What old IPs/series do you think or would you like to see a new game in?


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
If they're going to ever bring back Dino Crisis then this is one of the best times to do it with those Jurassic Park movies still coming out. Even if they're bad, it's putting the thought of dinosaurs in people's heads so now's a good time.
Well, yeah, but the last two movies have been critically panned, so...

Admittedly, I'm pretty anemic on the idea of Dino Crisis returning, in that I don't have much emotional connection with the series, and there's the question of how it co-exists with Resident Evil which, by its nature, can do things that Dino Crisis can't.

I doubt many people would agree, but the one thing I could see DC doing would be to go survival/open-world - either someone goes back in time to the Mezozoic, or time collapses, merging the Mezosoic with the present day (third energy shannanigans). This would require relegating Dino Crisis 3 to an alternate timeline (at best), but RE's conspicuously avoided going post-apocalyptic despite the in-universe mechanisms for this to occur. So you get the gameplay difference, and you get the in-universe difference to explain why dinosaurs are a threat (and speaking personally, it's more palatable than just slaughtering dinos).

Or maybe I just described Turok? I dunno.

Advanced Wars does have a remake sitting waiting for release at least. Unfortunately, certain real world events has Nintendo holding it until....who knows. I was looking forward to that honestly because it looks like a good game to pick up and put down as needed. Hopefully we don't have to wait till the Ukraine War is over before we can buy it. So Blame Russia but to a lesser extent Nintendo.
Remaster, not remake, pleb. :p

But yeah, the delay thing is stupid, but I'm not particuarly interested in the remaster. Graphics are nice, but that's not enough to justify purchasing a pair of games I already own. If Advance Wars is to come back, I want a full game. Set it in either continuity you want (or make a new one), I don't particuarly care, the gameplay is what carried the series more than anything.

Would love to try Golden Sun. I may eventually resort to just emulating it unless someone decides to issue a remake or port it to something modern.
Pretty sure you can download it on the Nintendo store - least the Wii/Wii U.

Anyway, while I'm sure some of this is nostalgia (since Golden Sun was one of the first RPGs I was ever really able to get into), but not to prattle on, but I adore this series. Doesn't help that its third entry ended on a cliffhanger (on an actual cliff, no less), and twelve years on, there's no sign of a fourth installment. What's ironic is that if not for Dark Dawn, it's debatable whether I'd even list Golden Sun, since its second entry ended with only a handful of plot points you could explore (that Dark Dawn mostly ignored), but, well, that's the way the cookie crumbles.

C&C apparently had a terrible final entry, sadly and the RTS genre feels pretty dead right now, though Homeworld did do a C&C like game and there's a new DUNE RTS out. And ironically C&C was basically a spiritual successor to DUNE 2.
If by final entry you mean Tiberian Twilight, the short answer is that yes, it was terrible. If by final entry you mean Rivals, then...okay, actually, Rivals is pretty fun. Hardly has the depth of a full RTS, but it's still a lot of fun.

Now, as for CnC being revived, I'm going to say two things that I doubt are going to win me many friends, but bear with me:

1: Tiberian Twilight's story (not gameplay, story) wasn't that bad - I can appreciate what it was trying to do, and I don't think there should be a Tiberian game after it

2: CnC is a brand/template that can fit any setting, fictional or otherwise, so a new entry might want to take advantage of this.

Bear in mind that the first point is mostly from YouTube stuff (I couldn't stand the gameplay of Twilight, so maybe I'm being over-generous), but there seems to be an overall conceit that CnC has to be one of three things - science fiction (Tiberium), alternate history/wackiness (Red Alert), or near-future warfare (Generals). I could see entries working in Red Alert or Generals, but since the same core gameplay has applied to all three settings, you could easily branch out and do something new. And frankly, I think that might be the best move for the series, since most people are tepid on RA3 (I loved it though), and Generals...actually, a lot of people like Generals, so if it has to be in a pre-existing setting, go for it.

As for a Tiberium game, I could imagine stories taking place after it, but not ones suited for an RTS format. You could explore the scrin, sure, but there's really no motivation for them at this point to invade Earth given how tiberium was eradicated/harnassed by the TCN.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Admittedly, I'm pretty anemic on the idea of Dino Crisis returning, in that I don't have much emotional connection with the series, and there's the question of how it co-exists with Resident Evil which, by its nature, can do things that Dino Crisis can't.
Just make the game over-the-shoulder, and have good puzzle exploration and combat. The original DC's combat was meh, and it's puzzles were annoying and tedious time wasters. The remake can improve on that. Also, give Regina a few more weapons or modifications. While the remake to second game, will be mercenaries mode as an entire game. That's what DC2 was any way. So everything comes full circle.

