Funny Events of the "Woke" world


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
So you're resorting to a blatant strawman argument here? When I did attack people based on their gender?

I don't even know why I'm bothering posting on the Escapist at this point. All the fun people left ages ago.
Okay. On your bike then...

If you are still here:
So this is what you call a strawman
So, do I have to come up with a label that describes all the people who don't like the Last Jedi? Are all those people the same? Are there only two possible criticisms of TLJ - that there's a purple-haired woman who tells off neo-Han Solo and an Asian woman does stuff?
If you dont want strawman, perhaps dont put out strawmen. If you need me to explain to you how what you wrote is a strawman argument I can but its so blatant that I automatically feel condescending trying to type a sentence to explain

As to a blatant strawman argument, I was specifically saying my experience. I was telling you how I got criticised thing with being called... whatever you so worried about being called.

You are now pretending that my advice around get offended is actually me placing any blame on you. That's not what I said. Anyone here can tell you I criticise a lot of things, including TLJ. If you don't want to take it, then don't. It's up to you


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
There are plenty of criticism I've had of TLJ. Even on this site

I somehow navigated all those hundreds of conversations with being called sexist or whatever you think is going to happen

Actually, it was real easy. My suggestion - don't attack people based on their gender
Because generally you've had to dance round stuff and make it very clear you're "Not one of them" by talking about how bad "They" are maybe?

So you might also recall that I asked whether the 'wokeness' of Vagrant Queen was coming from the producers or the wider media. Based on those links, it appears that the latter is the case. If Vagrant Queen is perceived as 'woke,' then it seems it's an interpretation people have come up with.
I can't remember off the top of my head who it was but I think it was one of the producers or showrunner on about it on twitter. I want to say it was like Maggs Vissagio or something but I'm pretty sure that's some-one else.

That said, going through each of the articles, here's my thoughts on them:

First: Woke, riddled with identity politics

Second: Actually, this is a pretty decent article. It looks at the LGBT aspects, but also everything from the show's conception to the casting. I don't think I can cite this as an example of wokeness.

Third: Fairly woke. It's not as obnoxious as the first article, and look, if those are the ten most important things to the author, more power to them, but I don't think "watch X because it's got Y" in it is that compelling an argument.
fair enough there.

Sorry, what happened?
Some of what happened in her most recent comic book run.

She got an origin story:
She's from a parallel dimension where society is a utopia called utopian parallel where there are no men only women and everyone is a lesbian. The Parallel universe was destroyed maybe as it sacrificed itself to save the multiverse with her parents sending her to our universe to save her and in the hopes she will do good.

She got into university:
Which was an all Latino university whose rivals are a rich elitist university entirely populated by white men. Oh and they turn out to be villains and or cyborgs or something.

She got a relationship:
With a fellow student also a Latino girl who also happens to be the smartest person in the Marvel Universe now because the writer said so until Moon Girl was then made the smartest person in the Marvel Universe by her writer 2 weeks later.
Oh and her relationship was polyamorous so she flirted with / got off with other latino lesbian women she met on her adventures too.

She got new Powers:
She can now punch holes in time and reality. How? Don't ask questions she just can now.

She got an iconic Marvel Moment involving her:
Unfortunately it was Captain America's best known moment where he punches Hitler. In this rewrite of Marvel history America Chavez was actually the one who punched Hitler and not Captain America but history changed it to be Captain America because racism.

People pointing out some of this stupid stuff got yelled at and called bigots and at one point insane plots to try to goad youtubers into fights to then film them defending themselves and try to have them banned from places and thrown in prison happened. Yes really. Oh and there were multiple attempts to dox youtubers critical of the storylines.

But you're essentially starting from a foregone conclusion - that if the characters are bad, then "forced diversity" is the reason why, whereas if they're good, then it's a non-issue. It also sets a double standard.
No it's two different sets of standards at play.

Character Good
Character Bad


Character Diverse
Character not Diverse.

The issue comes with conflating the two things which happens quite a lot unfortunately.

