"Debate my very real and important distraction!"
I'm pro-vaccination in general. Getting a Hep B one just because my work is legally obligated to pay for it
Hey man, you're the one that says the right fights for their morals. There's their morals.
And? Nothing more damning to the "the country was made for equality" argument then saying the country wouldn't even exist without codifying many forms of blatant inequality.
That's just lying to protect your pride at this point. Are you so utterly incapable of admitting you're wrong that you're ignoring that gay marriage was decided on a 5-4 vote less than a decade ago and that the court has dramatically shifted towards the 4?
Throwing a marginalized group under the bus because they don't count is fascism. What rights of yours are up for grabs, seeing as abortions and anything LGBT don't apply to you? What of yours is an acceptable loss? Anything?
EDIT: No fault divorce is on the chopping block too. Is that worthy enough to fight for?
This thread shows some very stark differences that you are bound and determined to ignore. What's the third option besides "vote for this techno-bro who's party can't even hold a mayorship"?
That is quite possibly the stupidest thing I've ever heard. They had to draft two whole amendments to even get the ball rolling on anything approaching equality and you think, what, they just forgot the 9th was a thing? If the 9th doesn't work for abortion, other healthcare, water, housing, fucking anything else, why the fuck would it work for slavery. The 9th Amendment was the first one conservatives took behind the woodshed and put two slugs into
Having prisoners work is not slavery.
You for covid vaccines, yes or no?
Not everything a person let alone a political party does is fighting for their morals.
That's how things were at the time. Doing the best you can at the time is bad? If we can change 1 thing in healthcare now to make it better and help at least some people, should it not be done because there's still a lot wrong with healthcare?
Again, the votes are based on arguments presented, not on the morality of something. It's not like someone went to the SC and said gay marriage should be allowed because of morals, they went up there with a legal argument. The SC is not the moral court. It's just like RBG said Roe was argued poorly and a different argument would be a lot more legally solid.
Reformed healthcare also helps gay people probably even more than gay marriage does. If you have the option to do Thing_A that helps 100 people and Thing_B that helps 10 people, which one do you think you should prioritize? It's not throwing Thing_B under the bus, it's just doing it at a later time.
What stark differences? You mean like one's the face and one's the heel but they're playing the same game?
Like said, you have to make a legal argument. You can't just go up to the SC and say slavery is bad and have them figure out for you that it's against the current laws.
Does Phoenixmgs get a quarter everytime he posts that liberal hypocricy video or something - I've seen him post that thing at least 4 times now.
Because you all hand wave away all the bad policies the dems put into place, their policies create more inequality than the right's.
Oh lol. If they objected to a major plank of the opinion they wouldn't have fucking signed it.
I'm sorry, but the majority of SCOTUS Justices signed an opinion in direct contradiction to your view. You're going to have to come to terms with that.
Why even hold an election in Russia if votes don't decide the outcome? Same answer. Its a show.
Trans people lost the right to join the military, until the ban was repealed last year. Various state governors have signed bills banning trans kids from involvement in athletics, or barring them from using appropriate bathrooms. There have also been several motions to allow discrimination against gay customers if its on religious grounds.
The annual number of anti-LGBTQ bills to have been filed has skyrocketed over the past several years, from 41 in 2018 to 238 in less than three months of this year.
^ aaaand over 670 bills aimed at restricting or removing LGBT+ rights or protections have been filed since 2018. And that number is rising precipitously; over 300 were in 2022 alone.
Except Dem voters overwhelmingly support same sex marriage, and Dem justices in the SCOTUS also supported Obergefell, whereas Republican justices didn't.
A major plank of the single justice's opinion was not that other things like gay marriage need to be reexamined.
It's a show in America too...
So there is no ban on trans military? So they have that right it looks like. Athletics is based on sex, not gender. Stores have always been allowed to discriminate based on anything, it's private property, they can tell you to leave because you have on jorts if they want. Again, what rights, just sounds like they might not be able to use the bathroom they want... and like where is that actually gonna be enforced...?
And dems vote on things that majorly help gay people? Because they actually don't vote on such things.
I'm very willing to say that there is Liberal hypocrisy. Eg. Affirmative Action didn't stop Liberals looking down on minorities when they were picked and started entering schools/colleges
Also, Johnny Harris has done a lot of hypocrisy. In fact, most of his videos since he ventured out on his own.
Here's another one...
When you actually look at what dem policy has done, it's caused a lot of inequality. Red states have more overall equality than blue states.