Choo choo! All aboard the Complain Train!


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
So I generally like my job, but right now my biggest stressor is one of my co-worker. We work in a team of 3 and two of us are veterans at this and can generally cover everything as well as work on anything else needed. However, we have a newer coworker to the team(but not to the company) who just feels like he's the worst part of our jobs. He's barely competent at his job despite being here long enough to have learned it by repetition alone, not even counting the training we gave him for months. We're not sure if he doesn't understand his job or if he cannot focus, because we've noticed he tends to just let things slip and I've seen signs he gets easily distracted by non-work stuff like all the time.

Earlier today he stopped me when I was going on a short break to ask me a question, which I assumed was work related. It turns out, he had his work laptop open next to his station and I could see him tracking ruble prices and started trying to remind me of some idiotic scheme he had months ago to invest in rubles. I shut him down immediately and walked out, but my other coworker mentioned he wasn't acknowledging his job responsibilities and I immediately let her know about the exchange. She was livid, because him letting shit slip like this happens all the time.

It doesn't help he's wierdly opinionated about everything and man he wants to let me(or her)know about it. Mostly to complain and I just don't want to fucking talk to him at all except for either the most casual pleasantries or actual work stuff, because if i engage he's gonna start going off about how he thinks the high price of gas is a plot to make us all buy electric cars or how he only eats stuff he grew from his garden and only drinks water he pulled out of a well in the middle of nowhere because he doesn't trust the tap water at all. None of this is hyperbole, this is stuff he actually goes on about, and I've made it clear I really don't care. He can do what he wants but I really don't want to hear him ramble about it. I know I'm not the only one annoyed by it either, based on conversations with other co-workers.

Really, most of us are done with him and we've told our manager numerous times how he's more of a burden then a help, because it feels like we have to carry him through his job. I threatened to call out one day because I was tired of him being unable to do anything by himself and i had to clean up all his messes, which led me and my manager having a conversation about how, yeah, his inability to do his job has been very noticed and apparently is being dealt with.
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The face I make when I see unguarded pie.
Jan 9, 2011
I’m no theologian but if you’ve worked 8PM to 5AM, that sounds like a full 8 hour day assuming a 1 hour lunch. Shouldn’t that mean you’re on stand down until the next day for OH&S purposes?
Oh man. So, first, no lunch . Second, those protections unfortunately don't apply to certain professions where I live. Its honestly a little embarrassing, because like doctors don't get that protection since working an extra two hours saves a life that makes sense right? But for engineers and lawyers, its actually because we become human bottlenecks for industry and the legal system. If we hour-out it could effectively grind projects and proceedings to a halt, so the protections don't apply to us based on a societal belief that it makes sense to let people overwork themselves rather than let a couple important systems get stopped up. I think people in company management positions and teachers also get fucked over that way.

Really, most of us are done with him and we've told our manager numerous times how he's more of a burden then a help, because it feels like we have to carry him through his job. I threatened to call out one day because I was tired of him being unable to do anything by himself and i had to clean up all his messes, which led me and my manager having a conversation about how, yeah, his inability to do his job has been very noticed and apparently is being dealt with.
Ugh. I've worked with that kind of person before. At least it sounds like something is being done, although only time will tell I guess.
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Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
We had someone like that at my old work. I remember we had to sit through these mandatory training videos about being nice and not getting angry with the deadweight not getting stuff done on time, and people got angry at his for not watching them on time.
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Elite Member
Apr 28, 2020
United States
Not doing well mentally, this week.

I'm more less fully recovered from my leg surgery now. It still aches and getting up stairs is not an enjoyable experience, though completely doable. I have one of those types of metabolisms where my entire personality is grossly impacted by how much I exercise and how well I eat. If I'm not running everyday and eating salads I become sloth-like and depressed all the time. When my leg gave out last year I just kinda sunk into fastfood and junk food, sitting on the couch and doing nothing. Trying to turn that around now that my leg works is and is going to be an uphill battle. I'm like 45Lb overweight. I'm the guy who gets up and eats cheese at 3am uncontrollably. Of course this is all hides the fact that my alcoholism is so bad I literally can't have beer in the house, and I know in my heart I'll backslide at the first opportunity.