The put it simply does a character being diverse make them a better character?

The answer should be for any right minded individual NO, it shouldn't matter as long as they're well written.

The problem is merely because they're diverse some people are going to bat for the characters believing it makes them good merely because they're diverse and "We have to fight back and own dem bigots"

I mean it's hilariously fucking stupid and there was the whole "The Alt-Right are rallying behind Alita Battle Angel because they're sexists" argument being thrown out by some. Apparently some people are easily influenced by weighted words and terms such that they don't actually bother looking into stuff or believe no matter what anyone says they're all secretly paid agents of some sinister league of evil whose whole nefarious plan for world domination is to make the film about a cyborg girl get a sequel and the film about the superhero lady make the billion dollar company a few million less...........such a plan eh?

I mean, if we go back to Marvel for example, let's compare America Chavez with, say, Kamala Khan. Both are 'diverse' (frankly, I think that's a silly way of looking at media in general, but whatever), and let's say that America Chavez is poorly written (no idea if it is, let's just assume that). But on the other hand, there's Ms. Marvel/Kamala Khan, who's actually a pretty fun character (personal opinion) and generally well received by a wider audience (a somewhat objective statement). So, when A.C. fails, it's "forced diversity," but when Ms. Marvel succeeds, it's...unforced diversity?
Because the failure of America Chavez by her defenders is being pinned on her race / sexuality. While with Kamala Khan her success isn't being pinned on hers by most people.

I can apply this to Doctor Who as well. It's simply possible that the companions of Thirteen aren't well written, while prior companions were well written, because after all, none of the traits in Thirteen's fam were absent from past companions. We've had black companions (Martha, Bill), and LGBT companions (Captain Jack).

And to be frank, I haven't seen the BBC go down the route of "if you don't like DW, you're a bigot." In this case, it looks like you're projecting. And to be frank, I've made my distaste for Chibnall's run abundantly clear on these forums from the get-go (see my reviews on the "non-movies" thread), no-one's ever accused me of being a bigot for it.
No-one has accused you over Doctor Who because we've reached the point in the cycle (and arguably did just before Flux) where acceptance is setting in as it does in many areas. I do remember at points in the past on other topics people were starting to imply or accuse you of things though lol.

The narrative or attempts at it have happened again and again and outside of a few hold outs generally it collapses and people change their tune on things. E.G. outside of a few still in games media it's generally been accepted that people objecting to Mass Effect 3 and it's ending weren't secret homophobes who all just hated the gay romance option being present.

Look at Star Wars fandom now. It's generally accepted the Sequel trilogy was a bit of a mess and wasn't that good outside of the hardcore reylo shippers who are sill probably too busy harassing social media managers off twitter.

Um, if an alien antagonist is saying that, maybe you're not meant to agree with it?

As for Kat Grant balancing things out, I don't really recall that. Though I'll take your word for it. I think the 'feminist scenes' in season 2 are fairly cringeworthy, but not as cringeworthy as the Flash's "hashtag feminism" moment with all th egirls fistbumping. (yes, for those of you at home, that's an actual line).
Yes you're not meant to agree with it.
Thing being some lines like that can come off as allegories for real groups and it being presented as a strawman of them.

It would have been like if the villains against aliens in Supergirl started chanting "Make Earth Great Again". During the time Trump was running for office.

Media done well examines both sides of an argument to some degree even if it comes down on one side ultimately. Imagine if the Star Trek TNG Drumhead it ended with the Chancellor woman pulling a phaser and Worf getting shot too because he's sided with her? It didn't. Picard presented his position and in the end Worf comes to apologise and say he believed her so much and was deceived with Picard saying how it's all right but to be vigilant going forward.

A Better example I can give is Farscape with the return to earth arc where Crichton finds out about events in his absence that have changed things in the world as 9/11 has happened and made people more isolationist and less willing to work together. John's dad isn't presented as some cartoonish villain.