I doubt many people would agree, but the one thing I could see DC doing would be to go survival/open-world - either someone goes back in time to the Mezozoic, or time collapses, merging the Mezosoic with the present day (third energy shannanigans). This would require relegating Dino Crisis 3 to an alternate timeline (at best), but RE's conspicuously avoided going post-apocalyptic despite the in-universe mechanisms for this to occur. So you get the gameplay difference, and you get the in-universe difference to explain why dinosaurs are a threat (and speaking personally, it's more palatable than just slaughtering dinos).

Or maybe I just described Turok? I dunno.
That's just Turok. We don't need another open-world/survival game. Got plenty of those already. The best you can say is for the first game is make it semi-open ended. To where you could explore more parts of the island and not just the facility.


The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
Oh man, Jade Empire was fascinating and fun and even if Open Palm/Closed Fist was more or less Light Side/Dark Side in execution, it was still something amazing. I want more Fantasy Steampunk China, dammnit!
Maybe they were, but they kind of make more sense as martial arts philosophies instead of whole of life guides. Open Palm reminds me a great deal of what my old Aikido teacher used to say about how the art was taught. Closed Fist is just about every serious Karate dojo I ever went to.
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Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Just make the game over-the-shoulder, and have good puzzle exploration and combat.
Which is an identical description of Resident Evil (or at least the RE2-4 remakes). Doesn't solve the problem I mentioned concerning distinguishing DC from RE.

The original DC's combat was meh, and it's puzzles were annoying and tedious time wasters. The remake can improve on that.
Remake might be nice, but it doesn't really meet the criteria of a "new game."

While the remake to second game, will be mercenaries mode as an entire game. That's what DC2 was any way. So everything comes full circle.
Okay, sure, again, but what happens after that?

I mean, I can narrow this down. Suppose today, someone at Capcom wanted to revive the Dino Crisis series. As the proverbial fly on the wall, as the managers talk, I can identify a number of problems with that:

a) How does one distinguish Dino Crisis from Resident Evil, and how do they not overlap?

b) Aren't dinosaurs a bit passe right now, and how do you handle the ethical issues of killing dinosaurs and the positive effects of relativity?

c) Where does the series go from a story standpoint?

d) How does this affect Exoprimal?

e) Is there enough demand?

I mean, spitballing here, but I guess I could suggest:

a) Barring open-world, maybe time manipulation mechanics? There's an in-universe precedent for it, and it's something that RE can't do (yet).

b) I really don't know - if Exoprimal's any indication, I doubt it would even enter Capcom's mind.

c) I really don't know here. Granted, I'm not in the best position to discuss it, since my direct experience with DC begins and ends with the second game, but given that this is a universe with alternate timelines, honestly, anything could go (which isn't necessarily a good thing from an artistic standpoint, but it does give Capcom an "out," so there's that)

d) Dunno. Honestly, I'm kind of flabbergasted that Exoprimal isn't a Dino Crisis game, because at least Capcom would have the advantage of branding. Then again, Dead Rising wasn't Resident Evil, so meh.

e) Probably not, therein lies the rub.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Remaster, not remake, pleb.

But yeah, the delay thing is stupid, but I'm not particuarly interested in the remaster. Graphics are nice, but that's not enough to justify purchasing a pair of games I already own. If Advance Wars is to come back, I want a full game. Set it in either continuity you want (or make a new one), I don't particuarly care, the gameplay is what carried the series more than anything.
True, remaster. I never played Advanced Wars but I've heard they're fun.

Pretty sure you can download it on the Nintendo store - least the Wii/Wii U.

Anyway, while I'm sure some of this is nostalgia (since Golden Sun was one of the first RPGs I was ever really able to get into), but not to prattle on, but I adore this series. Doesn't help that its third entry ended on a cliffhanger (on an actual cliff, no less), and twelve years on, there's no sign of a fourth installment. What's ironic is that if not for Dark Dawn, it's debatable whether I'd even list Golden Sun, since its second entry ended with only a handful of plot points you could explore (that Dark Dawn mostly ignored), but, well, that's the way the cookie crumbles.
I never had a Wii, the Switch was my first Nintendo console since the SNES. Yep, I'm a heretic that never played the N64 and had no interest in it. I kinda wish I'd gotten a GBA considering how many cool games ended up being released for it.