What I'm really worried about is what happens if I do get my act together. I don't really have a life outside of work. I won't survive if I don't find something useful to do with myself. I'm feeling like a bit of a talentless void. Some people can be happy with that. Like go to work, have kids, go to BBQs and sleep. That's just not me, I forgot to settle into some kind of permanent family. I gave that a couple shots. Just turned into screaming and divorce lawyers. I really don't want to do that again. I know I have skills, I've had short films play in theaters, won writing awards, I just don't feel motivated to do anything and I'm struggling to get my head back in the game.

I really admire people who have the courage to just suck on twitch or youtube until they find their stride. Some of the most famous authors on audible right now are just random guys who decided one day to start writing novellas and hit it big. I wish was like that.

Anyway thanks for listening to my talk "Christ millennials are pathetic"

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Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Not doing well mentally, this week.

I'm more less fully recovered from my leg surgery now. It still aches and getting up stairs is not an enjoyable experience, though completely doable. I have one of those types of metabolisms where my entire personality is grossly impacted by how much I exercise and how well I eat. If I'm not running everyday and eating salads I become sloth-like and depressed all the time. When my leg gave out last year I just kinda sunk into fastfood and junk food, sitting on the couch and doing nothing. Trying to turn that around now that my leg works is and is going to be an uphill battle. I'm like 45Lb overweight. I'm the guy who gets up and eats cheese at 3am uncontrollably. Of course this is all hides the fact that my alcoholism is so bad I literally can't have beer in the house, and I know in my heart I'll backslide at the first opportunity.

What I'm really worried about is what happens if I do get my act together. I don't really have a life outside of work. I won't survive if I don't find something useful to do with myself. I'm feeling like a bit of a talentless void. Some people can be happy with that. Like go to work, have kids, go to BBQs and sleep. That's just not me, I forgot to settle into some kind of permanent family. I gave that a couple shots. Just turned into screaming and divorce lawyers. I really don't want to do that again. I know I have skills, I've had short films play in theaters, won writing awards, I just don't feel motivated to do anything and I'm struggling to get my head back in the game.

I really admire people who have the courage to just suck on twitch or youtube until they find their stride. Some of the most famous authors on audible right now are just random guys who decided one day to start writing novellas and hit it big. I wish was like that.

Anyway thanks for listening to my talk "Christ millennials are pathetic"

View attachment 6569
Sorry to read of your troubles. Back in the day I put 4 screen plays in with the writer's guild and then real life interrupted and I made other plans. I think today the arts are more democratic than ever before imaginable. People as you note, are just publishing on youtube till they get it right. People are publishing their music to places like Spotify. A guy took 3 IPhone 5s and filmed the movie Tangerine. He just up and did it.

You can likely find freeware video and sound editing software out there.

At my age and health, with my AADD, and all my fun distractions, I know I can't get into that stuff anymore but its nice to know it is all there for those that want to make use of it.

Hope you find something fun to keep you busy.


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
I think I might have complained about this before, but it's always worth another mention.

I work in supply chain analytics, and on a daily basis, people reach out to me with information requests, and everyone wants everything lickity-split. Starts with a very vague email from them; I have to follow up requesting clarification, they conceded asking me when they can expect the results. I remind them that if the information they're wanting isn't readily available already, I'm having to start from scratch, so it could be a day or two, but I won't know how difficult it'll be until I dig into the request. They hesitantly thank me, but ask for a specifically timeframe as it's "urgent" (everything is "urgent.") If they don't hear from within a couple of hours or a day, they follow up with me asking how progress is coming. I assure them that they'll know when I know or have something to report. I finally complete the project, send it off asking if it meets their requirements, aaaaand....