In Supergirl the moment I remember is when Kat Grant and Kara are talking about the paper naming the new hero Supergirl and Kara says isn't it a bit sexist and infantilising as clearly Supergirl is actually a grown women so shouldn't it be Super Woman. Only for Kat Grant to say something like "Well I'm a girl still, or consider myself one, I've still youthful virbant and energetic is there something wrong with being considered a girl? Is a girl somehow less capable than a woman?"

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
I think you might end up surprised actually but how that pendulum isn't actually that far to one side than you think if you add in all the "Grindhouse" and lower budget action films like:

Golden Temple of the Amazons
Panther Squad

and others in said vein.
Yeah, I've never heard of those, and I'm sure most people with me.

Except now they've kept that level of writing but the male character never gets a moment. The female character just saves the day while the male character I dunno falls over his shoelaces and faceplants the floor or something.

Often with added film dialogue about how men are bad or how the future is female or something like that.
Again, what movies are those? In the Marvel movies it's always the dudes that save the day, except for that one movie that got loads of hate where a woman was the main character which I'm sure has no correlation. I've never seen the Fast and the Furious movies, but I can only guess it's the men that perform the final awesome action that stops the threat. Mission Impossible, James Bond, the DCU movies (minus Wonder Woman).

but reality is often brutal and boring.
A nice dose of reality is what some movies in this genre could use. And if the stance is that reality is boring, maybe we shouldn't get so ready to declare it unrealistic when a woman is placed in one of these roles. It's just as unrealistic that John McClane is able to survive those movies (or even just the first movie) as it would be if it was a woman.


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States
Again, what movies are those? In the Marvel movies it's always the dudes that save the day, except for that one movie that got loads of hate where a woman was the main character which I'm sure has no correlation. I've never seen the Fast and the Furious movies, but I can only guess it's the men that perform the final awesome action that stops the threat. Mission Impossible, James Bond, the DCU movies (minus Wonder Woman).
Captain Marvel or Black Widow?

Personally, I had problems with both movies, but it had nothing to do with the leads, as such. I agree with your overall point, for the record, just pointing that out before someone else does.
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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Basically, emotional depth comes before light shows. It's certainly possible to combine both elements (again, see Logain), so hypothetically, you could have Rand do the storm with everything else, but if it's a choice between one or the other, I prefer what we got to what you say should be there. To use another example, Goku becoming a super saiyan in DBZ is one of the best moments in the show for me, but the reasons for that go far beyond the 'cool factor,' given the emotional stakes (grief), and thematic undertones (Freeza's created the monster he always feared, the weakest, most compassionate saiyan is the strongest, etc.). Or if we're using Star Wars as an example (since it keeps coming up), Luke's actions in the Last Jedi against Kylo (deception, victory through non-violence, establishing a legacy) are far more interesting and emotionally resonant than the notion of Luke going berserk on the First Order and being a one man army, which is what some have called for.

But that's just me.
It would be with Luke if the sequel trilogy has shown Luke as being capable.

There is a greater victory is being capable of violence and winning without it by choice then being never shown capable of winning any way other than the way chosen.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Captain Marvel or Black Widow?

Personally, I had problems with both movies, but it had nothing to do with the leads, as such. I agree with your overall point, for the record, just pointing that out before someone else does.
Yeah, I'd completely forgotten about Black Widow in all honesty. But then so did Marvel I think.


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
And to be frank, I haven't seen the BBC go down the route of "if you don't like DW, you're a bigot." In this case, it looks like you're projecting. And to be frank, I've made my distaste for Chibnall's run abundantly clear on these forums from the get-go (see my reviews on the "non-movies" thread), no-one's ever accused me of being a bigot for it.
It does strike me as clear that some people are so keen to complain about "woke" that they overlook the simple possibility that Chibnall just as isn't good with Doctor Who as his predecessors. Russell T. Davies and Steven Moffatt do after all have superb CVs with a string of big TV successes. Chibnall's accomplishments to date include one huge hit, but are significantly less impressive.
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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Okay, in isolation, those are reasonable criticisms. However, the thing is, a lot of the time, those criticisms weren't made in isolation.

