I still haven't seen a single post about why anyone should vote for the Democrats. I think overall Republicans are a bit worse than Democrats, but why would I vote for them? Just because they aren't quite as bad as the other guy? You guys won't even give Republicans an ounce of credit for anything; everything they do and say is completely wrong and evil. Yet you have a minority like the Black community doing a reverse migration to the South because they have more opportunities there yet the Republicans are nothing but white supremacist racists that hate everyone that isn't white.
The Republicans may be driving us to a cliff at 100mph but the Democrats are doing the same thing just at like 95mph so why would I vote for them?
How many times do I have to post the quote from Don't Look Up for you all to understand? You're doing the exact thing that they, Democrats and Republicans, want.
There's three types of American people.
There are you, the working class.
Us, the cool rich, and then them.
[people booing]
I'm sorry, but we need them.
We need them because
you build us up to fight them.
6 of the 7 most segregated school systems are BLUE states.
Racial segregation in America ended decades ago, yet the struggle against inequality continues. Making segregation unlawful was the easy part, the true
The US is a de facto one-party state where the ideology of national security is sacrosanct, unsustainable debt props up the empire and the primary business is war.