Says you. The Justices disagree. You're not even trying to address this anymore; just responding with, "nuh-uh it's this way".
This doesn't address the question at all. Let me ask it again in the dim hope for an answer.
You consider gay marriage to be legally completely solid. You also consider the SCOTUS Justices to be led by an understanding of law, rather than their personal prejudices. Correct? So, then, why did the Republican Justices vote against Obergefell? How do you square those two facts?
And like I already said, it's literally, undeniably illegal to discriminate against customers on certain grounds.
The fact that you believe that discrimination is purely legal in the US, and that market forces will just naturally sort discrimination out, is peak naivete. I hate to tell you this, but a lot of establishments would discriminate on the basis of race, sexuality, religion, and a dozen other grounds if they could. They are prevented from doing so by law. And the Republican Party pushes to undo that.
Cool argument.
You're just responding with fear mongering bullshit that isn't true. The justices don't disagree, the one said it should be reconsidered, not that gay marriage is not protected by the constitution.
Because the argument was just that gay marriage should be legal because it just should vs making strong arguments on why it's actually unfair. When left with such vague argument, you can use the law to say either conclusion really. I think only one of the dissenters even brought up anything along the lines of the historical argument you keep saying is why they'd be against it.
I'm not saying that doesn't help. I'm saying in a real racist town, the law will not be enforced.
Yeah, cool argument as you don't post anything to the contrary and just say the opposite of me.
The man arguing that slavery doesn't count because the average person doesn't think that slavery is slavery is now saying that mandating the MMR vaccine and forcing somebody to remain medical equipment to a whole other person for nine months at great physical and mental cost to themselves are the same thing. Amazing. Explain to me how you want measles to make a comeback? And before you say "but that's not covid", it's still a vaccine mandate. Same logic applies
And it would still be wrong. Hilarious argument by the way "oh but if they got rid of tax breaks, it would be fine to let one set of adults get married but ban a different set of adults from getting married". Like, you know that if they aren't equal, than one set is disadvantaged, yeah? That's baked in? How the fuck you you have two sets of people somehow not be equal, but also not have advantage or disadvantage?
The ideals for most of them were that women and poor folk were too stupid to vote, that black people weren't really people if you think about it, and that the natives should be forced to move and should be shot if they didn't. Because that's what ended up being written. That's how this works.
Why would it have to be? The 9th was used to try and protect the right to vote and yet we needed the 14th and a whole fucking slew of laws to actually make that happen. The fuck do you think it would do to slavery?
Hey man, you started it. Now you're deflecting to Cosby instead of owning up to the fact that the very cut and dry 14th amendment gay marriage case getting decided 5-4 and the 4 is 6 now.
Correct, most of the country, on a systemic level, is still very racist and not the bastion of equality you're pretending it always was
...if it wasn't theirs to give, then any Democrat effort to codify Roe federally was doomed from the start, because that wasn't the federal government's right to give. You get that, right? And yet you're still here blasting them for it? You're mad at the democrats for not doing something you think they weren't allowed to do anyway.
So now I'm voting for Democrats because if I don't, the GOP is gonna change Montana's constitution and, based on laws in other states, start forcing child rape victims to remain pregnant even if it cripples them long term
The difference between the covid mandates and MMR mandates is one stops viruses from circulating and the other doesn't. If something is only helping me, why should I be forced to get it? Are you gonna force people not the drink pop (which causes far more death and medical issues than covid could ever cause)? There's a reason why haven't had pop in over 20 years. Even abortion has more people it's affecting than the covid vaccine. And the difference between having prisoners work and owning people is massive.
That was your argument not mine...
Gay people could just make their own church and have marriage if the government didn't recognize marriage and the normal churches wouldn't marry them so how would they be unequal in that scenario? The could do exactly what straight people could then. You actually have to be disadvantaged in some way to not be equal.
Where is that written in the Declaration or Constitution?
It still has to be argued, I really don't understand how you don't understand this. If you were told you can't say something and didn't use the 1st amendment as your defense, then that's on you.
Most people live in very populated areas (I wanna say it's like 80% without re-looking it up) and those people aren't very racist at all. Maybe the majority of the land of the US is racist but not most of the people.
AGAIN, YOU DON'T GET IT, IT'S THE FUCKING ARGUMENTS!!! Roe wasn't argued well at all, they didn't use the 14th amendment for example, they didn't do what RGB said should've been argued. The manner in which Roe was argued, it wasn't the federal government's right to give. If you argue it like RGB wanted, then it might be.
Almost like systemic racism is a thing.
It was already given. I don't give a flying fuck on what supposed shitty argument it was based, the only argument that matters is that women have the right to their own bodies, and Roe v. Wade gave them that. End of story. The fact that it needed to be given at all was fucking disgusting, and the fact that Republicans took it away is even more revolting.
Systemic racism that is perpetuated by left polices...
You should vote for people that you want to vote for.
You're just ignoring the fact that there's a whole other body present in the abortion debate. If it was just women having a right to do with their body what they want, it wouldn't be a thing that is argued now here in the US and literally the rest of the world.