Holdo wasn't criticized just for poor command decisions, she was called "Admiral Gender Studies," and it was seen as an attack on men because she lectured Poe.

Rose wasn't criticized for being a lacklustre character, she was criticized for being an example of "forced diversity" and "pandering to the Chinese audience" (the fact that Tran is Vietnamese notwithstanding). Even your own analogy conveys this bias when you call her "Asian character."
Except Holdo was right and one of the readings of it especially with all the "The Force is Female" push going on was the idea she represented a Gender studies activist type (many of whom have dyed hair) and was talking down to Poe and her being proved right was "Men should shut up and know their place because they dyed haired women know better".

I wonder where that idea might have come from?

You're right, it easy to frame those things, but for the Last Jedi, those framings weren't required, they were verifiable. I had the misfortune of seeing it with my own eyes on Wookiepedia, as I reverted people's edits to Rose and/or Tran's pages, calling the character/actress a "*****." If people are acting like assholes, and are displaying their assholery, it isn't some media conspiracy to treat assholes like assholes.
Slight issue there. As has been seen before by people trying to undermine their opponents. *Cought Briana Wu's sock puppet account spewing on about how he loved seeing Lara Croft get hurt and jerked off to it (note the Sock account was presented as male)* some people will fake this stuff if needed.

Hell as was seen on reddit when Two X Chromosomes was suggested as a default subreddit and there were mass claims of abuse and harassment with many messages of abuse allegedly sent to users posted. Well reddit's own staff looked into it and in the large majority of cases the abusive messages were found to have been sent by sockpuppet accounts owned by the person claiming they got sent abuse.

Also, your hypothetical equivalents don't work as:

-Suicide Squad: The film wasn't even diverse in any meaningful manner, and none of the criticism levied against it really touched on the issue. People generally agree that Katana was terrible, but also generally agree that Will Smith and Margot Robbie did as good a job as the material allowed.
Except that's how this works. I actually quite liked Katana even if she didn't get that much screentime but well it's easy to frame it if people wanted to as "See all those bigots just hated the asian woman". It's not accurate to the complaints but it's all in the framing these days.

-Alita: You mean the film that got drawn into a culture war as some kind of stupid rivalry between it and Captain Marvel, because Brie Larson said some mean things?
And because it came out on home media and there was a push to get people to give it a chance which worked and caused a push for people to want to see it and telling others to see it.

-Ready Player One: The film wasn't slammed (it was generally well received), and I've never seen anyone focus on film!Ache (I will say Ache is handled better in the film than in the book, but that's another matter).
Oddly I did see some complaint about at the time with people arguing that the changes to Aech in the film were bad

You're comparing hypothetical criticism and hypothetical reactions against verified criticism.

And yes, I can fully admit that what you described can happen - see the excuse for the Charlie's Angels reboot, where the director blamed males/boys for see Marvel movies instead of her movie or something. But I don't recall Disney/Johnson doing that, and even if they did, it doesn't change the fact that a lot of criticism WAS sexist/racist.

Oh, and are we forgotting how Disney reacted to it? You know, a piece of drek called Rise of Skywalker, that no-one seems to like in any part of the fandom? Where Rose is effectively written out of the film, among other things? Remember that?!
Which kind of shows bad writing still ends up as bad but as basically no-one is trying to dox people for daring to say that Rise of Skywalker is a bit shit it does show the difference going on and how much some people will go to bat just to "Own dem baddies" or whatever. Also how one sided the culture was idea really is because there wasn't some huge "Alt-right" or whatever mass attack on people critical of Rise of Skywalker. Hell the same critics who blasted Last Jedi were still pretty critical of Rise of Skywalker for being bad kind of showing it wasn't actually about bigotry ever. But that gets lost and forgotten because there was more than 1 month between their criticisms of each film.

What the hell are you talking about?

