cities couldn't mandate those be built.
And what the hell's a "multi-family apartment" anyway? Just a regular apartment with people piled on top of each other like an overcrowded hamster enclosure?