If by final entry you mean Tiberian Twilight, the short answer is that yes, it was terrible. If by final entry you mean Rivals, then...okay, actually, Rivals is pretty fun. Hardly has the depth of a full RTS, but it's still a lot of fun.

Now, as for CnC being revived, I'm going to say two things that I doubt are going to win me many friends, but bear with me:

1: Tiberian Twilight's story (not gameplay, story) wasn't that bad - I can appreciate what it was trying to do, and I don't think there should be a Tiberian game after it

2: CnC is a brand/template that can fit any setting, fictional or otherwise, so a new entry might want to take advantage of this.

Bear in mind that the first point is mostly from YouTube stuff (I couldn't stand the gameplay of Twilight, so maybe I'm being over-generous), but there seems to be an overall conceit that CnC has to be one of three things - science fiction (Tiberium), alternate history/wackiness (Red Alert), or near-future warfare (Generals). I could see entries working in Red Alert or Generals, but since the same core gameplay has applied to all three settings, you could easily branch out and do something new. And frankly, I think that might be the best move for the series, since most people are tepid on RA3 (I loved it though), and Generals...actually, a lot of people like Generals, so if it has to be in a pre-existing setting, go for it.

As for a Tiberium game, I could imagine stories taking place after it, but not ones suited for an RTS format. You could explore the scrin, sure, but there's really no motivation for them at this point to invade Earth given how tiberium was eradicated/harnassed by the TCN.
C&C I enjoyed up to a certain Point. RA2 was great though RA3 was a bit much(even if the cutscenes will some of the most entertaining in the series.... "SPACE!!!!!!"). I dug Tiberian Wars and Generals(which I'd forgotten about until now). But yeah, I wouldn't mind them bringing it back now that you put it that way. I totally forgot Rivals was even a thing until you mentioned it and never played it.
Last edited:


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Which is an identical description of Resident Evil (or at least the RE2-4 remakes). Doesn't solve the problem I mentioned concerning distinguishing DC from RE.
Yes it does. You're fighting dinosaurs. Just give Regina dodge and some extra defensive mechanics. Not everything needs to be super distinctive. Sometimes a game is great with "X, but with Y". You have problem with it; most others would not.
Remake might be nice, but it doesn't really meet the criteria of a "new game."
Yes it does. It does not meet by your arbitrary metric. There has not been a new DC game in 19 years! It's way over do for a new entry. Be it remake, reboot, or both. Read the title of the thread by the way.

Okay, sure, again, but what happens after that?
A better ending for the second game. Get rid of the time traveling daughter of the male protag is a great starter.

a) How does one distinguish Dino Crisis from Resident Evil, and how do they not overlap?
Figure it out. Dinosaurs are faster than zombies.

b) Aren't dinosaurs a bit passe right now, and how do you handle the ethical issues of killing dinosaurs and the positive effects of relativity?
No. It's called "Put a sock in it! I want to kill cool things!" In seriousness, that is a neat idea, but highly doubt anyone at Capcom is going to bother thinking that much in to it.

c) Where does the series go from a story standpoint?
It's called reimaging. They don't have to follow the story to the complete letter. They change it to whatever fits better. The second game needs it the most, because of the terrible story and cliffhanger ending that not needed, nor followed up on. Besides, whatever happens I would be excited.

d) How does this affect Exoprimal?
It wouldn't. Exoprimal is an over-the-top EDF/DW style arcade action game. DC remake would be way more grounded with or without the comparison.

e) Is there enough demand?
Fuck yeah. When Exoprimal was first revealed there so many "Why not just make another Dino Crisis?!" comments or videos on YT. There is demand because there are plenty of fans. There was more than enough demand for games like Streets of Rage 4, and Strider, so DC would not be out of the question. Don't act so oblivious. I know you said you did not follow DC that much, but that only proves how ignorant you are of the situation. Ignorant of the impact the series actually had. The only reason there has not been another game, not counting the spin-off, was because DC3 had nothing to do with 2 and is a terrible game no one was asking for.

Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011
I have the Rare Replay Collection, how good is this game? I never once played a despite owning an N64 at one point.
I myself really, really enjoy it. Though it does kinda drag at some spots (namely towards the latter half of the game, since it takes on some of Rare's classic collectathon designs that maaaaaybe don't fit a sci-fi shooter as well as it should. But you are rewarded for exploring the levels thoroughly, so don't glaze over them too quickly). The aiming controls got an update after the Rare Replay release that made it easier to handle with a modern controller, and that makes the game much easier to manage (I wasn't bothered by the original control scheme personally, but I'm also weeeeeiiiiiirrrrrd). It might not be an amazing looker at spots (as is the way of most N64 games) but it has great atmosphere and an absolutely phenominal soundtrack, easily one of the greats from Rare that unfortunately gets overlooked. The sound design is also quite good, I find.

I'd give it a go, for sure! Definitely sit with it it for a little and see what you think. The 2nd level of the game is where the mood really sinks in proper~
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Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Yes it does. You're fighting dinosaurs. Just give Regina dodge and some extra defensive mechanics. Not everything needs to be super distinctive. Sometimes a game is great with "X, but with Y". You have problem with it; most others would not.
I wouldn't have too much a problem personally, but I'm looking at this from the limitations of the real world. The risk of self-competition is a risk that many companies have to consider, not to mention the resources involved.

Yes it does. It does not meet by your arbitrary metric. There has not been a new DC game in 19 years! It's way over do for a new entry. Be it remake, reboot, or both. Read the title of the thread by the way.
The title of the thread is "...new game in?" Yes, a remake is "technically" a new game, but I'm generally uneasy in calling it one, at least in this specific context. It's one thing to remake a game, and certainly a remake is good for a number of franchises, it's not necessarily a jumping off a point for a continuation. There's a reason why I had so many "Mixed" entries a few pages back, namely that there's a number of IPs I'd like remakes for, but not necessarily new installments.

Fuck yeah. When Exoprimal was first revealed there so many "Why not just make another Dino Crisis?!" comments or videos on YT. There is demand because there are plenty of fans. There was more than enough demand for games like Streets of Rage 4, and Strider, so DC would not be out of the question. Don't act so oblivious. I know you said you did not follow DC that much, but that only proves how ignorant you are of the situation. Ignorant of the impact the series actually had. The only reason there has not been another game, not counting the spin-off, was because DC3 had nothing to do with 2 and is a terrible game no one was asking for.
I'm not "acting oblivious," I bring up the demand issue because while DC has made a reasonable cultural impact, its sales figures are dwarfed by many other Capcom IPs. Even at the time, Resident Evil had significantly more sales, and the gap's only got further over time, on both total sales and sales per game.

Also, I'm not sure how big an impact the series did have. Clearly some, in that we all know it and remember it by name, but I can't think of any spiritual successors, I don't see it referenced in pop culture much, its reddit has just over 3000 members, there's less than 50 entries for it on FFN, etc. It's not exactly among Capcom's heavy hitters.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
I myself really, really enjoy it. Though it does kinda drag at some spots (namely towards the latter half of the game, since it takes on some of Rare's classic collectathon designs that maaaaaybe don't fit a sci-fi shooter as well as it should. But you are rewarded for exploring the levels thoroughly, so don't glaze over them too quickly). The aiming controls got an update after the Rare Replay release that made it easier to handle with a modern controller, and that makes the game much easier to manage (I wasn't bothered by the original control scheme personally, but I'm also weeeeeiiiiiirrrrrd). It might not be an amazing looker at spots (as is the way of most N64 games) but it has great atmosphere and an absolutely phenominal soundtrack, easily one of the greats from Rare that unfortunately gets overlooked. The sound design is also quite good, I find.

I'd give it a go, for sure! Definitely sit with it it for a little and see what you think. The 2nd level of the game is where the mood really sinks in proper~
By second level you mean the Anubis?

Yeah, I will admit to having fond memories of JFG, though I could never beat the game. Come to think of it, I suppose there's a template for platformer/TPS hybrids (Jak, Ratchet), but I don't see there ever being a sequel. Far as I'm aware, there's no need for one storywise, so there's that, I guess.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Why not make a new Dino Crises like Metal Gear Solid 3? Emphasize survival (From the standpoint of food and proper treatment of wounds) and stealth (Which has been a less emphasized part of the Resident Evil series)?
Isn't that kinda what 'Ark: survival evolved' is?

Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011
By second level you mean the Anubis?
Yeah, I will admit to having fond memories of JFG, though I could never beat the game.
Yup~ Goldwood is a decent taster of a first level, but the S.S.Anubis is when shit starts kicking in full force, especially in the music department.
I remember not being able to beat the game for the longest time too when we were renting it, I needed a guide when I got the game as a bday gift when I was 15 or so. I could probably figure it out nowadays, but it was a little cryptic for me back then
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I wouldn't have too much a problem personally, but I'm looking at this from the limitations of the real world. The risk of self-competition is a risk that many companies have to consider, not to mention the resources involved.
It's a game about dinosaurs, not much real world logic is going in to it. If that's your biggest concern, you might as well call it a movie and move on. And even then, that won't save you with real world logic.

The title of the thread is "...new game in?" Yes, a remake is "technically" a new game, but I'm generally uneasy in calling it one, at least in this specific context. It's one thing to remake a game, and certainly a remake is good for a number of franchises, it's not necessarily a jumping off a point for a continuation. There's a reason why I had so many "Mixed" entries a few pages back, namely that there's a number of IPs I'd like remakes for, but not necessarily new installments.
My entry counts regardless of the matter. Your splitting hairs for no reason. Still a new games, and a sequel would be near pointless without starting fresh. Hence, the reboot of the first two games, then the 3rd game to those reboots will be the new entry. Either way, they're new games despite being reboots.
" I bring up the demand issue because while DC has made a reasonable cultural impact, its sales figures are dwarfed by many other Capcom IPs. Even at the time, Resident Evil had significantly more sales, and the gap's only got further over time, on both total sales and sales per game.
The same thing was said about Streets of Rage as a whole. "No one want a 4th game. No one plays brawlers anymore. Not enough young people, or not enough people know the franchise". That all turned out to be bullshit. It took 26 years for SOR4 to happen and it's sold beyond expectations. The same can happen to DC. Your arguments boil down to "No one wants this/not enough people are going to get this cuz...". Your not being realistic, you're being overly cynical within your own mind. Get out of your head. All your saying is the same garbage know-nothing execs have been trying to brainwash the masses with for decades.

Also, I'm not sure how big an impact the series did have. Clearly some, in that we all know it and remember it by name, but I can't think of any spiritual successors, I don't see it referenced in pop culture much, its reddit has just over 3000 members, there's less than 50 entries for it on FFN, etc. It's not exactly among Capcom's heavy hitters.
So what? Still made impact and sold well for its time. The only reason the series did so poorly afterwards was because of DC3. It fucked up everything. Reddit entries don't mean shit to me. The game could still sell and work. Capcom brought back Ghost n Goblins (lacking an entry since the late 2000s on PSP) and Strider. They sold great and weren't the heavy hitters they used to be, so anything is possible with the right marketing and expectations. As long as Capcom does not do the whole "sold below expectations; it didn't make as much money as COD", everything would be fine. They've actually learned their lesson after RE7 was the last time they sold that stupid line.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
It's a game about dinosaurs, not much real world logic is going in to it. If that's your biggest concern, you might as well call it a movie and move on. And even then, that won't save you with real world logic.
I'm talking about production costs - the subject of the game is another matter.

My entry counts regardless of the matter. Your splitting hairs for no reason. Still a new games, and a sequel would be near pointless without starting fresh. Hence, the reboot of the first two games, then the 3rd game to those reboots will be the new entry. Either way, they're new games despite being reboots.
It's the 'hairs I've split' for awhile, including for Resident Evil. I've expressed unease for ages about RE4's remake for awhile now from a creative standpoint, Dino Crisis doesn't get a free pass despite arguably being in a position to benefit from a remake more (artistically).

It's one thing to remake a popular game (DC1, DC2, RE4, etc.), it's another to make one afresh.