Okay, maybe there's some film that does that somewhere, but this is hardly some kind of trend. Look at any major film franchise, and male characters are still dominant. DCEU, MCU, Wizarding World, Star Wars, James Bond, etc. Look at the highest grossing film franchises, and you'll find that there's far more male roles than female ones.

In fact, I challenge you to name a film that waxes lyrical on how men are evil. Because while those sentiments do exist in the depths of the Internet, and even on published sites such as Medium (which is filled with that kind of stuff), the idea that films are these bastions of wokeness? Not really. Crazy as some feminists are, I disagree with the notion that they've got this supposed mega level of control over the arts.
Challenge Accepted.
Prison Heat.

OK that was me somewhat taking the piss with the open ended ness of the challenge so more recent films

Assassination Nation


As for the level of control. Well it comes down to $'s but not in the way you'd think. Because such acts by the arts give companies behind them nice ESG boosts and well some very big companies are happy to invest based on ESG scores and have very big backers due to certain special deals meaning companies that play ball can easily get a nice bit of investment of to cover any issues in sales. This is in addition to the famous Hollywood accounting tricks.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Yeah, I've never heard of those, and I'm sure most people with me.
Oh so they only exist or count if they're prominent or well known enough now? So it's not about actual numbers but about the $'s being pulled in and you don't want equal numbers but equal results?

Again, what movies are those? In the Marvel movies it's always the dudes that save the day, except for that one movie that got loads of hate where a woman was the main character which I'm sure has no correlation. I've never seen the Fast and the Furious movies, but I can only guess it's the men that perform the final awesome action that stops the threat. Mission Impossible, James Bond, the DCU movies (minus Wonder Woman).
People hated Black Widow for something other than the dumb Pheromone control powers requiring Black Widow to break her own nose and her sister's magical ability to survive a 70 story fall landing on her back?

Fast and Furious has Letty who gets a fair share of action and the more recently introduced hacker lady whose name I can't remember off hand.

On DC you're also forgetting:
Elektra (even if not modern DCU)

In terms of stopping the threat at the end.

Harley Quinn in both Suicide Squad films (in the 2nd one aided by Ratcatcher 2)
Mad Max Fury Road - Furiosa takes down Immoten Joe ultimately no Max
Shadow in the Cloud (jesus is this a movie that does it to a dumb degree such that the 4-5 trained soldiers are basically useless compare to the 1 female WASP / Secretary.
Iron Sky the Coming Race (actually still a pretty fun film)
Beautiful creatures (still a damn good film)
Cloud Atlas (at least 2 of the stories)

A nice dose of reality is what some movies in this genre could use. And if the stance is that reality is boring, maybe we shouldn't get so ready to declare it unrealistic when a woman is placed in one of these roles. It's just as unrealistic that John McClane is able to survive those movies (or even just the first movie) as it would be if it was a woman.
Bit of a difference with them though.
A trope in a lot of male lead action films is the male lead comes up against the main henchperson who is taller and bigger than the main protagonist. Generally the main guy punches the dude only for it to do very little and the henchman to then turn and give an angry luck and either grab the protagonist or the protagonist tries to punch them and they grab the fist. Then there's a fight where the protagonist is outmatched and wins by luck or by using their brains to get one over the opponent.

In some of the badly written ones with female leads they are able to punch the henchman out in 1 to two punches or throw the 250 - 300 lb 7 foot guy round the room like a rag doll with no effort.

Compare that to most of the fights in a show like Killjoys where Dutch generally uses skill and technique to take down bigger opponents.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Oh so they only exist or count if they're prominent or well known enough now? So it's not about actual numbers but about the $'s being pulled in and you don't want equal numbers but equal results?
Well... yeah. If we're talking backed by subtantial money and marketing... yeah. I said action 'star'.

People hated Black Widow for something other than the dumb Pheromone control powers requiring Black Widow to break her own nose and her sister's magical ability to survive a 70 story fall landing on her back?
I was talking about Captain Marvel.

