Maybe not a hot take, so much as just not something anyone really cares about at all, but this came to mind after watching Thor Love and Thunder. I do have the hot take of actually quite liking that movie, but that's not what this post is about. Rather, it's about a certain character in the movie...Miek.
Yes, the sidekick to Thor's sidekick Korg, that Miek. I don't have a problem with her as a character, because there's not a lot to her character to have a problem with. She's basically just there to have a few jokes at her expense and be half of the "those two guys" group. Why do I bring her up, then?
Well, you see, in the comics, Miek actually plays a pretty major role in one of the Hulk storylines. Specifically, he is the catalyst that leads to World War Hulk. And yes, HE. You see, Thor Love and Thunder confirmed that the MCU version of Miek is female, as opposed to the male version in the comics.
I don't care about them gender-flipping Miek in concept. It doesn't upset me. It just...confuses me. I can get wanting more female representation, but of all characters to gender-flip in order to do that...they chose one of the most minor characters in the Thor series. I'm not even sure if Miek gets more representation than the Warriors Three, which Thor Love and Thunder actively joked about how underrepresented they were. If you are going to gender-flip a character in order to have more women in your movie, why not do so with a character that at least has lines?