The same thing was said about Streets of Rage as a whole. "No one want a 4th game. No one plays brawlers anymore. Not enough young people, or not enough people know the franchise". That all turned out to be bullshit. It took 26 years for SOR4 to happen and it's sold beyond expectations. The same can happen to DC. Your arguments boil down to "No one wants this/not enough people are going to get this cuz...". Your not being realistic, you're being overly cynical within your own mind. Get out of your head. All your saying is the same garbage know-nothing execs have been trying to brainwash the masses with for decades.
That's not much of an argument though. That Streets of Rage 4 did well doesn't automatically mean that a Dino Crisis 4 would do well. I can just as easily cite games that were released after a long period of time since their prior instalment and bombed, or failed to meet expectations. I've already done so on this thread (e.g. Dark Dawn).

It's nice to imagine that every game released after a long period of inactivity for its series can do well, but a lot of the time, it doesn't, and I've noticed that remakes have done better than new entries in a lot of cases (e.g. N.Sane Trilogy outsold Crash 4). It's part of why so many entries were on my "Mixed" list, because it's one thing to say "I want X," it's another to dedicate time and money to X. For instance, to use a proximate example, if Jet Force Gemini 2 was announced today, would that generate some interest from me? Probably. Would I actually spend between $70-110 to get it, plus invest the time and effort to complete it? Sceptical - much older now, much less time on my hands, tastes have changed, etc. The people who played JFG back in the day would be very different people now (mostly).

So what? Still made impact and sold well for its time. The only reason the series did so poorly afterwards was because of DC3.
Nothing came after 3, period, so that's a non-sequitur. The series was doing fairly well up to that point. But the point I originally made was that Dino Crisis was overshadowed by RE from the outset.

The game could still sell and work.
It could, and I've suggested how, though I'm generally sceptical.

Capcom brought back Ghost n Goblins (lacking an entry since the late 2000s on PSP) and Strider. They sold great and weren't the heavy hitters they used to be, so anything is possible with the right marketing and expectations. As long as Capcom does not do the whole "sold below expectations; it didn't make as much money as COD", everything would be fine. They've actually learned their lesson after RE7 was the last time they sold that stupid line.
I'm not sure GnG and Strider are the best examples to use since they're 2D games that would have a much lower budget than a Dino Crisis game.

Also, if we're talking about RE7 and costs, here's a list of Capcom's best-selling franchises as of April 2022:

  1. Resident Evil: 123M
  2. Monster Hunter: 78M
  3. Street Fighter: 47M
  4. Mega Man: 37M
  5. Devil May Cry: 25M
  6. Dead Rising: 14M
  7. Marvel Vs Capcom: 10M
  8. Ace Attorney: 8.9M
  9. Onimusha: 8.5M
  10. Lost Planet: 6.4M

RE might not make CoD money, but it's still Capcom's best-selling IP, and it's an IP that gets the requisite no. of games for it. I mean, let's face it, is there much of a creative reason to remake RE4, especially before Code: Veronica? Not really. Will it sell like hotcakes? Of course.

The thing is, I'd actually say that DC 1 & 2 are more "deserving" of remakes than RE4 (they'd certainly benefit more, since they came from the PS1 era), but from a financial standpoint? Well, look at the list, and see what's missing.

I guess the TL, DR version is that would I like remakes of DC1 & 2? Yes. Are they likely? I doubt it. And as simple as it is to rail against Capcom for that, I can understand why, since their budgets would be in the millions.

Zykon TheLich

Extra Heretical!
Jun 6, 2008
Maybe Tenchu. I have discovered in the course of writing this post that it keeps getting releases of utter garbage with the name attached so maybe it doesn't count, but if they did something in the same vein as the 1st 2 games that would be good.

Space Marine 2... Oh... šŸ˜

Dawn of War 3... Oh...šŸ˜­
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Elite Member
Jan 7, 2011
I'm playing encased right now, it's seems pretty good at the moment so maybe it got a bit of post release polish? The only two real complain I have is that the game keep forcing you to move forward leaving area unexplored and they kinda jump the shark too early. You can try underrail that's pretty good and similar ish.
It starts off decent but just increasingly shits the bed over time. There's a lot of weirdly big and empty maps which are a absolute bore to traverse and navigate, More of the later "scenes" increasingly use unpolished/unfinished concept art. It kind of feels like they just increasingly lost interest in developing the game as they progressed and just phoned it in.

I did enjoy Underrail but I did hate how it was old school to a fault. At least back when I played it, there wasn't even an in game map or proper quest log. It was a pain in the ass to keep track of what the hell I was doing when I stepped away from the game for a few days. Don't know if I'll ever go back to finish it. I kinda stopped playing when I was getting to the Upper Underrail.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I'm talking about production costs - the subject of the game is another matter.
Didn't stop RE from succeeding. All they got do is a modest budget. They don't have to all in.