Fast and Furious has Letty who gets a fair share of action and the more recently introduced hacker lady whose name I can't remember off hand.
Do they actually get to save the day and make the men look like idiots?

On DC you're also forgetting:
Elektra (even if not modern DCU)
Yeah, that well loved movie that nobody forgot about. Might as well bring up Catwoman.

In terms of stopping the threat at the end.

Harley Quinn in both Suicide Squad films (in the 2nd one aided by Ratcatcher 2)
Mad Max Fury Road - Furiosa takes down Immoten Joe ultimately no Max
Shadow in the Cloud (jesus is this a movie that does it to a dumb degree such that the 4-5 trained soldiers are basically useless compare to the 1 female WASP / Secretary.
Iron Sky the Coming Race (actually still a pretty fun film)
Beautiful creatures (still a damn good film)
Cloud Atlas (at least 2 of the stories)
And Furiosa doesn't do it effortlessly. She's aided by multiple people including Max. Also, Furiosa is mainly behind the wheel of a truck in that whole sequence while Max is kicking ass left and right. Not saying this shouldn't have been the case, but it's far from a proper example of a female character making the men look like idiots tripping over their own shoelaces.

And Harley Quinn is one of the rare exceptions of being popular enough to be in a movie even when there's very little point of her being in the movie.

I wouldn't classify Cloud Atlas as an action movie, and I haven't seen the rest of that list to comment.

Bit of a difference with them though.
A trope in a lot of male lead action films is the male lead comes up against the main henchperson who is taller and bigger than the main protagonist. Generally the main guy punches the dude only for it to do very little and the henchman to then turn and give an angry luck and either grab the protagonist or the protagonist tries to punch them and they grab the fist. Then there's a fight where the protagonist is outmatched and wins by luck or by using their brains to get one over the opponent.

In some of the badly written ones with female leads they are able to punch the henchman out in 1 to two punches or throw the 250 - 300 lb 7 foot guy round the room like a rag doll with no effort.

Compare that to most of the fights in a show like Killjoys where Dutch generally uses skill and technique to take down bigger opponents.
Which badly written ones would those be? Because I can think of plenty of male led action movies that show the dude take on waves of goons like they're nothing. I'll just point to John Wick. If we're okay with John Wick we should be equally fine with a woman in a similar fictional situation.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
That cuts both ways though. There's a clear tendency in the media at the minute to silence criticism because these particular critics are alt right or far right or whatever. Don't like the Last Jedi? You're a nazi.
This isn't actually true, though. Plenty of criticisms went by without condemnation or comment. But some criticism was transparently sexist garbage or steeped in a double-standard.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
It would be with Luke if the sequel trilogy has shown Luke as being capable.

There is a greater victory is being capable of violence and winning without it by choice then being never shown capable of winning any way other than the way chosen.
Do you know what character development is?

Yes, I'm aware. You are just doing identity politics. So me saying this will go over your head

But being capable is the end point. Luke SHOULDNT be capable for 95% of the movie. That's how movies work.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
I generally don't have an encyclopaedia knowledge of all such articles to pull up on demand so here's some

None of this is from the studio, though. It's just examples of people liking something you didn't like.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
ROFL you help win 1 court case for Hulk Hogan against Gawker and you become the villain of the Left more so than the Koch Brothers apparently lol
Peter Theil was cancelling people well before the Gawker thing happened. He's cancelled lots of people since. That's why Gawker was attacking him

Mtich McConnell is a much nicer person than Peter Theil
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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Well... yeah. If we're talking backed by subtantial money and marketing... yeah. I said action 'star'.
I mean some of those I've mentioned did get a cinematic release.

I was talking about Captain Marvel.
Oh you mean Shazam? But he's DC and no-one objected the the female characters in that.

Do they actually get to save the day and make the men look like idiots?
In some of the films I actually brought up yeh though not so much the ones you've chosen to bring up

Yeah, that well loved movie that nobody forgot about. Might as well bring up Catwoman.
I mean it was big budget and pushed fairly hard.