Radio silence. Not even a "thank you."

Problem is, these kinds of requests are logged and marked "open" until the recipient acknowledges that they've got what they need, so my boss bugs me about open requests, and I can but tell him "these fuckers won't respond!" I follow up, again and again trying to get an answer; it's often days and on rarer occasion WEEKS for me to get a response, and it's usually an "oh, sorry; yeah, we're good now."

This is probably the only thing I miss about working in the office; I'd let them ignore me or "oopsie, missed your email" once, after that, I'd be standing at their desk. If your priorities are suddenly my priorities, you can take a moment to make mine yours. Common fucking workplace etiquette.


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Well, bend me over and shove a cactus up my ass. Last night, while doing a load of laundry, our washer started to leak. It wasn't bad, small puddle, but we couldn't find where it was leaking from. As we're about to leave for our river trip in a couple of days, we called a plumbing service (a-fucking-gain) to try and resolve it before the weekend. He came today, and $425 dollars later, told us it might have been a small clog that ultimately got pushed through as he couldn't replicate a "live" leak, but a +40-foot camera inspection showed us a lot of buildup... under our foundation.

We've opted for the cheapest solution for now, jetting the pipes on our western wall (shared by our kitchen sink, dishwasher and clothes washer) for about $1,200 which he said will work for that section that's been giving us fits the past few years, but under the foundation where a larger problem is looming? He couldn't even quote us, and that's never a good sign.

Anybody wanna buy a house? As-is?
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Mister Mumbler

Pronounced "Throat-wobbler Mangrove"
Jun 17, 2020
Nowhere, Middle of
United States
Speaking of "new complaint, same as the old complaint", the very same complaint that spurred me to make this thread even. It's the height of summer here again and it is a sweltering 108°F here at my workstation. Inside, with the A/C (such as it is...) on.

I want to die.


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
Ah, don't you love it when you give someone your last price then they come right back at you with something lower? At least it's a useful filter for serious buyers I suppose.
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Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Clicking on a story fronted by facebook and being taken to a site that has a bazillion stories NOT what you were clicking for.
That's why I don't even bother any more. Facebook is 90% clickbait, 5% pictures people have taken of their meals that no one looks at, 3% my "friends" ranting about ideals diametrically opposed to the people I thought they were, 1% my mom using the platform like one who should be texting and not posting, and 1% the actual entertaining and funny stuff I like. If I'd have found TikTok before Facebook, I likely wouldn't have bothered with the latter at all, but apparently the Chinese are trying to use TikTok to dismantle the American institution because, y'know, cat videos with funny voiceovers is where one naturally would start a process like that.
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Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
That's why I don't even bother any more. Facebook is 90% clickbait, 5% pictures people have taken of their meals that no one looks at, 3% my "friends" ranting about ideals diametrically opposed to the people I thought they were, 1% my mom using the platform like one who should be texting and not posting, and 1% the actual entertaining and funny stuff I like. If I'd have found TikTok before Facebook, I likely wouldn't have bothered with the latter at all, but apparently the Chinese are trying to use TikTok to dismantle the American institution because, y'know, cat videos with funny voiceovers is where one naturally would start a process like that.
I won't click on the story ads ever again. I do get to wish happy birthday to people when prompted. I suppose that could be a text but this is simpler. You can join groups of particular interests, like whole pages for where you work, city/town in which you live, particular interests like harvesting honey from bees. But I click on something that reads something that might interest me like, "Spideman vs Batman movie planned!" and I click on it... and there are just pages and pages of not Spiderman vs. Batman. Never again.
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Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
The data on the SD card that I was using for my 3d printer got corrupted and I lost all the files on it. Like an idiot I did not back-up the files on my computer.

It's not the biggest loss in the world, I had already printed most of the files I had on that card, but there were a couple of simple 3D models that I'll have to remake, and some profile info that I'm going to have to remake and re-apply to the printer.
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