It's the 'hairs I've split' for awhile, including for Resident Evil. I've expressed unease for ages about RE4's remake for awhile now from a creative standpoint, Dino Crisis doesn't get a free pass despite arguably being in a position to benefit from a remake more (artistically).

It's one thing to remake a popular game (DC1, DC2, RE4, etc.), it's another to make one afresh.
I don't care. It's not about a "free pass". My point being is that if they made a DC4, it would be more hurtful than helpful in the long run. Hence why a reboot/remake would be the best option. All you have been saying is how "it would not work" for arbitrary reason.

That's not much of an argument though. That Streets of Rage 4 did well doesn't automatically mean that a Dino Crisis 4 would do well. I can just as easily cite games that were released after a long period of time since their prior instalment and bombed, or failed to meet expectations. I've already done so on this thread (e.g. Dark Dawn).
Yes it is, when a lot of these companies have said variations of "X does not sell well in today's market. X game/genre is dead because nobody plays them anymore." Don't forget that Capcom thought same thing at one point about RE. Claiming how modern survival horror would not work, because it was not profitable enough. When they tried pleasing everyone with RE6 by just adding in COD/Gears style gameplay. A lot of indie games and AA games proved how full of shit companies like Capcom, Konami, and EA were being. It's not they don't sell well. It's that they don't make the money in the goddamn universe. Sega said the same thing about SOR since the late 90s and early 2000s. How "No one wants a brawler. They don't sell well or not enough money." It's been pointed out and shown how Sega of Japan (America and Europe love the series like its their baby) has a weird hatred of Streets of Rage for little reason, despite making money. They've had it out for the series since the SOR2.

RE might not make CoD money, but it's still Capcom's best-selling IP, and it's an IP that gets the requisite no. of games for it. I mean, let's face it, is there much of a creative reason to remake RE4, especially before Code: Veronica? Not really. Will it sell like hotcakes? Of course.
Exactly, but it took those idiots the latter half of a decade to figure all that out. We all knew RE4 would happen before CV as a remake, because RE4 would sell the most. No denying that, and I necessarily don't mind. I don't care much for CV any way, so it's not that big of a loss. Besides, I like DC better than CV. Actually there is a creative reason for the RE4 Remake. The more serious direction and less unintentional cheese. This is noted in the trailer and nothing new here. They did a more serious direction RE2 and RE3 Remake.

Nothing came after 3, period, so that's a non-sequitur. The series was doing fairly well up to that point. But the point I originally made was that Dino Crisis was overshadowed by RE from the outset.
Other than light-gun spin-off game, because 3 was piece of shit. I rest my case. Had they gone with the original plan of DC3 taking place in a city, the game would have sold better. That was one of the ideas, and Regina and Dylan were set to return. Why Capcom abandoned it for no reason is beyond me, and shows their astounding incompetence back in the day.

It could, and I've suggested how, though I'm generally sceptical.
That's your problem, not mine.

I'm not sure GnG and Strider are the best examples to use since they're 2D games that would have a much lower budget than a Dino Crisis game.
Yes they are, as before that point, Capcom would not dare use them. Even at a lower budget, because they would not make enough money to them. Strider 2014 was the one of the few times they got their heads out of their asses, and GnG was made when Capcom got out of their dork age and took a risk (even if it's a small-medium one). I rest my case.
I guess the TL, DR version is that would I like remakes of DC1 & 2? Yes. Are they likely? I doubt it.
I don't care, as that was not my original point. The post said "what old ips would you like to see a new game in". Not "impossible to bring back, nor likely not to be remade". I want a new entry as one of my choices. That's it and nothing more. Not a constant negative argument about why it wouldn't work that goes nowhere.
And as simple as it is to rail against Capcom for that, I can understand why, since their budgets would be in the millions.
It's called having reasonable expectations and managing budget. They're working off their own engine, Capcom can more than afford it. It's not like they're using the Unreal Engine 5 or another 3rd party engine. Capcom don't have to pay for shit, as the RE engine is their own proprietary engine. Owned by them and no one else. That saves them so much money, because licensing engine fees are expensive.