And Furiosa doesn't do it effortlessly. She's aided by multiple people including Max. Also, Furiosa is mainly behind the wheel of a truck in that whole sequence while Max is kicking ass left and right. Not saying this shouldn't have been the case, but it's far from a proper example of a female character making the men look like idiots tripping over their own shoelaces.
Except the requirement was just them saving the day while the male character gets the lesser position. You were the one who said that because you weren't accepting the previous examples.

I did give some examples before of male characters being made to look like idiots. Shadow in the Clouds being one of the main ones in this regard.

And Harley Quinn is one of the rare exceptions of being popular enough to be in a movie even when there's very little point of her being in the movie.
Yeh gotta admit unlike the comics and other Suicide Squad stuff they've not done as much in the films to justify her.

I mean in the comics (New 52 at least) she's got a genius IQ, is a skilled hacker, Skilled in explosives and has her whole immune to most poisons thing oh and is an ex National competition level Gymnast.

Which badly written ones would those be? Because I can think of plenty of male led action movies that show the dude take on waves of goons like they're nothing. I'll just point to John Wick. If we're okay with John Wick we should be equally fine with a woman in a similar fictional situation.
Well to use an example brought up in this thread already. Vagrant Queen where apparently punching a guy in a full suit of armour with helmet and visor down in the head is enough for 5'4 20 something lady whose pretty damn thin to knock the guy clean out.

Or the whole bit in Shadow in the Cloud where the 5'2 female lead climbs along the bottom of a plane (outside the plane) while in flight with 1 sprained / broken arm and 2 broken fingers.

The entire point of the goons is they are goons. They get dispatched fast normally and people aren't as annoyed unless the female lead is doing her bane impression and breaking their backs over her knee. People didn't object to Rey carving through stormtroopers / guards.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Do you know what character development is?

Yes, I'm aware. You are just doing identity politics. So me saying this will go over your head

But being capable is the end point. Luke SHOULDNT be capable for 95% of the movie. That's how movies work.
yes and character development for Luke would have been "I am capable but choose to reject the path of violence now"

Also Luke should be capable because he's already had 3 fucking films to develop before appearing in the sequel trilogy. That's why people liked the sequence in the Mandalorian because it's basically going "We know Luke has trained and developed his skill now watch what he can do when he chooses to".

There is a far better plot that could have been done regarding Luke maybe showing some backstory to explain what happened in the meantime. Show something about how I dunno fighting the First Order or something got Mara Jade killed so he's given up the fight but no what we got wasn't really character development.

None of this is from the studio, though. It's just examples of people liking something you didn't like.
As I said before I get some press releases (admittedly for gaming not TV and film) but having seen some of it and some stuff on certain websites. Yeh some of this content is suggested or outright given to outlets as mostly done article ideas.

Peter Theil was cancelling people well before the Gawker thing happened. He's cancelled lots of people since. That's why Gawker was attacking him

Mtich McConnell is a much nicer person than Peter Theil
No Gawker went after him because Gawker wanted to try and make him into some symbol or Icon because Peter Theil is gay and so Gawker thought he somehow was obliged to set up and train gay men and help them become investors to because apparently being gay is all that they thought should matter in that regard.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
As I said before I get some press releases (admittedly for gaming not TV and film) but having seen some of it and some stuff on certain websites. Yeh some of this content is suggested or outright given to outlets as mostly done article ideas.
You're just assuming that, though. The bottom line is some people liked something you didn't like, and you apparently can't get over that because you've got a weird hangup about gays being in things.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
You're just assuming that, though. The bottom line is some people liked something you didn't like, and you apparently can't get over that because you've got a weird hangup about gays being in things.
No I'm basing it on established precedent.
It's as much an assumption as me assuming it won't rain frogs today.

Also again. My hang up is how it's weirdly not normalised now but seemingly fetishized like "come see the gay character, see how gay they are" like should it really matter and be considered a big enough deal to warrant articles just because of who the character sleeps with?